During the entire life of man from his body varies considerably. Some changes are neglected, and some deliver a huge amount of anxieties and experiences. The men are very concerned about the growth of their penis. The more they want to get answers to two questions, at what age increases member, and is it possible to intervene in this process. For the representatives of the stronger sex, these are important questions, because sexuality is a part of their daily life.

At what age is the growth of the penis
The penis begins to the factors during the third month of gestation. During the birth of the child, the length of this authority is not more than three centimeters. This option has practically not changed for 10 years.
The sexual organ in males, begins to develop at around the age of 11 years. But fear not, if this process starts much later, for example, at the age of fourteen. It depends on the individual characteristics of each organism. At the same time, the boys start to pay attention, that occurs the hair growth under the armpits and on the pubis, appears for the first of the vegetation and on the face. Also occurs an increase of the testis, breaking of the voice, begins to form a figure of the male type.
Of young people to change their genital organs are often alarming. They are driven by the fear that their small penis size. This fear is what causes an increase in a member's password illegally. It grows first in length, then modified in volume and as well repeated several times.
How many years is a member
It should be noted that ends the development and training male sexual organ among all the representatives of the stronger sex differently. The doctors, based on his experience, indicate that the observed fully formed penis at 17 years of age, some young people have sexual characteristics, external permanently formed at the age of 25 years.
The doctors also claim that the value and the volume of a member does not depend on the age of its implementation in the final form. The development of this organ in men is due to the intensity of the development of the body.
What affects the formation of the sexual organ of the
- In the first place, far from being insignificant is the role of heredity and the genetics of nature.
- The other influencing factor is the level of testosterone in the body of the teenager. The amount of this hormone you can directly set the duration of the sexual maturation and the final size of the penis. If the young man is worried about the small size of his genitals, it is quite possible for a failure in the functioning of the endocrine system, which product of this important male hormone. If there are no other secondary sexual characteristics, for example, to the weakness of the vegetation on the body and the face, it is necessary to pay attention to it and go to an endocrinologist.
- Plays an important role and the presence of chronic diseases among young men.
- Exerts a major influence and a balanced diet in adolescents.
All of these factors play an important role on the growth of manhood and, based on them, any guy can provide a value of about will be its member.
Why men often have the impression that they have a small sexual organ
According to statistics, nearly half of men think that their was not much to be proud of in the plan the value of their virility. Which also leads to absurd from a point of view? The more often it is just auto-suggestion, based on the comparison of his member that he may see in public places and on the internet.
The fact is that, when the young man draws the attention on the member, standing to close to men, for example, in the shared shower room, it seemed to him that the penis is a lot more than him. He looks at his body at an angle and it sees a lot more short, and on the cock of the neighbor, directly, where it is not an opinion.

What are the parameters, which must be a member of, for that was considered the norm.
The penis of man is composed of a species of cloth. When the blood flow, to enrich this fabric, it is highly influenced by the increase. Therefore, the sexual organ of the male is quiet and very different from the erect penis. Most men, a a member increases in length, some in the width.
Considered normal male organ with 12 to 15 cm in length and approximately 12 cm in volume. It is precisely these dimensions have more than half of the representatives of the race of Adam.
Many men dream of being the owner of a large manhood, considering that the more, the better. But this is not an opinion. In order to enrich the blood of the impressive size of a member is necessary on the strength of its tributaries. Therefore, if for any reason, the inflow of blood is insufficient strength, it is immediately affect the erection, and, therefore, on the sexual act.
What is the penis is considered as a small
If the sexual organ is in erect length of less than 10 cm, it is considered small. Among physicians there is a term micro-member — this is when the length of a member does not exceed 6,
The reasons for this, which only grows more member
If all of a sudden the occurrence of a stop of the growth of the manhood is usually this process is accompanied by a number of symptoms that cause anxiety. Stop the growth of the testes, the teenager does not change voice, weakly pushes his pubic hair on the belly and the chest, not changing shape. The penalty is an urgent need to find the cause of such pathology.
What you need to do if you don't push a member
In urgent need of a visit to the following consultations of doctors: the genetic, an endocrinologist, andrologist, urologist. They have to identify the problem and will appoint treatment.
Is it possible to enlarge the penis using several different widely-advertised ways
On the risp of the representatives of the stronger sex have the sex organ of impressive size earned a lot of money. Miracles do not offer now the workers are suspicious of health care institutions.
Ointments, tablets, creams, wipes, if you believe the advertising, capable to make a man happy owner of a member of large size. And it is to help the potential buyers to earn the admiration of women. Do not take delay the doctors and traditional healers, providing in turn a large number of revenue, asserting that with their support, the penis will certainly grow.
Men with an income above the average, offer a special course in massage, which has miraculously, by following the advice of ancient healers of the east, to help increase your penis.
But all these means will not yield results.
Ways of penis enlargement how to see, you can really increase the size of the penis
Currently, only 2 method to increase the male sexual organ. These include the surgery and the stretching of the penis chest expander. If you apply the second method, it is not worth worrying, that the formation and growth of the authority have already been completed. To apply this method, you can at any age. The extensor tre will help you to reach growth of the member on 3 see And with his help, you can get the increased capacity. This method corrects for the curvature of the authority and improves erectile function.
Surgical intervention is recommended only in this case, if the size of your erect member is not more than 12 see Is it of the implant. After performing this operation, the men who really have a small penis increases the chances of keeping a normal sex life.

No matter up to what age can increases the male sex organ, among men, it reached the standard. Therefore, each incoming in this majority, the representative of the half is able to lead a sexual life and to satisfy a woman. Not worth trying by all means to enlarge their member, is to learn to use the one who gave you the nature.