Guys, are you satisfied with the length of your friend? And if not, you make the effort to increase? Here it is! Here on this subject and the receipt of the sellers of all kinds of tools and technologies that don't work actually. Or work, but not quite, as promised, those not clean on the hand of the men of affairs. It is very simple: you can't in a short time, to increase or a part of the body. Yes, even for a long-term increase can only be less than 10% to 15% of the initial size. Let us look at the myths pro of the increase of the penis, and the reality, which is not as arc-en-ciel, as we promise.

The quick response
Today, it is the only safe and effective method of increasing penis not only in length, but in thickness. An experienced doctor with years of experience - plastic surgeon - before proceeding with the transaction will study the anatomical characteristics of your sexual organ, as it is said, weigh the "pros" and "cons". Your health will not be harmed.
The urologist, andrologist, in collaboration with a plastic surgeon to follow the restoration of the functions of the penis in the postoperative period. The operation will last more than an hour under local anesthesia. In the process of the operation are not affected vital organs, the risk of serious complications is reduced to a minimum.
The operation of the elongation of the penis is that interficiam the muscles that support the penis to the top. Then, these muscles are sewn (a little below). To the member's account, as if, falls a few inches from the front.
Therefore, the increase of the length of the penis is achieved by the modification of its provisions. The penis after the operation is a little below its usual location.
In the process of the operation, it is possible to increase the length of a limb up to 4 cm. It should be noted that the erection of penis wins, respectively, with a little different position, and it is more horizontal.
Smear, fricabis and we look forward to the effect...
And as has not. On the benefits or harms on the execution of creams, gels and ointments for penis enlargement is going to a large number of myths. The manufacturers of miracle drug in a few days guarantee you an increase of penis, not only in length but in diameter. Your "friend" should increase because of the stimulation of the tissue cells in your penis, which means that it must start to develop, as if by a wave of a magic wand, and then, when it was pushed up to the desired size, this is the end. How much do you need? 18, 20, or 25 centimeters? Everything is possible, you just have to rub it in well! And the effect will not wait... because its will not be at all! Popular ointments, creams and gels are neither good, nor bad not to bring it to your health. Although a positive effect of data intinctione substances will be - the skin of your penis becomes soft, smooth and silky, like the buttocks of a new born baby, as it is said in the announcement!

Once compressed, the compressed two...
Three guns, five, ten, and so to infinity! Hardly something will start to increase in a circle, or grow. Your sexual organ will not be long, just because you are actively drinking vitamins or dietary supplements, which are distributed pills to enlarge the penis. The benefits of their part can be: the hair will be shiny, the beriberi will not, but here is a member, will pass even a few centimeters, from whatever side you do posuit to him the rule! It may seem that any member has increased, but this is not true! Don't forget that when something very wait, can produce the illusion! Even artificially caused by the increase of the male hormone - testosterone, in the blood of men can not affect the growth of the sexual organ.
The physical exercise on the guard of Your size!
Certainly, the physical exercises can stimulate the process of enlarging the penis. Only here is there is a but: if your sexual organ increased, if you are not a teenager, puberty, in your case, forgotten since long been no exercises you will help to increase the penis.
Special sessions of training, "friend", manual methods will have a positive impact on the genital organ. The prevention of diseases of the penis nobody has prevented.
And remember: those who say that the member is a muscular organ, simply do not know about the structure of this body nothing. The penis is not composed of muscles and cavernosa and the corpus cavernosum, which develop by the accumulation of blood, which, by causing the erection. You can't reach the penis through a session of muscle training.
Pull the doctor, pull!
Constant applied mechanics using an extensor mechanism - allows you to enlarge the penis, but rather to make it longer. When this is not the trouble of thinking that your sexual organ is proportional thickened, this is not the case! The penis becomes long and refined elegance. The truth stretched a little and is not for soon, and erit tenuior considerably.
Wear this device on the penis need a minimum of 9 hours per day. For the people around you that does not pass unnoticed. And as the device is composed of plastic of the ring, the united kingdom, with two movable metal rods that form a plastic support with a silicone device for securing the head of the sexual organ, it is unlikely that you are comfortable moving around with the extender, pendentia between the legs.
Similarly, it might be injured. But, in principle, the perspective is not bad, at least in the length of the member of increase, the truth about of the year will have to expose the penis unpleasant to the procedure of wrapping and removal of the device. Extender will become your friend for many months.

The vacuum pump
Yes, indeed, thanks to the help of the vacuum of the penis pump can increase in volume. Of course, the action of this temporary effect: usually, after 24 hours, the authority comes in its original state. In this method, there are drawbacks (side effects). The misuse of the vacuum pump can result from the rupture of blood vessels in the penis, bruising, and sometimes deformity of the penis.