The problem of the violation of the power of men are facing the middle and adult age. Physical exercises to improve the power is a simple method, using which you can establish an intimate life. Such an exercise will be beneficial to humans, and violations of sexual power, and without them.

- Improvement of erectile function
- Other types of exercises
- It is necessary to increase the power of medicines?
Improvement of erectile function
The physical health and sex is an important part of the lives of men. The proximity with the woman — a natural essential of the phenomenon. All men may not have the time to monitor their sexual health, then occurs the violation of erectile function. The prevention of these problems, scientists have developed exercises to improve power. The physical load every day will normalize, and increases the male power , helping to fully restore the sexual health.
This gymnastics of the power leads to the muscles the pubis and the coccyx, in direct relationship with power. Thanks to the training of these muscles erections will last longer, without the use of chemicals. After the regular performance of an exercise is active and rapid blood flow in the genital area.
To perform the first step to improving sexual function, you need to take a comfortable starting position, for example, sit on a chair, fully straighten the area of the spine and relax the muscles. The hands, bend the elbows, hanging down. The breathing is done with the help of the nose, it must be short.
The palms of his hands are doing, as a movement, as if you're in need of something to grasp. Buttocks stiffens and contracts with the anus. By making a pause of 30 seconds, the physical exercise to improve erectile function is even 7 times. First, it would be very difficult, however, after a regular execution of the exercise will be given easier and easier. It supports the rectum and the entire genito-urinary system of men in perfect condition. This gym can easily perform invisible, even at work.

The following exercises for power, it is recommended to do, from nude. One of them is standing, legs apart at shoulder width and bending the knees. The hands are fitted at the waist. In a period of 2 minutes, you must quickly make the movement of the pelvis from front to back. The sexual organ should also swing. The nose is short breaths, mouth — out. After running 7 times makes a pause of 30 seconds. Exercises such as for the power, it is recommended to perform 5 times. Perform movements, even in the shower. Similarly, by regularly carrying out such an exercise, we can forget to take medicines.
In addition, being in the nude, the man must crouch in front of the mirror, to see. The area of the testicles tightens up on the short exhale towards the top. The belly and buttocks in a synchronous manner are being developed. While exhaling, it is necessary to relax the scrotum. Like other exercises for strengthening the power, this is the number of 7 times, with an interval of 30 seconds.
To perform the next exercise in the complex of man sits on the floor by bending the knees. The area laid hands on the knees, the body relaxes. On the expiration, the left shoulder is brought to the front. When the left leg, corrected the knee, is served from the front behind the shoulder, buttock shell. On the exhalation, the body must be straightened, buttock, lower and bend at the knee of the right leg. After, without rest, the right leg put forward, and send them over there to the right shoulder. The feet is done in 7 steps, and after a pause of 30 seconds physical exercise is repeated 15 times.
The following exercises for the prostate are performed in the supine position. The man lies on back, flexes the legs half to my knees, drawing the feet on the ground. The two arms are placed along the torso, and the pelvic region amounts to 15 times. The holiday lasts for 1 minute. The exercise performed 7 times.
Squats are an important part of a complex exercise to increase power. But they have a difference of sit-ups, exercising a positive effect on the male body. This occurs through an influx of blood in the legs, the pelvis and the development of the male hormone, testosterone. To perform this exercise correctly, the man should stand in the soft position, with your feet apart a little wider shoulders. Before you perform squats for buttocks tense up. The feet of the two feet we can't lead to sex. A man down as much as he can. The lowest point we should look for about 3 seconds, and then gradually ease the two feet. Squat 20 times. At the time of the execution of such an exercise is very important to keep the buttocks in a state of stress, so that the muscles, which have an impact on erectile function, worked well.
It is the exercise of the medical complex in fact, near a wall. The man is on the wall and relies on his fingers of the hand. Then, you need to lift the feet, fingers of feet from the ground, are dried up. This exercise is repeated 10 times. One approach is to take exactly half a minute.

Other types of exercises
Without any doubt, a set of exercises to improve the potency has a positive impact on male sexual health. But some actions in collaboration with him-the same complex will help to improve its effect and faster to achieve the desired result. For example, the daily activities of the sports and physical activities such as running or walking, help to keep the body of a man in a constant tone.
The regular presence of the sexual life has a direct impact on the sexual health. If in the life of the man is present the sex, the body will react to the stimulus with a reflex action. This means that it will happen much more quickly. In the morning in the body of the man of sex hormones are produced by yourself, this is why at this time of the day, you may not even remember that there are medicines for the power.
Immediately after the execution of the exercises to increase and maintain the erectile function, your man should take a shower. It helps to improve blood circulation and strengthen the blood vessels in the body. Special attention is recommended to allow the pelvic region, alternating between the hot, the jet of cold water.
The last action for the uprising of the power of not to be overlooked is the massage of the active points on the foot. Among the great number of active points in this region of the body exist, and those that are responsible for the normal execution of the erectile function of the body. A light massage of the feet and the bare feet will be sufficient.
It is necessary to increase the power of medicines?
This is not a secret that the ability of the male body to have sex, you can easily restore it with the help of a drug. In the composition the most popular drug is a substance called sildenafil, which increases the blood flow in the sexual organ. However, these medicines help only 4 men out of 5 with a violation of erectile function.
The drug is taken for 1 hour prior to the scheduled date for a single exposure. The medication begins its action at the end of 30 minutes after taking it. The effect lasts for about 4 hours. For that the pill has really begun to act, man must be sexually excited. In the opposite case, the drug is useless.

Over the greater part of the male sex, the drug has a positive effect immediately after the first dose. If the drug has no effect, the best way is to register on the advice of your doctor.
If do regular exercise to improve the power, the positive impact of not waiting a long time. With exercise, healthy lifestyle and self-confidence can easily go without medication. The entire complex is necessary to perform healthy individuals, and men with problems to prevention and promotion of sexual health.