The size of the penis - the characteristics of the size of the penis, including the length and thickness at rest and in erection. The size of the penis has a value to lead a normal sexual life, as well as the sensation of the man of his own usefulness. The function of urination and the reproductive capacity of the size of the penis is not usually affected. However, many men tend to under-estimate the value of her childbearing years and authority, and often resort to operations to increase the size of the penis without sufficient reason. The men, concerned with dimensions of the penis, shows consultation of a doctor.
General information

In erection, the penis size is normal can be from 12 to 18 cm, to a thickness of 3-3,5 see At rest, the length of the penis is variable from 7 to 10 to see If erect penis length of less than 9.5 cm, we will talk about a small penis, when the penis length of less than 8 cm micro-penis. The average size of a penis is different between the representatives of different races: the holders of the penis the smaller sizes are asian; the largest – the african-americans.
The first visible improvement of the penis (in boys can occur at the age of 12-13 years. The rapid growth of the penis continues primarily in a period of 3 years, and at the end of puberty (17-18 years of age) the penis can be increased, but not significantly. In a period of pause is reduced penis, which is due to the reduction of the amount of collagen and elastic fibers, change the configuration of collagen molecules in the tissue.
The variability of the size of the penis
The average size of the penis can lead a sexual life. Thus, the size of the penis of less standards, are the occasion of the full sexual life almost inaccessible, however, and size, well beyond the standard, to sow doubt in the possibility of moving from one sexual intercourse. According to encyclopedic data of the length of the largest penis is 30 cm and its diameter reaches 15-18 see
The size of the penis at rest is also variable and depends on the degree of filling of blood of the corpora cavernosa, which constitute a spongy tissue, which is itself a dense network of blood vessels. The blood vessels of the corpora cavernosa respond to all of the people of the impact exactly the same, as well as other blood vessels in the body. That is, when a lowering of the ambient temperature, they contract, and thus the size of the penis decreases because of the reduced blood flow. Almost the same result is observed during the emission of adrenaline in the blood, or when all of the sudden the stress. That is, the size of penis and its size at rest has not interconnected.
Although there are data on the average penis size for men of different nationalities, each man to form an idea of the normal size of the penis", often based on facts, personal negative experience, which can cause depression.
How to measure the penis
It will be necessary to perform the measurements at room temperature in the comfort for men of conditions. To obtain reliable information on the size of their erect penis should be measured on the back (its dorsal surface) – the pubic area up to the end of the head. This method allows to assess the key function of the length of the penis. If a man has an excess of weight, or erectile dysfunction, this may have a negative impact on the functional of the length of the penis, often by dramatically reducing the sound.
And, regardless of the measurement data, a party of men during a length of their penis would like to increase to a few centimeters. It is the unconscious desire of leadership. Because if the size of the penis above the average among men greatly increases the self-esteem, self-confidence, which is directly impact on the public and private life.
Normal size of the penis is an indicator of the overall health of the men, of its reproduction and the endocrine system. As if in the puberty period of a deficit of testosterone and its derivatives, the growth of the vulva slows down or stops not. In the adult lives of these men are often diagnosed with infertility due to the cessation of the production of germ cells and different psychological problems.
The cults, phallic were in most peoples. Thus, images, and sculptures of the ancient hindus have dominated the men with exaggerated members. On the island of Corsica has phallic sculptures in the shape of a penis of 20 cm to 25 cm, and most of the old japanese fairy tales for adults that is based on plots dominated by too large the members.
To visually expand the size of the penis, in Europe, at the time of the Renaissance the use of the general means. The size of the penis is to the men of pride, and the opportunity to assert themselves. But the most psychological of the disaster, the rate of divorce and other adverse effects is not due to a too small penis, and ignorance, and the ignorance in the field of sexual relations.

Since recently, the interest for the operations of the increase of the size of the penis has increased, many researchers have tried to find the mathematical result of the dependence between its dimensions in the excited state and the state alone. However, a too large number of causes and circumstances that determine the size of the penis in both states, have not been able to use the mathematical calculation for the forecast. The only observation was that the larger the size of the penis in a calm state, the more it increases compared to the original size, but these data were not recognized as statistically reliable. Provide the greatest length of an erect penis can be that in a moment of maximum stretch.
It is, most men and some women attach importance to penis size is not the point of view of the functionality and from the point of view of masculinity and domination.
Surgical penile augmentation
Today surgical medicine aims to treat as vital questions, and questions about improving the quality of life of the individual. It happened after a change of priorities, of public morality in the direction of humanization. Surgical andrology aims to improve the quality of sexual life. To this end, have been carried out with success many operations on the plastic of the penis.
Only 10% of the operations enlargement of the penis are performed by physicians according to the witness, other operations are performed in men, who were originally the normal size of the penis. The basis is the dissatisfaction of the quality of the sexual life of his part or that of his partner. Though long since settled the fact that upon achieving the woman's orgasm for the feeling of intercourse, not affect the length of the penis, and the density of compression of the musculature of the vaginal and the diameter of the penis. It is, in the absence of other indications, and if the partner sufficiently the density of the circumference of the part, you can reach thanks to the most simple reduction operations on the vagina.
The interviews with the psychologist help to increase awareness that today masculinity is not only composed of the size of the penis, although phallic symbols have a long history and continue today to be surprised by the media. Only a proven fact to the influence of the size of the penis to sexual stimulation is visual erogenous stimulation. It's the same thing with the size of the chest in women, although in real life, most men and women prefer partners of the companies of the average size of the penis or the chest. But, in the case where rapid intervention is capable of improving many aspects of the life of man, in the absence of contra-indications of its passing.