Apply the vacuum pump can be to any man who wants to enhance his manhood. It helps improve the blood circulation in the genital organs, which leads to the manifestation of these effects:

- The increase of the fullness of the corpora cavernosa – is the cause of the increase of the size. Usually gives a short-term effect, which decrease the erection stops. But when the systematic and the use of video instructions for the vacuum pump, you can attach the result obtained with a minimum risk of occurrence of side effects. Also made the correction in the form of a member of his recovery.
- The strengthening of the erection is achieved by increasing the blood flow in the penis. The use of the vacuum pump in men, contributing to the restoration of the solid erection, which may persist for some time.
- The improvement of the blood supply, which occurs because of the artificial growth of the circulation of blood in the pelvic region. The stimulation of the blood circulation, as you can see on the video, which demonstrates how to use vacuum pump for men, helps to strengthen the transport of blood through the vessels and to avoid circulatory disorders. It is when the violation of the blood flow in the pelvic region may develop diseases such as haemorrhoids and prostatitis.
- The increase in sensitivity is obtained due to hyperemia of tissue. This helps make the sensation of sex more and more vivid, and stronger orgasms.
An important moment!
Not necessarily need to be familiar with the operating instructions, which describes how to properly and safely use the vacuum pump. In case of misuse, you can get the opposite effect – adjustment of the sensitivity of the penis reduces, and getting the orgasm will be very difficult.
Use of the vacuum pump is based on the alternation of pressure. The device consists of sealed tubes and fittings for the suction of the air.
There are open and closed tube.
- In tubes open lack a special ring on the base. Such a tube is more difficult to create this vacuum, require more conditions for normal operation.
- Closed tubes, the use is facilitated by the special presence of the ring. This ring allows you to achieve a greater sealing, which leads to the relief of the vacuum creation. The use of the vacuum pump on the video in most cases, shows it is with such devices. The ring allows you to slow down the flow of blood to the penis which helps to obtain a more strong and long lasting erection.
During the creation of the lower pressure inside the tube in the cavernous body member begins actively flowing blood. This leads to what the member is hard, and the men occurs erection.
To strengthen the erection of the device can be used before the sexual act. This application allows you to enlarge the penis and greatly extend the period of excitation. For this, you need to use the vacuum pump to increase in the initial stages of the excitation. The prevention of the application of the device to use not a member state.
Having learned about the existence of increase the size of the penis from the pump, the men first want to study the principle of its action. As it has already been said previously, the device several times improves the blood circulation in the genital organs. Thanks to this, are provided by the following effects:
- Increased filling of the corpora cavernosa. This is what leads to the penis becoming larger. The effect goes with the disappearance of erection. If you use the pump regularly, then the chances of a fixation result in a significant increase.
- Enhanced erection. The state is achieved through an influx of blood to the intimate zone. Thanks to the sustainable restoration is an erection that may last up to several hours.
- Improvement of blood circulation. Such an effect is the advent of the artificial circulation of biological liquid in the area of the location of the pelvic organs. The pump improves the transport of blood, which solves the problem of circulatory disorders. And this is a great prevention, prevents the development of prostatitis, and hemorrhoids.
- The increase of the sensitivity. This result responds to the congestion of the tissues. The pump makes the sexual act more intense, and the orgasm high.
To obtain such effects will not be that these men who use the device in accordance with the instructions.
If in the course of the performance of the manipulation will be admitted to mistakes, you can count on the opposite.
Vacuum pump is a simple tool, consisting of a transparent light bulb in latex sections of the rubber bulb that connects to the tube, resin or other device, performing the function of the pump.
Advanced of the bulb can be filled from a vibrator, the amplifiers of the erection. Also a ring that fits on the base of his penis, after the commencement of the erection, if you consider the sexual act.
The penis is placed in a bottle, begin pumping the air out of the rubber pear. Thanks to a negative pressure in the balloon is reinforced by an influx of blood to the sex and to the authority. Keep it in this position, the pump for 1 minute, and then open a valve, the air comes out, a member of the original appearance.
Thanks to a simple principle of action, but very effective method, you can obtain an improvement in the power, increase the sexual organ, get rid of some diseases. Vacuum pump recommend specialists as one of the most effective, safe means. The device has no contraindications, you can use at any age.
How does the pump

The principle of operation is quite simple. Using a vacuum around the penis occurs, low pressure, causes a stimulation of the blood circulation. Thanks to this, the tissue cavernosa fill with blood, which occurs a rapid increase and the solidification of the penis. A similar phenomenon in medicine is called hyperthermia.
During an erection fabric member to shed the blood of this, they have strongly swell. The vacuum stimulates the blood vessels and helps to keep the size of a member from 30 to 60 minutes. Also this device, you can use it instead of a masseur.
The pressure in the balloon widens the arteries, greatly increasing the flow of blood and the size of the penis. A member after the pump is much more than during the excitement.
Do not abuse the vacuum pump during use. The sexual organ does not become more than a, but here are bleeding, bruising and other complications can occur!
How to use it effectively to enlarge the penis?
To avoid the side effects of the application of the vacuum pump, you will need to use this equipment.
The pump has the statement, following the rules which you can learn how to use the equipment properly.
To protect themselves from the injury of the penis when using the vacuum pump, you need to choose a model of the equipment, it is equipped with a safety valve. This element protects the penis from injury due to a sudden drop in pressure in the tube.
The manual vacuum pump:
- Even before the first use, the vacuum of a penis enlarger a tube of this equipment, it is necessary to wash in warm water with soap. Boil and blanch the device can not be, because this would lead to a failure.
- Need to find the nozzle from the base of the cylinder and wear on it a little bit of fat.
- The penis is fully relaxed form, you must introduce it slowly until the stopper into the tube. Before the procedure, you must reach the ejaculation, in order that the authority be completely relaxed.
- Block the ball with one hand, you have to start pumping the air bulb.
- After aspiration of the air, you need to check the tightness of the bulb.
- After a certain time the men occurs erection. The penis can be a bit of a blush, which will be regarded as the standard.
- A half-minute of the vial using the open of the valve it is necessary to give the air.
- When erection disappears, all actions are repeated.
The first time the duration of exposure should not exceed 30 seconds. Gradually this rate may be increased up to 40-seconds, minutes, and so on. The same thing is valid for a period of "rest".
In the event that an erection too quickly disappearing, the need to resort to the use of the ring. This element would reduce the blood flow to the penis.
It must be remembered that the use of the vacuum pump does not imply the application equipment, which has already been exploited by another man.
Any device that affects the genitals of the man must be individual.
Vacuum the enlarger, kept in a box to protect the equipment against the negative effects.
To properly use the pump, the enlargement of the penis, you need to take into account the peculiarities of its functioning. If the equipment is equipped with the air pump, first from the equipment to pump the air.
When it reached the maximum of their erection, you must take the ring and wear it on a basis of a member. This element will allow to avoid escalation of the disappearance of erection.
If it is empty accessories with hydro pump, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the use of this material:
- The male is required to take a bath filled with warm water. This helps relax the scrotum, which is important in case of use of the hydro-pump.
- Before using the device to achieve ejaculation. After that, you can immerse the pump in water and enter the penis.
- The bezel of amortization of the ring of the pump must be equipped with a attached to the region of the scrotum.
- You must gradually create a vacuum. The water is useless, you can get off using a valve, which is equipped with hydro-pump for the men.
- When pumping does not work, you need to relax and wait for 5 minutes. After all the actions are repeated.
To empty the pump of several manufacturers, or advertisers, positioning itself as a tool to enhance the penis. The change occurs through a regular training of the muscles, of the purification cavernosa of the bull, which prevent the supply of blood.
When the natural erection of the filling member of blood increases up to 7 times, when using the pump, this number is 12. With regular use of the device, you can get increase in penis of a few centimeters.
In fact, to get the desired result, it will not a month of daily training sessions. In most cases, the increase in the size of the penis occurs, but lasts the effect is of short duration. Under the influence of the pump into the sexual organ comes from a larger quantity of blood, that it was so natural of an erection, of course, a member increases. But the penalty to stop the use of the device, everything will return to normal.
However, in a situation where the member was a large, and then decreased in size because of the weakness of the erection, the pump will be able to bring back the old values. Resumes the flow of blood, make the exercise of the muscles, are cleaned corpora cavernosa.

All the vacuum pump are similar in design on account of their principle of operation. The container in which feature of the male body is a plastic bottle with segmentations. With it in the game is sealing the nozzle and the pear, which is inflated to the pressure inside the bulb.
There are devices with additional devices: buttons, pressure adjustment, pressure gauges, relief valves.
In the manual of the air is pumped out and removed with the help of the pear or of the piston. Their application is the fact that they are available to every man who seeks to increase their genitals.
Automatic, a vacuum is created with the help of an electric pump running on batteries. For the pressure, you can follow mounted the pressure gauge, and a few specimens is equipped with a button to control the suction power.
The mermen devices are the most modern option enlarger male penis. Their principle of operation is based on the fact that, instead of air, the bulb is pumped the water using a pump. Hydro pump has a higher efficiency and the life in it any longer.
In some models, there are elements in the form of a traffic controller or the expansion valve. There are types of pumps, increasing the male dignity:
- Hand. To remove the device from the air, you must use the bulb or the piston. Manual of the pump is different from the availability and ease of use. It allows you to get the expected result, but for this, it is necessary strongly to try.
- Automatic. They have the pump, which quickly reduces the pressure in the balloon. For the device to work, you must insert the batteries. Penis enlargement with the help of the pump is not required to make special efforts, as well as all the operations are automatically.
- Water. It is a relatively new model. To them instead of the air, the water is used. Of the bulb of a cuff with a pump. The result after the application of this device is made pretty quickly. It is considered safer than other types of pumps.
When you choose the right type of the pump, be sure to be careful on the characteristics of the proposed models. This will allow you to choose the most suitable option.