The main indication for the increase of the penis or to the modification of its appearance is the desire of the patient. And the main objective of the urologists, who are engaged in this difficult work – to improve the quality of life of the patient. Want to caution patients against all-pervasive quackery and self-medication. Do not experiment on his body and on his unique penis, which is given to the nature, in a single copy! The desire to increase the penis is fully justified, there is little head. In the first place because it is inherent in all men the desire to dominate is the subconscious, built into us by nature, ranging from our ancient instincts.

Often, it is the size of the penis to become one of the decisive factors of the implementation of the men, as a personality, is its proximity to the esteem, the confidence in his irresistibility and sexual love, the usefulness. The lack of penis length a detrimental effect on the psychological state of the men, made his life uncomfortable, they are deprived of quality and regular sex.
What does the man?
- improvement of self-esteem;
- the improvement of the sexual attraction;
- improvement of the sexual life;
- the withdrawal of a "complex of changing rooms", the decrease of the feeling of tightness in the men's business.
So, laugh, discuss, or talk about "the main thing is that the man was good" stupid — life male psychology will change. To the difference of the size of the penis.
And it is here, in front of the man, the question - what is the method to achieve this?
What is the size of your penis?
In order to properly assess the size of the penis you need to measure it at rest and in erection. In the room where the measurement, should be at room temperature, so that when the temperature is lower than the temperature sexual abuse from a member of the lower. The extent of the produce in a state of calm, by applying the rule of the upper surface (dorsal) of the penis when pulling sexual abuse from a member to the head of a 90-degree angle to the surface of the body.
According to the size of the penis produce during erection. He needs a quiet and relaxing so that nothing could distract him from the process of measurement. Attention! The lack of erection will have an impact on the length and diameter of the penis.
How are divided the men and the size of the penis?
Penis length (cm) | less than 12 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | more than 20 |
All the men | 3% | 6% | 12% | 15% | 20% | 14% | 13% | 9% | 4% | 4% |
What is the reason for small penis?
The growth of the penis depends on the level of testosterone. The small penis led to this:
- the deficit is congenital gonadotropin
- congenital abnormalities of the central nervous system (defects of medium-sized structures in the brain, dysplasia, aplasia of the pituitary gland),
- the receipt of the drug by a pregnant woman,
- partial resistance to andrognes,
- congenital primary hypogonadism,
- the deficit of 5? — reductase,
- when the causes of indeterminate talk of a micro-penis.
What are the methods of penis? What are the ways of penis enlargement?
There are a variety of non-surgical methods, many of which writes:

- The increase of the penis using a multiplier;
- The increase in the penis by using the suspension weight;
- Exercises of increase of a member;
- The increase with the help of pills and hormonal drugs;
- The increase with the help of stimulant-type electromagnetic;
- The increase of the using of the loose;
- Increase the member with surgery.
The increase of the genital organs without the operations to the house is possible. For free, you can download the video on methods without increase operations in the house, exercises. But if it is effective? If you suggest to increase the penis without leaving the sofa" with the help of a miracle of tablets, ointments, gels is well known of the deception. Be careful, if You promise a penis of 10 cm in a few months (no part of the physical body is not able to increase 1.2 to 2 times in a short period of time).
Be careful, if You make the most of the "old, natural methods". Often, it is potentially dangerous or simply not effective program for penis enlargement. To make the right choice, you need to know about the effective methods of increasing penis
As you can really increase a member? What are the comments on the application of the extenders in men?
The most in-demand on the market is a technique of penis enlargement with the help of a multiplier. Even if it is far from the only one very effective method, responding to the question – how can you increase a member. The principle of operation of a multiplier is based on the principle of the faculty of medicine of the stretching and growth of tissues. In this topic, you can read in wikipedia. Calculated from the pressure of the impact on the tissues of the penis and stimulates its growth. Extender can be used to increase the size of the penis, straightening of the trunk of the penis in the curve of penis.
The method of penis enlargement using a multiplier has a scientific justification and is based on the natural capacity of the human body to the evolution under the action of the constant load ("the principle of the mechanical stretching of tissues). There are many processes in our life, who are subject to this principle. The device of the doctor Ilizarov - the best proof! The best example may be called the invention of our Russian doctor Ilizarov. He has applied this principle to develop a device that allows you to intensify the missing members, lengthen and straighten the spine.
The principle of the force of traction is widely used in plastic surgery. A certain part of the skin is exposed to stretching, the result of the formation of new cells, tissues increases and you can use it during the transplantation (burns, hair loss, cosmetic surgery). Today, the effectiveness of this method is no doubt. By doing this, the side-effects, proper use of a multiplier, in nearly 20 years, has not been revealed. And remember that a positive result cannot be reached without a daily effort.
The Extender use the doctors to help thousands of men around the world to increase the penis. In the course of his employment, according to the comments of men, the penis begins almost immediately longer, smoother, and more awesome! When the stronger sex focuses on the penis, it is often thought that it could be a lot longer and make the women more pleasure. According to the comments of many, the presence of small penis can affect self-confidence and will make any man, both physically and psychologically. But indeed, this is very unfair! Now, there is a way to fix it.
They allow easy-to-apply, are not visible under clothing. To get the maximum effect, it is necessary to perform traction daily, up to 8 hours per day, for 12 to 20 weeks. Elongation at break, which was successful in reaching patients who meet all of the rules of 2.5-3 see they allow it, you can order it by mail, but it is better to discuss the command with your doctor. The prices can be very different. Low cost of extender to buy. But is it any good? And more it is not necessary to do of their hands.

Exercises to enlarge the penis as a method of penis enlargement at home! And free of charge!
Exercises for penis enlargement is perhaps the oldest method of penis enlargement in principle. This is one of those old techniques, which has been used for centuries, different tribes and cultures around the world (tibetan monks, indian, Taoist). The method possessed the people formed mainly by monks. The information on this subject can be found in a well-kept secret and passed on, literally, by word of mouth. The written documents are few in number. Then the confidence masseurs working on the method of one or the other of the old school, quite recklessly. Probably their business is the commercial nature, and in the best case, you take only the money and the time.
These days a similar technique is free and you can download for free. Researchers in the us have demonstrated the efficacy of the fiscal year, after having spent a lot of tests. But finally, we can say that jelcing – like exercises, penis enlargement is inecient way, and to obtain meaningful results, it is necessary to devote sufficient time and effort.
This method under vacuum to increase the genitals in men?
Empty the penis enlargement method – allowing the method to long-term gradual stretching of the authority. This method is also called method of the vacuum pump. The vacuum pumps are manual and computerized. In the latter case, the penis is placed in a tube, and around him creates a negative pressure.
There is a difference between the use of a pump for the achievement of the erection (in minutes), and the desire to increase the size of the penis, when he had to crouch down to swell for an hour. There was a danger of major challenges: the penis swells, there may be swelling, rupture of blood vessels and bleeding. And the enhanced effect of the penis passes quickly. Once you remove the ring of penis will return to its normal size. Remember, the pump does not cause the long term an increase in the size of the penis. Usually, the program to lengthen the penis using a vacuum pump is calculated based on 1 year. The first 16 weeks, the sessions are held every day. Then 1 time in 3 days. The session lasts on average 30 minutes.
What are the medicines for penis enlargement?
The medicines for penis enlargement are ineffective, and can even be dangerous for the health. If talking about tablets, inside most often is ordinary vitamins. In regards to gels and ointments, so it is usually not clear who is. These substances can cause harm to the skin to be reactive and even cause itching and allergies. A lot of medications for penis enlargement can only boost erections and libido, but do not increase the penis. It is sufficient to note that the turnover of the hormonal drugs is limited and their sales need a special permit (of course that this license shall be attributed to the body-to a store or web site). Buy their you can also only by prescription. All hormones, including testosterone and its derivatives, are appointed by a doctor. Also offers a large number of hormonal drugs. But to enlarge the penis by not taking the pill will not.
How much does an increase in the sexual organ of the surgery? What is the price?
Unlike the majority of penis enlargement methods, surgery can actually be effective. However, as with any surgical procedure are possible post-operative complications (inflammatory processes, the deterioration of an erection, a retraction of the scar tissue, progressively returns the penis to its original position). The cost of these operations is $2500-$4000, the same is not easy to find a good surgeon in this area! Therefore, when taking a decision, You should carefully weigh the risks and possible side effects after the operation.
What you need to know to a patient who wishes to increase the penis surgically?

- you need to quit smoking, because negative results are often observed in smokers disturb the wound healing, the life, the transplanted autogenous fat, etc;
- there is no standard surgical techniques and with the guarantee of a high yield;
- the possibility of the inconsistency of the desired results in course of validity;
- the inability of the increase of the glans of the penis, therefore, is not excluded by the violation of the proportion of the head and the part of the penis;
- the augmentation of the penis is not led to an improvement of sexual function and sexual possibility;
- augmentation surgery of the penis is not a cure for organic impotence;
- as with any operation, there may be different types of complications, including the deterioration of erection.