The increase in the sexual member – a set of methods designed to increase the penis using the methods and techniques or with the aid of a surgical procedure.

The main methods of penis enlargement
The essence of conservative methods lies in the systematic use of execution for a certain period of time, exercises, or procedures that stimulate the tissues of the penis to increase. It is possible to increase, as the length of the penis and the circumference (the circle). The results obtained remain constant (not excluded little rollback).
Jelcing ("treaty") – a method to increase penis size at home, which is in the conditions of the exercise, in fact, the representative of the self-massage of the penis. Apply a method can be to any man, the main condition for this, the availability of free time. Jelcing is the oldest method, used for centuries by many tribes and peoples, and which has proven its effectiveness.
The technique is performed:
1. The erection should be at the level of 40-60%. In full erection the method is applied is absolutely against, in the opposite case, there is a risk of damaging the blood vessels of the penis. In the case of over-excitement, you just need to distract you for a certain time, for the erection has decreased.
2. It is recommended to apply a small amount of lubricant on the member and the foreskin for the reduction of the travmatichnosti. Do not use soap or shampoo, because they have the property to dry the skin.
3. Enter the basis of one member, joining the thumb and the index finger of the right hand or the left hand as it can be the same, and pulls down in the direction of the head. All movements are done from the base to the head, and with the same intensity throughout the penis.
4. Switch hands, the procedure should be similar to a milking process.
Minimum duration of execution of one month. During this time, the blood supply in the corpus cavernosum of the penis improves greatly.
Increase in length of a member of the method of hanging the load
This method is very old. It was widespread in the ancient tribes of Africa and have begun to implement the younger age. Explained this by the fact that in children, the ligaments of the penis is still very resistant and the effect of the procedure is good.
The regular use of the impact of the cargo on the corpora cavernosa and the ligament is penis enhancing the length, but the thickness usually does not change. The main rule is to regularly run. However, there is a risk of serious personal injury excess load, that is why, you must first prepare the penis before you perform the same activity.
The technique of the method
First hand massage, and only after that the penis is "warmed up", it is attached to a device which is attached to the load. It is important to begin the lengthening of the penis with small goods, gradually increasing their weight. After the end of the execution of the exercises of design is removed, and the hand massage is repeated in order to improve the blood supply to cavernous phone
And then again fixed the design, and the exercise is repeated with more weight. To achieve the desired result, you must use the technique of hanging weights regularly and for a long period of time. The methodology you can use in sitting, standing and lying on the side. The main disadvantages of the method lies in the fact that it travmoopasen, and takes a lot of time, therefore not very popular among the men.

Increase in length of a member using a multiplier
A modern alternative suspension is extender. Its unique in that it allows you to enlarge the penis in length and thickness, it is guaranteed, having received no injury.
Extender is considered one of the most effective methods of penis enlargement. The principle of operation and use are very simple, and the price is generally acceptable. There are 3 main types of extenders: carnation, with a belt and universal.
The work with the extender is completely safe and causes minimum of inconvenience. The result of the execution of the exercise remains forever. You only need a few months to wear for 4-5 hours per day. The positive effect is explained by a natural reaction of the body to mechanical impact, resulting in the tissues of the penis to form new cells, and the penis increases. With a growth of the penis not only in length, but in width, since a biological cell is a three-dimensional structure. Order extender practice in the online shop.
The methodology to wear the
Attach the penis should not be too tight, you can't pinch the head of a member, as well as difficult the blood flow. But do not over tighten the extender too weak, in the contrary case, the penis may just fall during the port. When selecting the degree of tension, you have to pay attention to the notches that show the tension force. The first two weeks, it is necessary to carry about a device to a minimum level of tension, and then you can start to gradually increase the load.
Recommended wearing time multiplier – 4-5 hours per day. Don't forget to make breaks every hour for 10 to 15 minutes. The result will depend, in large part, to the fact regularly, you are wearing a extender and how well do the instructions.
As for the comparison of different extenders, to say with certainty what is the best and the worst, it is impossible. Their efficiency is almost identical. The main differences and parameters selection – the ease of use, reliability and price.
The cream and ointment to enlarge the penis
The use of these tools, such as cream, ointment, and the fat penis enlargement is also very common method of penis enlargement. Their use is summarized, in fact, to be paid directly on the body of the penis. Prior to the acquisition of these tools, you must carefully read and their composition, action, and side effects. The cream and ointment to increase the member shall not be composed of substances that you have allergies. Otherwise, they are completely safe.
The penis enlargement cream are divided into 3 types according to their duration of exposure: some creams – a short term effect – long-term, the third group is the accessory of the action for sharing with other penis enlargement methods. With the help of these tools, you can extend the penis to the house.
1. Cream for short penis enlargement. With its help, a member of the dimension increases over a short period of time, usually the duration of sexuality. The validity period of just a few hours. The main advantage of these tools is that they help to get rid of complexes about the size of the penis work quickly, efficiently, and as a result, help them to feel in a bed much more comfortable.
2. The cream long-term enlargement of the penis the cause of the growth of the penis length and width. The result is not immediately noticeable, as well as the cream of this group, you must use more than a month. The mechanism of their action lies in the fact that special body of the penis increases the blood flow, which grow and restores its fabric. These drugs are most in demand, because it is easy to use and the effect of their application is still to always.

3. Cream for the support of the action. The cream of this type are necessary, when the aim is to accelerate the process of penis enlargement when you use simultaneously with other methods, for example, extender. When using in conjunction to the application the desired result is obtained much more quickly.
Apply grease or cream, it is recommended in small amounts of a thin layer, rub it into the skin. This is sufficient, since the composition of these funds a lot of stimulating substances. Follow the instructions because each manufacturer has their methods of application.
By buying the cream and ointment for the penis, you will feel any of their benefits. Among which:
- The low price of the product;
- The discretion of use, the absence of discomfort;
- No age limit.
Vacuum pump for men
Vacuum pump for men – very effective for penis enlargement. This device will help you to increase the length and the diameter of a member, and promotes the treatment of erectile dysfunction and impotence. The principle of operation is quite simple: it creates a "vacuum" in the cavity of the cylinder. This leads to a rush of blood to the penis, which stimulates its growth.
The use of the vacuum pump usually causes no problem. The penis is placed in the cylinder and pumped the air, resulting in the cylinder, an underpressure is created, and a body which increases the blood flow. This results in an increase of the penis in both length and width. But because of the possible abuse of microchromosome and small hematomas. Prevention is the control of the pressure in the cylinder of the pump which is regulated using a pressure gauge.
Buy the vacuum pump the better in the shop, and enjoy using it to quickly attain the result of preference every day.
Tablets and the BAD for the penis
The pills penis enlargement it is now in widespread use. And for good reason, in fact, they are a good alternative, methods based on the physics of the exposure, creams for the penis and surgical procedures. The mechanism of action of all these medicines is the same – the improvement of the blood supply in the cavernous body of the penis, which growth in length and in width. Now, the market abounds with drugs of this orientation.
The manufacturers of BAD ensure the positive effects: increased penis size, increase sexual libido, and a better control of ejaculation, improving erection.
Depending on the duration of use of pills and supplements, and their positive effects are progressing. Thus, after 1 month of the improvement of the erection, the sexual act is longer, a certain increase of the member diameter. After 2-3 months, we observe an increase of the thickness and the length of the penis, the strength of the erection, better ejaculation control. 3 to 5 months, occurs in a significant increase in length, a magnificent erection, no problems with premature ejaculation.
The composition and mode of application
Most often, these pills have a natural composition and according to the characteristics of the organism cause the increase of the penis up to 25%. Most of the medications contain natural ingredients: vitamins E and B3, ginseng extract, grass gorjanki, crumb, oat bran, extract of the leaves of the plant, Damiana, hawthorn, Ginkgo biloba extract, fruit extract of saw palmetto, Inosine, and in the fruit of cayenne pepper, seeds of Dodder, and much more.
Method of use: 1 tablet 2 times per day with meals. Except hypersensitive, these tools do not have contraindications.
The surgical methods of penis enlargement
An operation of increase of a member are made only by highly qualified professionals in specialized clinics and, generally, have little guidance. There is also a risk of postoperative complications, and the rehabilitation period lasting, not to mention the price of these operations, which can cost a few thousand.e.
In addition, there is a psychological barrier, as well as to put under the knife of his "head" of the body for many men is very problematic, and they prefer often less dangerous and less traumatic techniques.
Questions and answers about increasing penis
Men interested in penis enlargement methods, generally require on the effectiveness of one or the other method, the time of appearance of first positive results on the security and the duration of the effect. As a physician, urologist, I'm going to try to answer the most frequently asked questions.
The measure is a tool to increase the member effectively will be specifically for me?
A lot depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, therefore, it is necessary to try a variety of methods and to choose for themselves the best and most effective.
When will I be able to see the first results of the training?
During regular exercises and the execution of the instructions of the first result will be visible after 1 month.

Is it safe to exercise complex? Never will I hurt?
In strict compliance with the instructions risk of injury is reduced practically to zero.
Why the results are saved any life? How is this possible?
The formation of the cells of the tissues of the penis under the influence of stimulating factors which persists throughout life.
How do I place an order?
If you buy products on the internet, the sites stores offer the order form.