There are several big areas, methods, solving of problems of powerlessness, we will describe in detail the most effective of them.

Problems with the male power can occur at any age and this is due to unpleasant phenomenon with a variety of negative factors. This is not only old age, as believes the majority of the causes of erectile dysfunction (ED) are numerous, ranging from stress and finishing of physical trauma. As we know, on the prevention of the impotence of men think very rarely, often “running” the disease. Fortunately, in most cases, the situation changed in a short period of time as is reasonable for the money.
How to improve the power and reach concrete results?
It is important to understand the causes of the difficulties, try to eliminate the negative points, and then the strengthening of the erection occurs, as itself. Often men, have the potential to harm the general state of the organism: stress, fatigue, illness. Sometimes, just the use of phenol, someone you like most proven on the market of medicines. In some cases, to solve the problems of use of inpatient services. All means are good in their own way, you have to do is choose the most suitable.
Prevention is the best way to maintain sexual health permanently.
The life of modern man is full of events, days at the days, not the time to pay attention to their own body. The adverse effects of fatigue, stress, poor diet. Many, unfortunately, depend on bad habits.
In asking "how can I increase the power?", most of the men quite think of prevention! Above the solution of problems begin to work when they have already appeared. It must be remembered, however – if the power already started to decrease, this means that the health for a long time was in shock. The more time has evolved the disease, the more difficult it is to win. What should you do to avoid the onset of difficulties?
In the first place, it is necessary to carefully monitor the general condition of the body. Avoid unnecessary loads, not to take on an excessive amount of a excessive load of work, do not linger long on the computer. An electromagnetic field is bad on the body, causing inhibition of the male power. Static, heavy posture for a long period is also harmful. Physical inactivity is a typical diagnosis for the modern man, especially in the big cities.
Return the man's strength, you can easily and fairly quickly: the key to success in the war of the erection – refusal of bad habits. Just stop spending time with the cigarette, avoid the consumption of alcohol or reduce to a minimum, to ensure by the experience, it works. It turns out, the path is much shorter than you can imagine!
When the state is not too heavy, it is appropriate to limit the presence in the diet of alcoholic beverages, to refuse to 100% are not necessarily, and here's all the it is best to completely remove it from your life. It is the nicotine is the main enemy of testosterone – the hormone that is this gold key to a lasting erection. Certainly, alcohol also reduces the production of the hormone.
It is important to monitor the weight of their own: his strong fluctuations, kilos too much is a very bad impact on health, affecting and on the part of a system. The gland is not in the power of produce testosterone, when the abdomen is loaded with body fat. All the more thanks to the excess weight increases the rate of cholesterol, vases, stoppered, and the blood slowly rushes to the penis. Thus, the excess weight poses a serious danger for the male erection. You need to give up fatty, caloric food, to create a balanced diet.
There are monitoring, thanks to which he became known: sometimes, the choice of a partner, especially if it is legitimate for a spouse, a negative impact on the self-esteem and the actual state of the men in the sexual sphere. Some women require the representatives of half of mankind grand victories, and what are wages. Following the man, trying to prove their abilities, loses health, of fatigue. Certainly, to the end of suffering and the sexual life. Tormented on the way to restore health to the previous level, in order not to lose the love of a woman, that every man will be able to determine the cause of the problem. Above it is worthwhile to reflect on and analyze the relationship with his "partner".

In cases where the difficulty a long time prevent the full sex life and neuroses already significantly weakened mental state, you can do auto-training, or talk to a psychologist. Here, all methods are good, we must experience them in action, defining the best.
It is the prevention, sorting and removal of the real causes of the disorders of erection, are the way to get rid of the problem.
Simple things – special food, a Turkish bath, a contrast bath and the miracles of the ice
Sometimes, a simple path is the safest.
Very favorable on the android the potential to affect the hike to the bathroom: when visiting during 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a steam bath, you can greatly improve the circulation of the blood, cleanse the system, and thus to restore the loss of opportunities. Go to the bathroom the best two times per week, take a birch broom.
It is helpful to sit down before bedtime contrast baths. Hot water and cold water fill a pair of tanks, in each of them, it will just be a minute, and the position vary from about 8-10 times. The temperature difference, you can gradually increase, as unnecessarily a sudden fall of the night, especially when the procedure is unusual.
Unexpectedly strong healing properties of ice. Wrapped in a 10-layer gauze finely fell on the ice – a great tool for you to make the power. To do this, take 500 grams of ice, make folds, and the queue apply to different parts of the body, each one minute. The procedure is the following: first tighten at the base of the skull, then put in the heart, and then in the region of the scrotum.
Also it is important to follow a good diet, apply vitamin, eat fruits and vegetables. Excellent support the sexual sphere the following products, if included in the diet regular:
- egg yolks;
- raw garlic;
- nuts;
- pulses;
- simmered in milk to the carrot;
- the honey and the chocolate.
Physical exercises to raise the tone
The physical exercise for health is not exactly wrong.
The general tone of the organism, the activity of the help of special exercises. For a start, it takes some getting used to the daily load, the walks and the best of all – the race in the open air, a stress on the body. Then, it is necessary to conduct studies.
As a man of correct business in the bedroom through the training? Known several the most effective exercises, they are quite simple.
Need to sit comfortably on the carpet. Then bend a leg, it was comfortable. The index finger and thumb it is necessary to seize the achilles tendon, for one minute, rub and squeeze it, adhering to the longitudinal direction.
The pressure, it is recommended to strengthen when the motion is downward. The exercise is repeated with the other leg. The finish of the procedure, the are doing in the area of the tendon of improvements, about a half-minute. Without any pretension of handling visibly capable of stimulating the sexual function, which has beneficial repercussions on the functioning of the bladder and kidneys.

Sitting on a mat in a comfortable position, you need to put on each other palms and massage the left leg in a circular motion. Start with the massage front of the left leg, moving to the foot of the mid-calf. Then also massage your right calf. It is enough to perform an exercise for each foot for one minute to relax the prostate.
Commissioning of the third year, it is necessary to lie down on the belly, folded under the chin of the hand, elbows dissolve. Then, suddenly breathing, bend the right leg, and try to reach the knee to right elbow.
In its original position return, and hold while exhaling. Therefore, in a small, taza, the blood begins to circulate, and the normalization of the function of the ureter and the bladder.
An increase of the power of natural means
The honey and the other gifts of the nature help to maintain, restore, and enhance the manhood.
A multitude of beautiful fund is offering the nature itself, she knows that man needs for health. Help the men come to the plant. It is a wonderful natural healers, without synthetic and chemical products. They have a beneficial effect on the body, it is ideal when any diet.
- Excellent effect gives a cocktail of honey with carrot juice, it is recommended to drink three times in the day, a quarter of a cup. Drunk 2 times per day 20 drops garlic tincture to help you to solve erection problems, the tool purchase in the pharmacies.
- A month well devote a treatment of nuts with honey, they are in equal proportions. Take a product no later than 20 minutes after the meal, two times per day to 2 teaspoons. Better to drink the milk mixture, then its action strengthens.
- It is also useful to include in your diet of cabbage juice, as it is known, it improves erection.
- Lovely property has the infusion you need to take the flowering tops of the basilica, grind the leaves of walnut (2 tbsp.) and roots of horseradish (8 tablespoons). Then, it is necessary to boil the red wine, pour the mixture into a litre of drink and it is good to insist, first wrapped in a cloth. Then, the beverage is filtered, and it should be taken before meals, 3 times during the day, 100 ml
- Medicinal of the lung good to add in the salad, soup, and drink an infusion: for this, it is necessary to one cup of boiling water, pour 10 g of dry powder pulmonary, and after an hour, drain. Take the tool 3 times in the course of the day, a tbsp. To help the strands of a young maple, asparagus, pumpkin seeds and pine nuts.
Vacuum, injection, prolactin, and surgery to improve the power
Thanks to the development of medicine, virtually all cases of impotence are curable.
There are ways of treatment of erectile dysfunction in the hospital and with the help of special procedures. Below you see the main methods of treatment, which medicine now has:
- Vacuum of the correction you have to do directly before the sexual act stimulates the blood circulation. Unfortunately, the procedure is very a short-term effect, but also side effects.
- The injections allow to obtain good results after the introduction in the penis of a drug. The action does not depend on the excitation, erection not just that, thanks to a drug.
- Determine what type of hormone treatment should be carried out, the doctors are trying to understand the content of hormones. The worst, as the sex affects the lack of prolactin. His product before the part of the pituitary gland. If you encounter problems, the pathology of the pituitary gland, you need to eliminate them then prolactin will come back for help, the erection will return.
- The last solution is surgery. To him have been used in the most serious cases, when all other methods have not given results. Operate on the blood vessels in the penis, exercise prosthetic phallus. This method is the best cardinal.

Now that you know everything that you need to restore or improve the stem – we have talked about all the effective methods of treatment of impotence, you have to do is select your and the confidence to move to the goal!