Very often, men are not satisfied with the size of your penis, which leads them to think about it – and if you can increase the dick in the house and without surgery? To do this, usually, a man comes to himself or is on this thought pushes partner.

The issue of standards
Of course, nobody can give accurate information, it all depends on the body type and the weight.
But in erection the normal size is 8 inches.
The member who does not respond to this length, can be considered small. But do not rely solely on these data. In the first place a man decides, at ease with her this penis.
On average, the size of the penis varies from 12 to 16 centimeters (among european facial traits of men). The diameter of their merits is approximately four inches. As the medicine says, with age, sex, body less of a rush to the blood, even during an erection, and a member loses millimeters in length and width.
General characteristics of methods
If the decision to increase genital authority finally accepted, you have to choose an appropriate method. Methods of penis enlargement is that quite a lot, and here are a few:
- Jelqing;
- The vacuum;
- Weight;
- Medications the oral medications;
- Medicines in the form of gels, ointments and creams;
- A surgical procedure;
- Massage;
- Extender;
- Nozzle for a member.
Naturally, almost instantly the result can make a surgical intervention. But if you want to do it without surgery – time, it will take a little longer, but the risks would be almost.
The technique of the enlargement of the penis under the name of "Jelqing" is worthy of the title of oldest. She has used the representatives of Africa, India and the Middle East. Over the centuries, this technique has helped men to believe in himself. Jelqing means "to milk". From a penis in length and width. This technique gives, as if funny as it may seem, the results are impressive.

Means of this technology has several. The only rule – the penis should not be at 100% of the excited state. Your erection may be, but quite low. If the member will be in a state of alert is likely to damage it.
While the same effect? The answer is simple. When there is sexual stimulation, the authority, the blood rushes toward him. And since this body consists mainly of cavernous bodies, they have shed the blood and increase. A lump sum are formed from the new body. That is why there is an increase in the length and thickness of the authority.
The recommended exercises
Many men wonder how to increase the thickness of the penis through exercises on the "Jelqing"? It is to do more than just. Here are two exercises with the help of which you can get a good result.
- Prior to the opening of the first of the penis exercises, heat of the corpora cavernosa were more flexible. Preheat you can use warm (not hot!) hot-water bottles or even with the help of the pocket to warm salt or cereals. Easy to grip without pressing need to warm up in the dignity and you can proceed to a massage. You should bring a member to a slight erection, and thoroughly lubricate it with grease to sexual contact. Enfold member thumb and index finger, pulled tight by making them of the ring. Delay the hand to the head, and on the approach to it to stop. Set the penis tight and we lingered thus about 7 to 10 seconds. Goodbye. Therefore, it is necessary to do 20 repetitions. If the erection is in force, you can stop the exercise. As soon as he releases continue.
- The following exercise for penis enlargement you need to do with the aid of the palm. She needs to hard to bind to a member of the foundation and to tighten it quite strongly for 10 seconds. If the palm of the hand does not close completely the penis – protruding from the length of the Enfold second-hand. At the time of compression necessary to delay the cock from top to bottom and from left to right. Compress in order that the sensations were on the point of pain. Repeat the exercise should not be more than 10 times.

If all the days to do this kind of gymnastics, even without surgery, you can achieve the increase of the length of the member on 2 inches in only a month.
Massage effects
The increase of the penis of the massage is very effective method. Using haptic impact is not only to increase the volume, but to increase the power.
Carefully warmed up penis before the massage. The better it is to do with the aid of a hot compress towel soaked in hot water. Massage, you can do it in any state in a state of relaxation or erectum. Clear rules of massage is not – but the frequency of movements, in any case, is not expected to increase, and they should be smooth, with the sharp crisis.
During a massage of the movement must repeat those that are used during masturbation. The only member need to shoot every time, when a hand goes to the head.
Suspension of the said
Really increasing the method, although many men of his avoid. But in order to obtain the desired length of a member, try it. The only drawback of this method is that the increase of the thickness is not reached.
As always, before the procedure member, heat one of these ways. Before the head it is necessary to glue the plasters, which will be fixed in lace. Cord must be supported. For this, you can use anything:
- Book;
- Vegetables or fruits;
- The bottle with the water;
- Heavy cup etc
If you can't hang and you have to put it in a bag and attach it to the strap.
The duration of the procedure should first be about 15 minutes, it is necessary to gradually increase the time up to 45-50 minutes. Also, with time, it is necessary to increase and the weight of the load. Necessarily follow feelings – if you get pain or discomfort – the goods reduce.
Also need to track the color of a member: if he blushed, the procedure must be stopped. Also requires a stop and a numbness of the head of the penis.
The application of a multiplier
You can produce an increase of one member to the house and with the help of this device.Extender can be of several types:
- Back;
- Vacuum;
- Loop.
They allow you to make a not only the enlargement of the penis both in length and width, but to correct the existing curvature. There is this method of a point so that the device is working "properly" its use can go up to several hours per day. But the result is worth the trouble because the effect is very long.

The vacuum pump
The internet is full of information on how to increase the penis using the vacuum pump to the house. And this method has a large number of positive comments. The pump not only contributes to the increase of the penis, but increases the power.
Also, the pump is the best assistant for the men whose erect member pretty sweet. When created a vacuum around the penis is enhanced by the circulation of the blood, and the penis growing in strength.
Apply the pump easy enough. Before using the penis, you need to wash and dry the wipe off. Then, a member of need to enter in the cylinder, which is available on the accessories. The pressure at which the device can be adjusted using a pressure gauge.
The disadvantage of this method of penis enlargement – a temporary effect.
But if the procedure to produce directly prior to the sexual act, partner, himself the holder of a powerful member will be surprised. The pump can be purchased in specialty stores or large pharmacies of points.
Ointments, gels and creams
Promotional videos and pictures of the warranty of "shocking" the result after the application of these tools. Alas, it is nothing. No need to choose the composition of their own needs. Need a short term or long term. If this is not paying attention, you can get not quite what you expect.
If we consider the cream short of a effect of any drug is good, because its composition contains a component which causes the enlargement of the penis and the head. If chosen an ointment for the long-term effect, it is necessary to consult a specialist. It will tell you what is the composition that suits you.
"Maximum" and "minimum" of the decision
The maximum value of this operation. Not all male would dare such a procedure. And here, he is not in fear, in some clinics, the operation costs of the money of big. But the effect of this rather a good increase in the length of the penis up to 5 cm and a thickness of 2 see Such an operation is performed only under local anesthesia, so completely in order to avoid the discomfort of not succeeding.
Minimum a way to increase genital authority – buy in the shop of the nozzle. Nozzle – the most effective, in the financial sense of penis enlargement method. Using the nozzle may not only increase the length and thickness of child-bearing of the authority. The device is best to buy what is made from silicone or latex, these materials the most soft and flexible. Such devices can extend the cock up to 10 cm – partner will be delighted.

As can be seen, increasing the member has not such a difficult task. The basics, to navigate on the desires and financial possibilities. Not worth taking in the first method it is necessary to consider the for and against, if necessary, after consultation with the partner.
In fact, some men are capable of under-estimate, at the time of the partner are satisfied. To clarify misunderstandings in a position to help an honest discussion. The key, confidence in yourself and not dwell on the size.