The size of the sexual organ of the influence on the state of psycho-emotional men. When the sensation of inadequate size, you are experiencing problems with social adaptation, greatly increases the risk of formation of depression.
Available a variety of penis enlargement methods enables you to change the sexual side of the life of men. It is important to understand the list of these resources and, in collaboration with dr. (!) choose the best of the physiology, of means and time.

The most effective means
There are a number of the most effective ways to achieve an increase in penis:
- some physical exercises to the sexual organ;
- the traditional recipes;
- cream, ointment;
- gels;
- sprays;
- a surgical procedure;
- food additives and biologically active and other drugs;
- the nozzle;
- of special devices.
Physical exercise
Physical activity are the following:
- massage;
- jelking;
- stretching;
- masturbation;
- the year of Aaron;
- the Kegel exercises.
In the structure of the penis there is a spongy body and the stimulation of a massage helps to strengthen the inflow to him the blood, which causes their extension.
Among the massage techniques the most popular are three:
- The tao. Act in the first place on the head of the penis. The index of large fingers connect in the ring, they surround a member. The movement of these "rings" are produced by the directorate to the head, at a slow pace and when you get close to it, stop your hand for 10 seconds;
- Uli (Ulis). It is at the root is about the thickness of the authority. Horny member wrapped around the hand and taper for 40 seconds. Then, for 10 to 15 seconds for the hand to relax and repeat the exercise. The number of repetitions must be at least 5 times;
- Double Uli . With one hand squeeze the penis at the base, and the other surround around the head. Simultaneously, shake hands and vice-versa for 30-60 seconds. The frequency of compressions and the duration of the exercise depends on the preparation.
The regular use of the massage allows to achieve the increase of the length up to 7 cm and volume – up to 3 see
The technique carried out remember to massage the penis, and its effectiveness is based on the same mechanism of action.
To run, it can in three variants:
- Dry. The penis to enter the entire hand and produce the movement from the base to the head, where the arms are changing, and the movement heading in the opposite direction.
- Wet. It assumes the holding carried out under a constant flow of hot water. Use a washcloth or a towel to wrap genital authority.
- With of the fat. Oiled with a thin layer intimate tools of the member, wrapped around the ring of index and thumb, slip over the entire length. This member must be able to the weakness of the excitement, and the movement of the hand need to repeat without the pressure of the order of 100 times at the beginning of the training, and almost 200 times after the first month.
The training in the form of stretch is to increase the manhood length, but the thickness can be reduced.

The execution of this exercise consists of several elements:
- the penis warm up the hands, take a comfortable position. It is important to not have an erection at the beginning of the stretch.
- the penis surround the palm behind the head, and slowly delayed of himself in turn, before, bottom, left and right, focusing to a maximum of the furthest point of 10 seconds. It should not be painful;
- after a slow pull loosen the noose and take a break for 10 to 15 seconds before the change of direction of the traction.
Repetitions of these exercises are about 15-20.
Regular masturbation can help to increase the penis, if the goal does not exceed add 1-2 to see the Results related to a strengthening of inflow of blood to a member, which is the basis of almost all methods to modify the parameters of the manhood. But because of its focus on the psycho-emotional satisfaction, the more it will not give result.
The Year Of Aaron
Aaron has published a book on the anatomy of the male of the authority, the myths of its structure and the factors of the erection and size, but the critical edition devoted to the possibility of penis enlargement. The basis of the book – the experience of Aaron and the other men.
The reading of this literature will allow man to broaden their knowledge about the own body, to learn, how to properly measure the penis and how to assign the parameters, while keeping the result of a lifetime.
Kegel exercises for the growth of the dignity
The designed exercises Kegel, are designed to strengthen the muscles of the diaphragm pelvic. The main problem of their implementation, – identification of muscles and concentration. To find the muscles, the men need to do a toilet on small need, and at the time of urination to stop and resume the process, while trying to feel the muscles that stiffen at the time of the judgment.
The most striking example themselves of Kegel exercises – a workout of the "Start/Stop". It is the daily repetition of the research method of the muscles during urination, during each visit to the lodge.
Another popular exercise is not related to natural processes, it can be done anywhere and with any outfit. It's simply a matter of alternating the reduction and relaxation of the pelvic muscles previously defined.
Remedies and methods of grand-father
Traditional medicine is rich in ways that contribute to change the size of the manhood.
The most popular is normal utensils soda. The most effective recipes with baking soda:
- the concentration of the baby bath. For she is made comfortable of packaging, for example, a wide and a tall glass, pour hot water and fall asleep teaspoon of baking soda. The solution to prevent up to the complete dissolution of crystals of soda, then plunge into it the penis for 15 minutes;
- scrub. The penis moisten with normal clean water, after which the movements of massaging to rub the skin of the authority of the soda over the entire length. It is important to act with caution in order not to hurt the soft fabric;
- the compresses. Bicarbonate of soda piled up evenly on the net, a bandage or other cloth, and then a little wet and with the penis for 15-20 minutes. Especially not to close a compress to the head.
Some plants and herbs also contribute to the evolution of the size of the penis, especially popular in these recipes:
- absinthe. The seeds of plants take in volume equal to 5 g, pour cold water and put on fire. Cook takes no more than 10 minutes. After the composition has cooled, it is necessary to drink 100 ml three times per day;
- the honey and ginseng. Half a tablespoon of pure honey added to 350 g of ginseng root, and, having mixed, left at rest for a week and a half. The mixture is used on the inside three times a day a teaspoon for a half-hour before meals;
- ginseng. Take 20 g of ginseng root, and pour 200 ml of 70% alcohol. After give a mixture to infuse for 7 days. When the composition is left standing, it is used in the interior of 20-30 drops twice a day 30 minutes before meals;
- garlic. 200 g of garlic, crushed in a meat grinder and pour 200 ml of alcohol. The mixture should rest for 10 days in a dark place, after which it take it inside of 25 drops twice a day for 90 days;
- thyme. 100 g of raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water and insist until the mixture cools completely. Take the tincture twice a day.
To enlarge the penis can also be a simple medical device — petroleum jelly. It is injected under the skin in the penis by injection, which is quite painful. After the procedure, the place of injections are treated with a dilute solution of potassium permanganate.

A complex and risky because of the high risk of infection. Is not less dangerous, is that the petroleum jelly can be unevenly distributed under the skin and this will lead to a poor visual result which will be difficult to correct.
It is estimated that, in addition to the vaseline, helps to make the penis bigger and iodine, but this tool would be rather the cause of the burning of the skin penis that will help you to get the desired results.
Men can apply other options:
- normal soap everyday use during hygiene procedures, replace shower gels. The soap irritant is on the skin, and in combination with tactile stimulation during swimming can occur, and the enlargement of the penis with enhanced blood flow and expansion of the corpora cavernosa of the member;
- the essential oil, in particular sandalwood, often opt to enlarge the penis. It is used after the bath, wearing at the base of the penis and the scrotum to 15 drops of tools, and then, slowly, rubbing its entire length until it is fully absorbed. The rate of use of the essential oil continues for a year, but already after 4 weeks, the first results are shown.
Some choose fairly exotic methods:
- the stings of bees. A painful way productive due to the fact that the location of the bite is further enhanced by the influx of blood, occurs a dilatation of the vessels and improves the rheology of the blood. It is an easy procedure – the bee catch and placed in the pack, she dipped the penis. After that, as the insect bites authority, the sting of the remove and massage of cock for a uniform distribution of bee venom. The methodology is not more than 2 times per week. The number of insects for the first procedure and the last is different, for it starts with a bee, and gradually adjusted their numbers to 10;
- the self-hypnosis. It is estimated that, in the result of autosuggestion are driven by an area of the brain, which leads to enhance the synthesis of male sex hormones necessary for penis enlargement. Because the process itself sex is in the realm of the psyche, and to neglect this aspect is not worth it. In the category of self-hypnosis, you can bring the hypnosis and the use of plots, in which the action of the same type;
- synthol – a very dangerous option. This is a drug, and use it primarily for the pitch, creating artificial, is not the amount of tissue. Quite simply, the injections create in the inside of the body bubbles, injected in the liquid. The drug is injected deep into the fabric of a member by injection, which must proceed to a person with medical training. But because of its toxicity, the risk of infection and the complexity of the introduction of the tool is not recommended.
It should not be forgotten that for the growth of the penis is important for a healthy diet, rich in products:

- walnuts and pine-nuts, almonds are rich in trace elements and vitamins, improve metabolism and increase the quality of sperm.
- eggs contain the elements necessary for the proper development of the reproductive system of men;
- citrus fruits – increase the number of sperm and to improve their activity;
- oysters – natural aphrodisiac;
- oats – stimulates synthesis of testosterone;
- brussels sprouts – is required to extend the body cavernosum and enhance the activity of cell division;
- papaya – improves the elasticity of the manhood;
- garlic contains allicin, which improves blood circulation, promotes the increase of the penis and improving the erection.