In the mad busy in the TWENTY-first century, which is rare, even among young people, there are problems of erection. But only a few of them are resolved to go to your doctor, or buy proven drugs that increase the power. Pharmacy tool is not always necessary, because in most cases, the cause of decline of erection is the regression of the overall tone of the body. To resolve this problem, you can use the simple layout of the recipes of the population. An increase of the power of the means of the population — this is the best solution to this problem. It must be acknowledged that the difficulties related to impotence, and there was all the time, and therefore many centuries, healers, and wizards had effective means of treatment.
They have used hundreds of recipes and other means of effective remedies that have managed to return the virile force without the use of chemical substances components. There are a number of natural products and procedures that can help you achieve the enhancement of potency in men, such as:
- plan (the more often it is customary to eat healthy);
- the reception of infusions and decoctions (for example, it is fashionable to consume herbal teas);
- bath, steam bath, massage.
Before you begin to cure erectile dysfunction using home remedies, you need to understand what has caused the problem. It can occur due to:
- The disease (for example, associated with the cardio-vascular system or diabetes).
- Psychological problems (stress, depression, lethargy, and fatigue). In this case, the most effective methods will be the measures to take to relieve the tension and relaxation: massage, showers and a steam bath.
The plan

Is not a secret that most of the products have the ability to have a positive impact on male potency. Need to eat normally and eat healthy and balanced food, as well as to focus on product reviews. The most useful for improving the power are:
- Beans and meat. It is a food rich in proteins which are essential to man, because it is up to them contains the energy of creation of the erection. Also in the meat has zinc, which, in the opinion of андрологов, promotes a better development of sperm, improves the quality and quantity. Lovers of the exotic and gourmet can eat blackbirds or pheasants, which will positively affect the improvement of the erectile function. Even the applications and the possibilities of more simple, can easily make индюшкой, beef, and other types of lean meat.
- The honey is a great way to increase the power, it may be used alone or in combination with other ingredients. If you do not have erection problems, all the same, it will strengthen the body and the word in the prevention of many diseases.
Recipes With honey
- Mix with the chopped nuts that you like (walnuts, peanuts, cashew nuts, hazelnuts). Take this mixture two tablespoons for 30 days before bedtime. Also, you can be added in a blender or grinder dried apricots, and this is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
- Prepare the following recipe: take 0.5 kg of nuts, 100 ml of aloe juice and 300 g of honey. Take this medication by 30 g of each day, before meals.
- Rub the two heads of garlic into a paste, add a teaspoon of honey and take this mixture on half of a table spoon twice a day.
- Take in the proportions 1:1, ginger root, chop it, add the honey and take it to the spoon 3 times per day.
- Take a half-litre of dry red wine, 200 g type of honey, 100 g of seeds of persil and plantain, 50 g of aloe juice. Let the mixture brewed. Eat a tablespoon before handling food.
- Add a little honey, the juice of carrot in the proportions 1:1 and drink at any time of the day, when you want.
Other products
- Garlic. Can be eaten raw, eating 3 pods every day. It is a tool very rapid increase will have an impact on the power.
- The nuts contain a lot of vitamin E and arginine, which are essential for a good erection. The most useful considered nuts, they contain vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. To get the maximum benefit, eat 10 to 15 pieces per day.
- Eggs. In this product many of the vitamins, fatty acids and proteins. The most useful as they are raw. Unfortunately, do not always have the opportunity to buy a proven egg quality. If you purchased it in the store, it is best to cook it. Eat 1 piece per day. Also, instead of chicken, you can eat eggs of quail, in which the nutrients even more. The doctors say that the effect that a part of the replace the world famous Viagra. A recipe good to drink: Take 2 eggs, mix with 20 g of brandy, 120 ml of mineral water, a teaspoon of sugar and slices of lemon. This drink will help you relieve fatigue and recover strength. The online forums are full of the multitude of recipes with this product.
- The pumpkin seeds. They can be eaten in the cheese or any other form. Contain a lot of the nitrile to the acid.
- Dairy products. Most men, unfortunately, gives them not enough attention, but in vain, because there are all necessary for the enhancement of erectile function and vitamins of group B, c, E, folic acid, selenium and beta-carotene. Simply drink a glass of milk per day, to maintain normal calcium-magnesium balance in the body. You can also eat cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt and cheese. In folk medicine, there is a new medicine for increase power: - 2 tablespoons of grated carrots and pour a glass of milk, boil and cook for about ten minutes. Take 100 grams means 3 times per day.
- The fish and seafood. They contain a lot of protein needed for energy and zinc, the protecting of prostatitis, as well as phosphorus, an essential element for the genesis of sperm healthy and prolong the sexual act.
- The citrus fruit. Excellent sources of potassium, providing the elasticity of the muscles and the support of the power. In addition, content in the vitamin c (in excess) enhances the orgasm. In folk medicine, recipes, medicines milk: take 2 tablespoons of grated carrots, pour a glass of milk, bring to the boil and simmer for about 10 minutes. Take 100 g of this tool, 3 times per day.
- Herbs and vegetables. Cooked and the stew of tomatoes, strengthen the function of the gonads. Basil, persil, celery, and cilantro is not only the diversity of the map, but will have an impact on the human body, the normalization of the sexual function. The daily application of spinach will improve the blood flow of the penis. Also, you can use the beets, the cabbage and the carrots.
- The fruit. Without their presence in the diet of the body is unable to produce male hormones that support the power. With the exception of their introduction into the diet, simultaneously is worth to abandon the consumption of sugar (replaced with honey). Everything it inhibits the production of endorphins, and this influences in a negative way on the sharpness and the brightness of the orgasm. Also, refrain from simple carbohydrates (products with a high content of glucose) and fatty foods.
- As the diversity and enhance the taste of the dishes daily with the use of the masculine power, it is recommended to add a variety of spices and condiments, such as:
- cardamom;
- lovage;
- the pepper chile;
- ginger;
- cinnamon;
- the nutmeg;
- the caraway seeds.
The ginger is a pathogen natural, stimulating blood circulation in the pelvic organs, improves the quality of sex. Here is a popular recipe of the famous drink "hot Wine to the power": take in the proportions 1:1 of raisins, dried apricots, prunes, crush the dried fruit in a meat grinder, add the cinnamon, the cloves, the sugar, the cardamom, fill it out, dry red wine and keep on low heat for about 60 minutes, stirring occasionally. Drink a drink just before intercourse or before the evening meal.
The medicinal plants

Their regular consumption of very good help to solve the problem of reducing the power, are not addictive and side effects. The most useful is the preparation of infusions and decoctions.
- Make a herbal tea. To do this, take 30 g of verbena and 50 g of nettle. 3 tablespoons of the mixture, pour into a thermos and pour three cups of boiling water. Require the tool of a night. Filter in the morning and drink 3 times per day for up to 60 minutes before meals.
- The infusion of the daffodil. A tablespoon, pour a cup of boiling water, put the lid on and hold for about two hours. Drink the decoction of the small portions throughout the day and eat after the drugs almonds.
- Make an infusion with the collection of herbs. Take 100 grams of seeds of nettle, surepki and root aira. Add 70 g of root of marshmallow, leaves of plantain, the prize pool of the one, leshchiny and podmarennika. Mix the mixture and mix well. Take three tablespoons of this collection, and pour 3 cups of boiling water. Let stand one hour, then strain and drink a glass three times a day.
- The infusion of cloves. Powder plant in the amount of a tablespoon, pour 200 ml of hot milk, put the lid on and let sit for about 2 hours. Then, strain, add the honey and the cinnamon. Drink two times per day, decoction will improve the quantity and quality of sperm and boost the power.
- Use of the dye with barvinok. It is a plant that is very useful for the health of men, it strengthens the erectile tissues of the penis and prolong the sex act. You will need the stems and leaves. Take them and pour vodka in a ratio of 1:5, let stand, covered, in the sun (which activates the medicinal properties of the plant), from time to time, preventing the mixture for 10 days. Filter the liquor, and take a tablespoon three times a day. Continue to drink until you reach a long-lasting improvement of sexual power.
- And here's a special recipe of the tincture aphrodisiac of limonnika. 50 g of raw pour a glass of vodka and let it sit for two weeks in a container dark. Take half a teaspoon three times per day. At the end of a week the power will become stronger, severe, and prolonged. Take all of six months to 15 days in a row.
- Tincture of root kalgana. Take 50 grams of raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Strain and take a teaspoon 2 times per day.
- Gingko biloba. This exotic plant, you can find that in the sale. It contains a lot of useful items, well nourished by the oxygen of the blood, improves the inflow of the penis and improves erection.
- Dyeing with leaves ivan-tea. Stimulates the function of the endocrine system and increases the production of testosterone. A pot of the exhibition, allows you to eliminate the stress.
- Tincture of epimedium improves erectile function, increases libido and gives the acuity of the senses. A continuous application of will be of the seed of the thickness, will improve the motility of the sperm, which increases the chances of success of ivf.
Popular physiotherapy
The lack of daily activities, the excess of saunas and wear lingerie slinky negative effect on erectile function.
- A shower. To improve the power, you can use the natural physiotherapy, which is recommended in the traditional medicine, such as the plain of showers. It will be useful in the improvement of the power, but also to solve problems of too fast ejaculation. The temperature change of the water jets of water directed on the stomach, improves blood circulation pelvic. Low pressure to gently massage the testicles. Continue this procedure in the morning and in the evening, it is very useful for the lovers of close linen, and someone who likes to often take a bath.
- A therapeutic bath. Make an infusion of bay leaves: 50 grams to 1 litre of boiling water. Pour in a water bath and take it for a half hour.
- The ice-pack. This is a useful method to improve the power. Finely chop the ice, wrap it in five layers of gauze and alternately applied to different parts of the body: the chest, the scrotum, the neck, focusing on each point for about a minute. Repeat this several times.
- Gorchichniki. It is forgotten an old remedy to improve erection. Apply to the soles of the feet. The mustard will cause a movement of blood, which goes in the bottom right of the genital organs, and strengthen the power.
- The moon of the compress. It turns out, the honey can be taken not only inside and outside, making him apply. Dilute 200 grams of honey in 1 liter of water. Soak in this solution with a towel and apply pressure to the base of the member 2 times per day for ten minutes.
- The acupressure. Thanks to a pressure on the various points reached the therapeutic effect. Those who are in charge of the power, are on the heels. You can pass the massage, gently press on the heel, gently at first, and gradually boost the pressure. Before having sex, massage the area on the belly just above the line of the end of the growth of the pubic hair. This strengthens the power.
- Global Massage of the body. This method increases the blood circulation and helps to improve erections. Much more effective massage with application of aromatherapy oils, especially if its going to do the favourite wife.
Of course, in the context of an article can't cover all the recipes of herbal teas, infusions and dishes, as well as methods and means to increase the power. You need to be careful that all of the recipes will not give you instant results, be patient, improve come. In addition, you can use several tools and procedures, so that the result manifest much faster, an integrated approach is always more effective. Ask the woman favorite to help you in the preparation of revenue and the execution of procedures, it will improve their effectiveness over time.
Before using herbal remedies to consult a doctor. In case of allergic reactions, immediately stop taking the tincture or herbal teas.