According to many sexologists, a large penis is not capable of solving all the problems in the intimate life. In fact, to have a long and thick the sexual organ is not all that it should be a man. It is also necessary to take into account the preferences of your partner, to listen to his opinion and to make sure that he feels he is in the process of sex. However, despite this, many representatives of the stronger sex still consider insufficient the length of the phallus as the source of all the evils in the relations with women, and therefore constantly looking for ways to increase it.

In this case, they occur quite just a question, if there are effective methods of enhancing the penis or change what is given by nature, it is impossible. Meet him come to the scientists of the SRI of Poland, which, jointly with representatives of the faculty of medicine of Russia has conducted a series of laboratory and clinical tests involving more than two thousand men.
An overview of ways to penis enlargement and their actual effectiveness
There are three main ways in which you can grow the reproductive organ:
- special medicines;
- a surgical procedure;
- technical equipment.
The lengthening of the penis the drug is considered to be the most popular, that of wanting to go under the knife of the surgeon or to spend money on the vacuum pump and other devices not too. Because of the strong demand "to increase," the drugs, the scientists of the SRI of Poland have verified their effectiveness in the first place.
If you can increase the member of drugs?
Now, finding the right tool, which can increase the penis is not so difficult, as several years ago. The Internet is literally flooded by various ads, where the man offer gels, creams, sprays or tablets, allow, according to the manufacturer, add a few extra inches of sexual authority in just 2-3 weeks. They are expensive, and are available to anyone, thus the demand is higher than other techniques. In practice, however, positive results were able to the unit.
The cause of the medicines for penis enlargement not help at all the world has become carried out by crooks. Regularly, they are delivering on the market counterfeit products, which not only does not solve the problem of short penis, but sometimes harm health, causing an allergic reaction, dermatitis, inflammation of the skin in the intimate area, and so forth.
Also the chances of the positive effect of the medication reduces:
- non-observance of the instructions;
- the problems of storage;
- modification of the single dose of the lower part;
- premature cessation of the course of the use of the drug;
- ignore the advice of doctors;
- the combination of a drug with another of the same, because of what happens to a chemical reaction, the substances entering into the composition of the two tools, resulting in the loss of their properties.
Follow-up of the study, it became known, that the increase of a member of the abortion drug is not a myth, but for this, you have to search to find products of origin and follow its instructions, this is not always possible due to an active lifestyle of modern man. Any deviation of the direction, or the change in the usage pattern of the tool to compromise the whole process of building of the phallus to zero.
Characteristics of the surgical intervention
In order to know what is the quality of surgery compared with the medical method, not even need to conduct special studies. It is enough to simply know about the operation, and all the other issues go away on their own.
Surgical penile augmentation is performed according to the following scheme:
- The penis is made a small incision (about 2 to 3 cm);
- Then he introduces silicone in the implant;
- An element of artificial stretches the penis and increases its diameter.

The advantages of this method are many:
- The instant result. Penis increases during the operation, and to expect that nothing will;
- Unless contraindications;
- No side-effects. The only thing that can meet with the patient, it is an inflammation or a suppuration of the scar. This happens because of an infiltration of the wound infection by the fault of the medical staff;
- Maintaining the shape of the member for a long period of time;
- A short period of healing post-operatively the wound;
- The large scars, or highly visible scars on the site of the introduction of the implant has not.
In addition to this advantage, and surgical lengthening of a member is regarded as what the man himself can choose the size of his penis. With implants really a penis up to 7 cm.
The disadvantages of dentures
In spite of a whole list of positive elements, the operation of the elongation of the phallus has some drawbacks, namely:
- silicone material is brittle and if "hard" sex can break, so with his "dignity" have to be treated with care;
- the implant is deformed, and at the end of 5-6 years will be necessary, it will be replaced by the new one, and it's going to cost as much as the first operation;
- surgical penis enlargement is not without contraindications innate or acquired curvature of a member, the fragility of blood vessels, venereal diseases, polyps in the special channel.
The myths of the sexual organ of the switchgear
Representatives of the clinics where the process continues with the prosthesis, tell the operation exceptionally well. They ensure your potential customers in the fact that the procedure is completely safe, secure, allows men to separate themselves from the stress and to acquire a larger penis without any problem. In fact, everything is a little different.
Here is a list of myths about surgical strengthening of the phallus, which could destroy the professionals within the framework of the studies:
- The effect of the operation is reversible. It is a work of fiction. After implantation of the implant occurs stretching all the tissues and when the remove it, the member reminds the ball that was swept away. Of course, with time, the corpora cavernosa will take original shape, and the skin to catch up, but it will take a long time to wait;
- The procedure is painless. This is not true. The reality is such that, in the process of the surgical intervention of man under general anesthesia, make a small incision at the base of the penis or in the area of the penis. But after the exit of the anesthesia, the patient will feel pain in the groin area, that come down only very powerful analgesic drugs;
- The implant to take root in 98% of cases. In practice, these indicators are less. Almost 27-33% of men occurs in the rejection of the prosthesis. This is due to biological incompatibility of living tissues and artificial materials;
- After the operation, the man will not face any problem. Unfortunately, after the operation of a representative of strong sex begins to feel a number of disadvantages. It is necessary to first say that the member will be constantly in a small measure, and this creates difficulties in the daily life. Also an implant of silicone prevents when performing a pelvic ULTRASOUND, sometimes quirky, and it is difficult to urination.

However, not to say scientific, penis enlargement surgery is considered as the most effective method, which allows to reach his goal without effort. So, if you do not take into account some of the details of the implantation of the implant it is a very good choice, able to actually lengthen the sexual organ in a short time.
Building materials of the penis: myth or reality?
In sex-shops, and stores of medical equipment sold a lot of adaptations to stretch a phallus at home. They are divided into two categories:
- they allow;
- the vacuum pump.
They allow to represent a structure composed of thrust of the element, clearance and two stretchers. They still refer to the mounting of the play to the opposite of the pubic bone, forcing the body of the penis slowly stretch in length.
The vacuum pump unlike the extenders work very differently. They consist of a bulb that fits over the penis, pipes, pumping of the air and of the rubber bulb. Advanced models of the device is completed by a panel of electronic control, which pump up the pressure yourself. Some aircraft are equipped with nozzles in the form of the vagina. In this case, the pump can be used to increase the penis, and the masturbation, but these models many of which cannot afford.
The two types of devices are designed with a single purpose – to stretch the penis. However, in the case of devices of the accumulation of the sexual organ occurs only in the length. The penis stretched, but is subtle that it is not all. Therefore, doctors recommend to acquire exactly the vacuum of the model, so that the pressure generated in the process of pumping the air pump, because of the structure of the phallus, not only to grow, but also grow in volume.
On how much you can increase the member on the material in the manner
If we compare the hardware of the methodology of medical or surgical treatment, it is clearly better than the first and also the last. When you use the ultimate result of 3 to 4 centimeters, and the vacuum pump are extended member up to 5 to 6 cm (in looking at it as often and long to apply).
But it must be remembered that this solution is too travmoopasen. In the drawing process of the phallus of the man will have to face side-effects such as:
- the pain in the groin;
- contusions and bruises on the skin of the penis;
- an unpleasant sensation when you touch a member;
- a difficulty of urinating;
- the discomfort during sexual intercourse.
In addition, a member may acquire cyanotic hue, and can swell. But don't worry, all of these phenomena unpleasant will pass by you. In extreme cases, you can use the medicines for the recovery of the skin and the removal of the tumour.
The advantages of the hardware of the methodology
The purchase of a multiplier, or vacuum pump is ideal for all those who are not ready to the transaction and are disappointed the use of the funds for the building of the penis. These devices guarantee to lengthen the phallus and have several advantages:
- An acceptable price. Now there is no need to spend money on the acquisition of ointments, tablets or sprays. Bought once vacuum pump, or expander will last the whole life of its owner;
- The result is visible almost immediately.
- You can't pick up an infection, the difference of the surgery.
- Complete anonymity. When purchasing equipment the customer's name will be hidden and nobody knows about it;
- Acceptable to combine hardware of the methodology to other methods of enhancing the penis;
- The use of the vacuum pump or the influence of the power;
- The absence of counter-indications (except congenital or acquired curvature of the phallus).
There are other options the most effective penis enlargement
On the men's forums, you can meet users, telling the story of a member it is possible to increase the using of traditional medicine, manual medicine of the methodology and exercises to strengthen the tissues cavernosa and expand in volume.
In fact, all of these methods, or do not give result or the effect is so small that it can be noticed that if we measure the sexual organ of the rule.
In the medical practice has not pointed to any fact of the increase of the phallus with the help of these methods. All the information on what the coulis, creams or home massage are able to grow penis more and more of the fiction.

This is why doctors advise not to experiment with different ways questionable, and insist on a call to a surgeon or acquisition extenders, pumps or "generators" of drugs. Just so that you can really add a few inches of sex, the authority and does not harm the health.