For many men is very important the size of his penis. This is like breast size for girls than boys. The holders of the right size to feel comfortable and attract the opposite sex.

Among the men with the small member can be under-estimated their self-esteem and have an influence on the behavior in the bed.
For most women, is an important power that the size of men member. Therefore, little is to have the right dimensions data, you must be able to work. The weakness of the power is treated medically by. The length of the penis by surgery. There is a special gel allowing it not to stay "under the knife".
Products on the market intimate a huge selection of gels for the growth of the male authority and everyone can find what he seeks.
To avoid purchasing counterfeit products, it is necessary to pay attention on the manufacturer and the place of sale.
How it works
The gels are employed as helpers for the enlargement of the penis and increase the blood flow to the penis which helps to 100% fill, expand sponge body and the growth of the entire organ. No growth hormone, and the individual components between them, mainly in the composition contains substances long been used by our ancestors for similar purposes.
It is recommended to use in conjunction with other methods to increase the length of the authority. The effect of the single application will not have a long-term character. Therefore, for the desired size, a member of long please, you have to use the gel regularly.
The gels penis enlargement, in contrast to surgical methods, do not add any significant inches. They do not help growth, because of the impact on the functioning of the blood circulation. The drug is not only able to visually add length to the member, but also to strengthen the power.
Each male has an elongation at break of the authority, this nature for the excitement.
Not always penis increases its size to the maximum.
The gel shows the potential of the manhood at each application.
However, there are negative points. This side effects. For example, nausea and headaches.
By purchasing this type of product, take into account individual intolerance.

The gel for the penis, generally composed of the following elements:
- Guarana. Extract improves the blood flow in the pelvic region.
- Arginine. This component is favored brilliant and unforgettable, obtaining the orgasm.
- The root of ginseng, and sage. These plants are known for their influence on sexual desire.
- The camomile. Heals tender skin.
- The ginger oil. Impact on the circulation.
- Camphor. The plant fills the composition of useful elements.
- Gingkobiloba. The plant improves the elasticity of blood vessels.
- Capsaicin. Promotes the growth of the male organ.
All the ingredients are included in the minimum doses to be safe.
Don't overdo the dosage. Apply once a day.
In what cases it is recommended to use
Not worth buying the gel and spread instead of the intimate lubricant.
Before ordering, you must know the application domain:
- To prevent premature ejaculation.
- The prevention of the weakening of the power.
- An extension of the duration of the sexual act.
- Improving libido and sensations during sex.
- The increase of the length of the member.
If there are no issues in these areas, and then apply the gel is not worth it.
The application should not cause an allergic reaction. If unpleasant symptoms, you should discontinue use and consult a doctor.
The gel should not be applied if the dimensions of the body correspond to an average or normal size in Russia, with the acceptable level of errors and Your age less than 18 years. On the amounts in the periods of growth of a member 10,11,12, 13,14,15 and 16,17,18 years, we have written at length in our articles.
The positive points of the application of gels to increase the size of the male organ:
- The effect is visible through the 5 minutes after the application;
- The activation of the natural growth of the penis in men;
- Improves power;
- To prolong the intimacy;
- To increase the sensitivity during sex;
- Can serve as auxiliary means for the treatment of erectile dysfunction;
- Keep the skin well hydrated.
In addition to the advantages of the gel penis enlargement is readily available.
Instructions for use
The use of any tool, you must first read the instructions for use.
It indicates the following steps:
- Before application, it is necessary to carefully wash the penis with soap and rub it with a towel.
- Rub in establish the authority.
- Apply a small amount of the massage movements.
Do not apply more than once per day, for 15-30 minutes before intimacy.
The mode of application is quite simple. Make sure to follow the instructions and stick to his physiology.

The side effects
Gels for penis enlargement does not usually have side effects. Men may arise in the negative points:
- A burning sensation;
- Nausea;
- Vomiting;
- Itching;
- Weakness;
- Blackout;
- The weakening of the power.
Mainly this type of reaction can occur in case of improper or excessive use of the tool.
Before you buy, read the composition and do a test on allergies, for example, be cognisant of the lobe of the ear.
The gel for the growth of a member has many advantages, but is not able to add important inches actual length of the nature. and if You are aiming for an increase of 10 cm, then do not waste time, Your option of the operation.
An excellent bonus is the fact that gels well stimulate the functioning of the blood circulation, enhance the power and prolong the intimate proximity of the partners.