Humanity has spent a century on the research of products, increase the power of men, and today they are known to science, and their efficiency is proven by many experiments.

Of such products in ancient Greece called aphrodisiacs in honor of the goddess of beauty Aphrodite. To aphrodisiac products of plant and animal origin, in short, everything that we call natural. It turns out that most of us consider to be an aphrodisiac of special drugs, but in fact, this perception is imposed by the influence of advertising.
Everything that we see everyday on our tables, in one way or another, affects the male potency. Some products called "neutral", while others become particularly important to the health of men, because they can improve the level and the deterioration of the power. There are also products that are capable of causing a real attack of passion is literally out of the blue.
As it is not surprising, but the products in the composition, including vitamins A, E, capable of enhancing the transmission of nerve impulses, and with them the desire to have sex. In ancient times the product that the rhino horn and blood of a snake, and if today you do not have the desire and the ability to consume these products, you can listen to everything proposed by researchers for those who wish to be solid and strong in the sexual life.
That every man should know
But before we start talking about food products, increase the power, I would like to indicate some of the nuances of who should be in each. And the first thing that you need to know that overeating is unlikely to be able to promote your sexual activity is not only at the time when you gorged and lying on the side, but in the future. Always try to control the volume of the plug of the food.
The greeks, in his time, considered the best natural product to increase your power of nuts, peanuts and pistachios, as Freud has noted that it is preferable to increase the libido of mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, and rye bread. But you can't say about the onion in all its form and quality. But, let's start from the beginning, a little later.
Separately, I would like to say that impotence has decided to assign the reasons of premature aging of the body, and needs to know every man. The causes of its appearance may be the mass: the hard work, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle.
Everyone knows that the sage of the sterility allows to very well. But little is known of grace.
So what can I say, many factors are able to "abandon" your body, and if the work is not going anywhere, allow to eat which will be useful for your male strength, you can. In effect, launched to impotence, lends itself to a treatment very heavy, so as to support it at the right level simply.
In addition to these factors, reducing the power may also be extended to smoking, alcohol dependence, drug abuse, prostate cancer, and non-sexual life. If you notice that your sexual activity has continued to be as before, do not rush to be afraid, it may be the time factor.
Vegetables and fruits
For the power of a good assistant are used as vegetables, and in particular, as we have said, the onion in all its varieties. In ancient Rome to enhance the potency used a mixture of onions with an egg. This mixture is particularly effective, because capable of restoring the hormonal balance and stir up the desire in men.
An aphrodisiac is rightly called the garlic, for added effect recommend cut about a kilo of garlic in three-liter jar and pour boiling water, after which let it rest for about a month. Only it is important not to forget to stir the content of banks, so that it is not lost. Garlic mixture should be consumed every day a teaspoon. This is a recipe that will not only keep the power at an appropriate level, but also clean the blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

Is able to further improve the power and the turnip. To do this, it is necessary to cook them in carrot juice and mix it with the honey. Eat this vegetable, you must all the days a third of a cup. As it is not surprising, but to be an aphrodisiac, still carry, and the watermelon with the carrots, the first - dilates the blood vessels in the body is not the worst of drugs.
It is not a secret to anyone that one of the best ways for the health of men are also nuts. In them many useful substances, which stimulate the functionality of the gonads. All the days of the men to eat 100 grams of walnuts, and it will always be "riding" in a relationship with a woman. You can also prepare a mix of nuts and other ingredients that also increase the power. One of the best has become a mixture of nuts and honey.
Dairy products keeps healthy sex
Improve the power and the help of dairy products. The main aid of the power of the family of dairy products, you can wear the cheese, the sour cream, cream, yogurt, cottage cheese. Here, I would like to be and seafood, which should consume each man attending to his strength. And it is not only of shrimp, mussels, cancers, but also on plaice or mackerel.
The sweetness of sex
Surprisingly, some sweet foods can also become a good aid to strengthen the power of men. The most useful thing that we know candy is: honey.
To this, add walnuts, you can consider that the page of "viagra" you have a loan, it only takes a teaspoon of honey every day, that sex was always sweet and in a timely manner.
The ration of each day
Perhaps, everyone knows how the meat is useful for men and as it is not surprising, but it is better able to improve the power. But, like eating meat, few people can afford, yes, and also it will not be too useful, vary your menu with vegetables.
To do this, you can use mushrooms, carrots, turnips, onions, carrots and sauerkraut. You can add to the diet every day fruits of the sea, which are a treasure trove of trace elements and vitamins.
If talking about condiments and greenery, it is recommended to add into the dish as possible with the dill, the persil, the cumin, the celery, tarragon, mint, and in particular red pepper.
This can be detrimental to a healthy power
And if the product that increase the power of all more or less clear, let us now take the attention of the ingredients is not recommended for consumption.
And here the palm belongs to the beverages, soda, fast food and products rich in carbohydrates. The coca-cola, potatoes and pasta – absolutely useless the power to improve the power.
Are also harmful for men white bread and pastries. The most useful, and the grape can become the bread of rye or bran, it contains vitamin a, which is necessary for full erection. Meat in the form of sausages and sausages with their high content of preservatives, are unlikely to bring benefits to men, so that their consumption can not be called a must. Don't forget to say and alcohol, which, at first view as and promotes erection, but its effect is only temporary, and then the man instantly feels haggard and tired.
For these products you make for them, you need to prepare:
- with a minimum loss of nutrients, which means braised or boiled;
- like salads with lemon vinaigrette, or a mixture of spices;
- without the use of mayonnaise, tomato paste or ketchup.
Special honor, and praise...
Among the fish in the erotic cooking a special honor has to flounder, it is not surprising that he called the fish, which awakens love. Game, a good choice can become a blackbird or a pheasant, a true delicacy of the steel cocks scallops.

According to ancient chinese books of the boiled mackerel is able to not only increase power, but also "abundant seed", and women, which increases the possibility of getting pregnant. The chinese still believe that dog meat, filled with crawl blood is able to better work on the potency and erection. Has its own recipe of masculine strength and of the Russian people, which has prepared so-called actor, of a meat broth, carrots, turnip greens, dandelion leaves, and nettle.
If you want that sex has always been good, keep it selected diet and a healthy sleep to sleep. And what about those bad habits like smoking, alcohol or sedentary lifestyle it is better to forget immediately, as these are the main enemies of the power. And you already have to think about what you can do for your sex life?