According to statistics, more than 80 % of men unhappy with the size of your penis. Online advertising, and modern magazines only stimulates the development of the complex. It has a negative impact not only on the sexual life, but also on the self-esteem, relationships in the family and the career. The psychology of men is practically impossible to change, at the difference of the size of the penis. A penis without surgery is possible.
Which methods are used to deal with this problem?

On the specialized sites and forums, you can find a lot of information on the different ways to change the size of the penis. Mainly used non-surgical methods:
- suspension of the goods;
- use of the extender;
- massage technique;
- electrical stimulator and the nozzle;
- menus for ointments, gels and creams.
The change in the size of the penis — a laborious process and quite time-consuming. For best results, you need to pick up the maximum appropriate means, and become familiar with all the details.
The manipulation of the stretching and the stretching by means of belts, vacuum pump, various goods can cause a change unpredictable, potentially mutilate the penis. Particularly dangerous these methods for men of advanced age — in case of damage of the tissues never lose the shape and type normal. Preferable to use natural remedies that will help you get rid of the problems and does not harm the health.
Drugs to increase the penis without surgery
Now online on sale free pills to improve sexual health and increase erection and the size of reproductive authority. In the context of drugs includes a patented complex of herbs, all known for their healing properties. The components in the mixture create a complex effective to achieve quickly the desired result.
The natural pill, speed dial, do not have side effects and surprises. A blend of herbs work from the inside, by improving in the size of the erectile tissues excited penis. The natural flow of blood to a body that allows them to be filled more fully, the result of the erection is enhanced.
Gels and creams enlargement member
Among the variety of tools that increase the genitals in men, the most popular and accessible by the use, in particular creams, gels and ointments. They can solve problems without pain, only with the help of active substances. Surgery and the use of the traumatic structures is not necessary.
To buy tools, that are actively advertising, you can work in pharmacies or online stores official of the manufacturer. In order to avoid counterfeiting, it is necessary to well understand how works this or that cream. Not bad also the clear idea on the companies established in this area.

Book a tool for the growth of the penis must be in the presence of the following symptoms:
- problem with the duration of sexual intercourse due to premature ejaculation;
- sexual dysfunction soft erection;
- inflammatory processes on the skin of a member;
- the bad dimensions of the sexual organ;
- damage frequent foreskin;
- a low level of sensitivity.
To increase the penis without surgery, you can use a gel. Essentially, to use it regularly in a complex with other means of such an action.
How to work the creams and the gels, increasing the dimensions of the penis?
Of positive reviews on various sites and internet forums, they say that the funds are really effective. The key is to pick up the maximum appropriate to the composition.
- Enzymes. The action of the active substances is aimed at the growth of reproductive authority, in length and in width.
- Glycyrrhiza glabra. Quite common ingredient has tonic effect, enhances the libido and results in your penis.
- The thistle. In the composition of the plant contains substances that actively encourage the production of testosterone in a man's body.
- Hood of the shepherd's purse. Opens pores of the skin for better absorption of vitamins and trace elements, many of which are contain medication to enlarge the penis.
- Phytosterols. Stimulate the secretion of the glands, improving the activity of the sperm. A good prevention of diseases related to the android system of reproduction.
- Goldenrod. The plant prevents the appearance of inflammation, which is especially important for the excretory function.
The experts recommend to select for the growth of the penis, gels, and creams base that includes a number of components that are safe. Only such a composition can quickly lead to expected results.
Instructions for use ointment of funds
A common cause of the inefficiency of the wrong method of application. Using a special gel, it is necessary to respect the general rules (video with detailed instructions, you can find it on the internet):
- before the procedure, the genital area need to be washed thoroughly with soap and to wipe it off, the skin must be dry;
- the cream needs to take a little, just enough to rub it on the entire length of the penis;
- the tool is applied on the member with the help of gentle massages, massage need to make up to complete penetration of the gel (this usually takes 3 or 5 minutes).

During the excitement it is necessary to interrupt it and continue it a little later. An ointment or a cream for the growth of the sexual organ is recommended to be applied with a frequency of twice a day, morning and before bedtime. When the violation of chart the result may not manifest. The average duration of a course is 3-4 months, depending on the individual response of the organism, and the initials of the magnitude of the problem.
It is difficult to imagine a more effective way of surgical enlargement of the penis, the application of creams, ointments and gels. A simple home treatment, and has virtually no contraindications (except individual intolerance components). Another advantage is the affordable cost of treatment, compared to the action and other methods.