Smoking today, young people starts at a very young age, sometimes the first experience is still in high school. First, it is in the interest of bravado, the kid boasted, as well before his peers, evidenced by his "maturity". Then, the pampering tightens and becomes a bad habit for years to come. And when, in the middle ages begin erection problems, some men associate the concept of smoking and the power in a single node, assuming that all of these years has caused irreparable damage to your male health.

Affects all the on the power
The violation of erectile function may threaten even the young smokers. The danger is the nicotine, in fact, even in a small amount, it results in a narrowing of the vessels and the deterioration of the circulation. Even 2-3 cigarettes, which were smoked before the sexual act, are capable of causing prolonged erection.
Impotence is directly related to the consequences of the nicotine impact. And menthol, is used in the composition of certain tobacco products, increases the load on the cardio-vascular system, impeding blood circulation, especially in the report of the authority.
In the composition of the smoke of the tobacco contains neither much nor a little almost 5 million components, 60 of them will have a negative impact on the power. The most dangerous:
- the carbon monoxide;
- benzene;
- the hydrogen sulfide;
- of the resin;
- ammonia;
- the hydrocyanic acid.
The action of most of the components has not been studied yet, therefore, to say that the other components are harmless, it would be incorrect. The manufacturers of the same products of tobacco are silent on the extent of the harm from cigarette smoking.
How to assign the
Nicotine is found in the male body, causes a series of negative consequences:
- impedes the circulation in the penis;
- lowers the blood pressure in the penis;
- promotes the development of atherosclerosis of the vessels;
- reduces the amount of secretion of testosterone.
Passive smoking has not a little of evil to the body that it is active.
The influence of smoking weed (hashish, marijuana)
The lovers of smoking "weed" say that it strengthens the libido and the sexual power of men. A part of truth in this, of course, there are. To explain, it is easy. The fact that the sexual organ there are a multitude of receptors able to respond instantly to any of the components of marijuana. In passing in the body of a chemical reaction at this time, reinforces her ability to reach orgasm.
But, true to the is, and the fact that the gain of time is replaced by a low libido. In the case where the orgasm was accompanied by an unbearable pain in the reproduction of the authority.
The truth about the effects of the herb:

- The cannabinoids contained in the herb, to permanently destroy the mental health, inhibit and foaming mechanism of excitation.
- The level of testosterone reduces, and the reproduction function is failing.
- The amount of sperm decreases, they become sedentary.
- The function of the testicles is wasting away, they become smaller in size, changes their density.
- A constriction of the blood vessels, the circulation, become frquent of stagnation.
Smoking and the power of myths
There is a perception that impotence beach of people suffering from addictions, such as addiction to alcohol and smoking. But this is a common error. Even those who practice a healthy lifestyle and has never held a cigarette in hand, do not drink alcoholic beverages, may face a fiasco during sex.
This is due to the fact that impotence has many causes and factors of its trigger. For example, the phobias, the fears, the insecurity of the environment or diseases of the genito-urinary system.
This is why the denial of addiction does not guarantee the return force of men, it is important to know the etiology of the problems to succeed.
The quality of the sperm
Among the complications caused by the products of smoking in the male body is not, the most serious is considered as a decrease of the indicator quality of sperm. More specifically all of the:
- reduces sperm density, changing its composition;
- contributes to the deterioration of the quality of the sperm.
- reduces the activity, and destroys sperm.
The changes that have occurred in the body of a man, have a negative impact on its reproductive function, reducing to zero the probability of fertilization partner. If fertilization occurs, it is likely that the fetus will be diagnosed with deviations in development, in addition, it can be observed irregularities in the functioning of the various organs and systems.
They are exposed to the hydrocyanic acid and resins, the sperm of a smoker to break down and cease to be active, whereas in men, characterized by good health, the recovery process is about three months. Another important point is that pernicious affection for the tobacco causes a decrease in the amount of androgens, which are directly related to erectile function.
Scientific studies prove the existence of a link between impotence in men and the number of cigarettes smoked by them. According to the results of tests of american citizens, at the daily rate of 20 cigarettes of the likelihood of development of impotence increases by more than half.
Other experiments show that components of cigarette smoke, which lowers the quality of the sperm and its ability to fertilize the egg of 75%. It is from these considerations, doctors recommend to quit all those considering children and an intact family.
The study of the poles and czechs have confirmed that smoking 1 pack per day, this man, reduced to two times the duration and the frequency of sexual intercourse. This is true for the stronger sex aged 30 to 45 years.
Smoking it is strictly forbidden to all those who are diagnosed diseases of the organs of the respiratory system:
- bronchial asthma;
- the bronchitis in the chronic form;
- pneumosclrose.
As well as other diseases:
- diabetes mellitus;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- increase in blood pressure.
That quitting smoking affect the health of men
In the United states of America, scientists have studied a disorder of erectile function by smoking. It turned out that a decent number of ã © diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. But the most striking was what united them was virtually the same number of cigarettes smoked per day. It is of two packages.
In the context of the study of the impact of smoking cessation and problems of a sexual nature has been designed by the experience, where men are forced to refrain from smoking for a month and a half. At the expiration of a period of one-third of the subjects reported improved erectile function because of smoking cessation. The drug treatment to get rid of the nicotine addiction is not necessary.

From there, we can conclude that the quality of the sex life of a representative of the stronger sex is greatly improved if give up the habit. This method remains the only possible one for the cure of the impotence, which has led to the influence of stamp products. In all other cases, the medicines powerless to change anything.