Despite the fact that the vast majority of the specialists and the women themselves said that the size of men's penis do not matter (if you don't take really severe deviation in both directions), it is rare that a man is satisfied with the dimensions of his member.
Want to have more and more thick, for all the jealous and the women represented on your loves and exploits in the bed of the legends and songs. Obvious is the madness! And of madness, as is well known, the gods themselves fight powerless".
So let's try to clarify the question is it possible to increase male member?
If the response is categorical and without too much detail, then the answer – on, happiness! – positive. And if bring more details of the methods of increase of a member are divided into two groups – surgical and non-surgical (physical and pharmaceutical).
The surgical methods

The increase in a member of a surgical operation may be to the lengthening and thickening. The operation of lengthening of a member is done without injury (left or right o-shaped scar the length up to 3cm) and cut a bundle of muscles, retaining member from above, the position of its changed a bit, he begins to find himself on the pubis below. Naturally, the erection of a member will also have a little bit different, to the horizontal. The lengthening of a member as a result of such an operation is possible centimetres on four.
The simplest method to increase the thickness of the penis is a graft under the skin of a member of adipose tissue of the patient, which take, for example, at the level of the hips. Then, this fat (approximately 200 ml) is cleaned in a special way and is injected under the skin. After which, the member is superimposed with a special bandage, which must be worn throughout the week.
During a transaction under the skin of the penis is introduced an excessive amount of grease, so that the greater part of his body will and process. But after a week uniform penis enlargement does not happen, it will take a lot more time.
During the surgical procedure of this kind is necessary "quarantine" abstinence from sexual intercourse for a period of 5 to 6 weeks. In the worst case, the effect of the operation of the thickening member disappears at the end of six months, in the best will remain for many years.
The success or failure of the operation at the time of surgery depends on the experience and skill of the surgeon.
The questions of the prosthesis of penis at the time of serious pathologies, also, are fixed by surgery, but here, we will not consider.
Pharmaceutical Techniques
Modern medicines sufficiently large in the list of food supplements and creams for the penis, thanks to a better blood irrigation of the penis and the corpora cavernosa, which will cause her a certain degree of growth.
All such action drugs have incorporated to the effect, when the patient has recorded an increase in sexual desire, more pronounced and prolonged erections, a powerful orgasm bright, is excluded premature (rapid) ejaculation, eliminate the symptoms of prostatitis, and the disease is not hidden, and healed.
In addition, significantly increases self-esteem, it is the impact of drugs carries a psychophysiological nature.
The minimum duration of the drugs of plant origin – 4 months 1 to 2 tablets two times per day, but not more than 6.
The natural ingredients of drugs can, within a period of six months, to increase by a quarter the volume and the length of the member, but also greatly improve the quality and frequency of sexual intercourse. Contra-indications (e.g. individual intolerance) has not been revealed.
Physical methods of penis enlargement
The methods of physics, including an impact on the penis to enlarge, are quite different:
• They allow – special tools constantly hidden port, have on a member's long-term traction from it, which leads to an increase of cell division and increase the length and thickness of the penis; in reality, this method is not worth of doubt it, because its mechanism is just like when the extreme piercings on the lobes of the ears;
• Manual therapy, self-massage of the penis – the most ancient method of penis enlargement, not to be confused with masturbation. There are a few techniques performed, they are all based on stretching and deep, intense massage, has resulted in the strengthening of the inflow of blood to the member and to its growth. Requires fairly regular and long procedures;
• the vacuum pump or pumps for penis work by creating in the cylinder of a certain dilution of the air, thanks to what it can do serious swelling of one member with an influx of blood, which causes the growth of the cells and the fixing of the effect. It is advisable to prevent, to do with this instrument, you must without sectarianism, by increasing the load on the member gradually;
• the technique of the "coat hanger" – quite a rare method of penis enlargement, thanks to the suspension through compensate for the dressing of a certain weight on the head of the penis, what happens stretching member and the cavernous body with an effect similar to the application of a multiplier, but here the charges more serious.
In conclusion, it is to be noted that looking to increase their member the best to start with the methods of pharmacological and consultations with the andrologist. And it should be noted that the size, probably, everything has a value, but not for women, and to improve your self esteem personal. But for the woman the main thing – to be loved!