Any guy dream of conservation is not less than seventy years ago, a good erection. Each year, the number of people who ask a question which is dangerous for the power is growing.
The health of the male sex - the men in good health.

However, in this notion, with the exception of the power always always libido. A very important point is the health of the whole reproductive system of men. It is therefore necessary semi-annual necessary to visit the profile of doctor.
What are the harmful products
A large number of different habits have an impact on the libido, the power. Here, with the exception of the consumption of drugs, consumption of alcohol-containing beverages, and stands out of all.
To improve erection, libido, is needed several times a week to find the time for the sport, which will allow all the rest to reach the sex organs to become more attractive to the female sex.
For all people, without exception, long walks in the street become out of the situation. The doctors say that every day man is forced to spend more than 1 thousand steps. For the standardization in the short-term power, to improve the process of the morning traffic, it is advisable to take a shower.
One of the main enemies of male potency is the large number of stressful situations in life, which need to be reduced to a minimum. The second option is to learn how to quickly remove the stress. In addition to the above, the positive impact from a prescribed profile of doctor diet. It is important to understand what products are for the power in the modern world are useful and that relate exclusively evil.
The beer is one of the inflammatory disorders in the hormonal balance. If you saw in the street a man with a beer belly, it is probably an indicator of low levels of testosterone, activates the production of hormones which are inherent to girls. The man who is really cares about your health will never be abused.
Fast food in any form has harmful transgenic fats, which also causes a serious error in the distribution of hormones. They contain not only in burgers, different from the cooking, but in the margarine/ice, so for those who have the power of road will be needed to make the choice to use or not use in the diet of these products.
Caffeine - the killer of testosterone. Significantly increases the number of estrogen. The product is harmful, but it has the advantage of rapid exit from the body.
As to the cooking contain harmful components to the power, like the yeast, the sugar of his best also.
A variety of meats contain an amazing dose of smoked fluid acting on the penis of men of the poorer.
Mild violates the male power, that is why everything that you can afford - not more than 50 g no candy.
The product, which is made up of cholesterol, the result of circulatory disorders, dangerous obstruction of the blood vessels. Also it is advisable to entirely give up.
In addition to the products, which is prohibited to buy in stores in order to avoid problems with the sex of a system, there are also a number of products that can be on the menu, but in limited quantities.
- You can't use more than 1 l of cow's milk.
- Because soy contains different hormones sexual abuse during the fight with the male hormones of this product is not desirable.
- The salt is able to reduce the production of the testosterone.
- Narcotics, such as marijuana are capable of disrupting the balance of hormones.
- Nicotine causes atherosclerosis is the main cause of the constriction of the blood vessels.
- Drinks containing alcohol have a negative effect on the liver, the production of the series hormones.
- A variety of energy drinks and coca-cola have a bad influence on erectile function, because cause quickly the expansion/contraction of blood vessels.
What are the products that help you impotence?
- Soda;
- The grass;
- St. john's wort;
- The ginger and the honey.
- Nuts;
- The tea;
- Garlic;
- Natural aphrodisiacs.
Natural ways to increase testosterone in men

Doctors has long made the list of the different ways to improve guy level of testosterone no medicinal drugs methods:
- Normalize your sleep mode. It is necessary for the proper selection of the amount of hormones. Until you learn to wake up to the sound of the alarm, and will not all the morning, feel the energy of the day would only be able to increase the testosterone level.
- Eat a healthy diet. Each meal should be rich in vitamins c, and a variety of minerals.
- To avoid the dehydration of the man, you need to drink lots of water. In addition, if he is engaged in any sport, the number of put of fluid per day increases. In this case, the non-alcoholic beverages, such as juices from supermarkets are not drinking water, are not considered.
- In the diet, you have to give up all carbohydrates, which are digested quickly because they help to increase the rate of cholesterol in the blood.
- The more a man weighs less than different hormones produced in her body. To standardize the levels of testosterone it is important to get rid of excess weight.
- More exercise, because the main enemy of the hormone are low in any form of physical activity.
The plan
Quite often directly prior to conception of the baby, the man begins to take an interest in what products for the power and what, in general should be the right plan for you?
In the first, very there are five categories of useful products, which, necessarily, you must include in your diet:
- As you can't drink all day from the lean meat, because it is practically non-dangerous cholesterol but plenty of protein;
- The garlic, the onion. They are able to increase the resistance men of the body to infections due to the content in large amounts Of vitamin c;
- It is advisable to use in dishes of legumes, so that in this category of products a lot of components that contribute to the increase of the level of the hormone;
- In salads should be necessarily useful for the greens.
In addition, the plan requires mandatory with the exception of the food products known as fat from the food, the dishes with many condiments, soft drinks.
Products to improve the power of fruit, vegetables, honey and other
Necessary for a power of oligo-elements, vitamins different are today in the different fruits. This is why often, thanks to a diet of fruit, you can quickly get rid of a variety of problems in sex. Fruits, such as products that increase power, have a general impact on the improvement of the health of men. They in the composition have a combination of vitamins, regenerating, within a short duration of sexual functions.
You should pay a particular attention to different fruits, which contains rich useful components of the ascorbic acid/folic acid as well as tocopherol. It is, as often as possible, you need a fig, mulberry, mango, kiwi with grapes.
Among the vegetables the men it is necessary to draw attention to the products that increase the power:

- Chinese cabbage would be useful for the general strengthening of immunity, cleansing the blood.
- In broccoli there are folic acid, iron, contributing to the conclusion of the male body to a variety of toxins.
- The lawyer, due to the large number of different proteins to the men of the exciting action.
- The carrot contains a lot of vitamin A, which enhances in men, the work of the testes, activates the function of the seminal vesicles.
Food for animals
For the body of any man, animal, food is a source of protein that is absorbed. Because the substance is most often used as a building material for tissues, cells, its deficiency often leads to the development of adverse effects, such as problems in the sexual life of the partners. Therefore, in the diet on a daily basis must not only meat, but also eggs.
To improve the strength of the men, as well as the attraction to the opposite sex necessarily need to eat seafood, such as cancers, squid or even the meat of the rays. They contain the necessary amounts of zinc, and is thus capable of improving the endurance.
The products of beekeeping
Because these products in large quantities contains proteins, without which not able to reach the rich intimate life, it is imperative to use in the diet of each honey ambrosia. It improves the blood flow in the sexual organ, due to the content of glucose, fructose, and also provides active support in the production of testosterone. It is prohibited to use the people with the diseases of cancer of the nature.
Products, by stimulating the activity and some simple recipes with them
In order to achieve, really tangible impact, it is necessary to get rid of a major problem to the impotence. In the first place to help with this can food, giving a positive effect on the power.
The chocolate contributes to the power, the strengthening of immunity. On a daily basis in small amounts, it is good.
The liver actively increases in men's libido. If a sound at least once every seven days, you can always have the right amount of useful components.
To strengthen the resistance to stress, balancing hormone production, men should be in their power to use a chicken/quail eggs.
Beverages, useful for the strength of the men
If thinking about the question, which of the drinks throughout the day the more often drinking men, the most immediately able to respond that it is the tea. However, few people know that this drink can bring to the organization a great benefit. There is a tea, able to increase the power. For example, in the classic green tea with a lot of zinc, to facilitate the blocking of the development dangerous of prostatitis, as well as the synthesis of testosterone. It is only important to use only freshly.
Are not less useful also protein shakes, that you can find today in almost any supermarket, offering sports nutrition. They have an excellent action to sexual stimulation.
Also greatly improve the sexual performance of a partner to help you simple compote, welded, of these dried fruits such as apricots or prunes. Preferably, it also has fill of honey to improve the effect.
Simple recipes and dishes for the health of men
There are a large number of simple recipes, in which are used of the products, boosting the power to improve the quality of the sexual life of men and the strengthening of the erection.
Honey with sesame seeds. Take a little bit of sesame seeds, fry them directly on the stove, not to resort to the use of the oil. Mix it with natural honey and every day to eat 3 tablespoons of no less than three times.
Nutrient mixture, from which, with the exception of honey will be a aloe juice, the red wine.
For cooking, you need 1 glass of honey mix with 1 tablespoon of aloe juice and 0.5 litres of wine. The mixture is brewed within a period of two weeks and then during a month is used three times per day.
The prevention of sexual weakness
In speaking of the prevention of sexual weakness, you must understand the importance of enhancing in men of the nervous system, as well as in the tone.
The most popular in the past two years, not only the use in the feeding of products stimulating the power, but on a systematic basis to run. Through studies of race, you can get rid of the excess weight, thus significantly increasing the level of testosterone, help prevent impotence.

There is an opinion of the series the specialists, who have several times in the course of their studies have pointed to the fact that sexual disorders are directly dependent on weight men. As soon as it starts to get better, almost immediately loses power.
In addition, as the prevention, you need to be constantly fascinated the man, who, without any problem able to transfer any abstinence.