Medications to improve potency in men are still very popular, as well as the erection mechanism, which involves many organs and systems of the human body.
Choose the best tool after a complete inspection and with a specialist, such as a bad treatment can be more harm than good. Let's see, when you want to increase the power with the help of medicines and dietary supplements, as well as drugs for the recovery of the strength of the men.

When the reception
Occurs most often in a decrease of the activity in the 45-50 years, which is caused by changes in the tissues, accumulated for chronic diseases, and many other causes. But violations are possible in the young and middle-aged. Common causes of erectile dysfunction and lack of libido specialists call:
- the absence of a balanced diet and a mode of action;
- the lack of rest and sleep;
- bad habits;
- anxiety, lack of self-confidence, stress;
- physical and emotional overload;
- chronic diseases and certain medications;
- irregular sex, and the lack of diversity in intimate life.
All of these factors require the power in men with the help of medication. In most cases, when the decreased libido, sluggish, or part-time erection is not accompanied by other disturbing symptoms, and does not occur often, you can limit the change of the situation, the rest, a good diet and improving the quality of life. Generally, it helps to normalise the power in the absence of serious health problems.
If the power drop is accompanied by difficulty in urination and ejaculation, the highlight of the urethra of blood or pus, from the onset of pain different from the location of the drop in the overall tone of the organization, as well as other symptoms, you can't medicate and wait for the improvement of the health status. An urgent need to consult a doctor to diagnose and get treatment.
Types of medications for erection and libido
There are many effective medications to improve potency in men. Each of them must be selected on the basis of several factors:
- the causes of the evolution of the pathology and already available complications;
- the nature of the violations of the power and degree of complexity;
- age;
- available chronic diseases and serious;
- already, feeling human medicines.

All foreign and domestic products to improve the power in men are of several types:
- blockers, which give a rapid and powerful effect, but is not appropriate for everyone;
- homeopathy, which are present in the composition of natural animal and herbal ingredients;
- the natural supplements, but not always, have high efficiency;
- hormonal preparations, which is comprised of testosterone;
- the fund's indirect power, for example, antispasmodics, medications to improve the blood circulation and the transmission of nerve impulses, adjuvants, vitamins and minerals complex.
None of even the most, at first sight harmless medication to improve the power can not be taken without consultation with a specialist. First of all, the tool may not be suitable for you or not to have the desired action, and, second, it can hide annoying symptoms and lead to the progression of a disease requiring immediate treatment.
Preparations for the moment of power
Preparations for the moment to increase the power, generally, have a lot of differences to the natural means of the composition:
- the presence of synthetic powerful components, for example, itraconazole;
- fast effect, which manifests itself more than 30 to 60 minutes after the application and during 4 hours to several days.
- the lack of influence on the composition of the semen.
- certificates and certifications of the security documents;
- clinically proven efficiency;
- a unique opportunity for providing the desired effect;
- the cost is affordable.
Help these tools even when serious violations of the power. But these drugs have two points less: a large number of contraindications and possible negative effects.
For example, one cannot apply quick tools the elderly, the presence of serious diseases of internal organs and systems, especially the heart and blood vessels. And the possible side effects can be allergic reactions, increased heart rate, dizziness, vision problems, but also dangerous for the life and health of the state, heart attack and stroke.
The best medications to improve potency in men — blockers, which refers to popular Viagra. They block the action of the enzyme PDE-5, which leads to a modification of the speed of conduction of nerve impulses, plus the contents of the penis with blood and the extension of sexual intercourse.
Such means are valid only if you have a natural stimulus, for example, movies with erotic or nude images of your partner.

Safe medication for improving the power
Relatively safe, but less efficient are regarded as natural medicines to improve potency in men, because they have less contraindications, and the almost total absence of any negative effects.
These homeopathic tablets are sold in pharmacies and dietary Supplements, which are often to buy online. In the composition of their natural active ingredients that act on the whole body of man, and not only on the employment of the reproductive system.
The effect of the ingestion of dietary supplements and homeopathy comes only after a certain period of time – 2-3 weeks of taking the drug. The man starts to feel better and more self-confident. In a relationship, you receive the passion and the desire, and the intimacy brings pleasure.
Similarly, erection problems: it is full and firm, not caducous during sexual intercourse, and which allows us to pass along to the sexual act. Drug plant to improve the power in men according to the manufacturer can even contribute to the increase of reproductive authority.
No specialist is not prescribing drugs quality of dietary supplements. The fact that the efficacy of these drugs has not been proven clinically and act in such different ways. The effect depends on the cause of the decline of the power and the individual characteristics of the person. And to cope with a serious illness, for example, in the prostatitis, varicocele, diabetes and many other diseases, that reduce the virility and lead to impotence, without being chosen by the treating physician is impossible.
Therefore, if you decide to use a dietary supplement, it is best to include it in the composition of treatment and consult with a specialist.
Among the best food supplements to the most popular chinese pills and pills containing ginseng, mushroom Cordyceps, wood, deer, and many other natural components.
Is not always cheap drugs to improve the potency in men give way to its impact is more expensive. Often, toning and strengthening the immunity of the tools to improve the blood circulation and the transmission of the nervous impulse, for example, vitamin and mineral complex, tincture of hawthorn, normal glycine, as well as a few others, will help you to regain your power.
Remember, the erection of a mechanism, to a normal operation which take part of many systems and organs of the human body. But the possibility of the integral and of the quality of the sexual act to the inuence of internal and external factors.
Thus, in addition to the reception quality of dietary supplements and pharmaceutical drugs to increase potency in men, change the way of life more active and in good health, heal diseases, normalize emotional and mental, eat well-balanced. Only such an approach and the timely treatment to a specialist for the recruitment of good medications to help restore the self-confidence and the health of men.