In women, the nature is asked the period of the menopause, in which her sexual activity and fertility is turned off, and the man still retains his erectile function, just a quality sound, with time may decrease. In the age of reason are natural internal change. To identify the exact cause of the dysfunction of weakness that can be a doctor, but it is often the fault of several important factors:
- the abuse of alcohol and nicotine;
- the decline of testosterone levels;
- excess weight;
- the neurological disorders.
Even if a man supports the physical activity in the elderly, is seeking to the time to treat the chronic diseases, does not have overweight problems, monitors the proper diet, it can't protect against deterioration of the power. This is due to a hormone of testosterone, the development of which the men of over 60 years is gradually slowed down, which contributes to a decrease in sex drive, problems with erection and ejaculation.
How to improve the power

An effective method of impact on the erectile function can not only represent the receipt of certain pills or exclusively to the consumption of products aphrodisiac. An increase of the power in men after 60 years, the need for an integrated approach and necessarily the patience, because, if this is not the purchase of a stimulating an erection of the pharmacy, the treatment will be long. Often regimen involves:
- the treatment of diseases of the genito-urinary system;
- the execution of specific exercises;
- the intake of vitamins and strengthening the immunity.
Drug therapy
The selection of drugs that exert an increase of the potency in men after the age of 60, after having discovered the cause of the deterioration of erectile function. Perhaps the appointment of drugs corrective hormone levels have an impact on the libido, accentuating the feeling of the sexual act. With oral medication of long-term therapy of erectile dysfunction may require the use of topical medication of ointments and gels, injections into the penis.
Folk remedies
In old age, the doctors advise to prefer a synthesis of the tablets of the remedies of the traditional medicine, if you don't need to resist to the heavy chronic disease of the reproductive system. A disadvantage of such a treatment would be the duration of the training: 2 to 4 weeks, pause and repeat. Capture the effect of the pill, and waiting, but the price and the risks of such a treatment below. Primarily to enhance potency in men after 60 years, the traditional medicine offers:
- the consumption of herbal teas;
- the overlay of an application on the penis;
- the use of sinapismes on the feet;
- the receipt of a relaxing bath.
Physical exercise
Experts advise men older than 60 years of practicing yoga she a good effect on the pelvic organs: the exercises help to relax the lower back, act on the nervous system, the circulation of the blood. Also required small sets of exercises that contribute to the restoration of the power – they may be established by a doctor or not. The most simple bouquet:
- At the time of urination, stop the jet, count to 10 and relax your muscles. It is the physical exercise you need to do during each urination.
- Sitting on the buttocks, tighten the set heel the heel of the foot to the groin. Spread the knees, try lowering on the ground. The installation of a "butterfly" it is necessary to keep 30 to 40 seconds.
- Lie on the belly, bent in the elbow hand, put the palms down on the sides. With aspir with exhalation, detach the chest to the floor, bend the back. Count up to 20, down. The exercise helps to establish blood flow.
The intake of vitamins and trace elements
To improve the power, you can use the "men's" vitamins, or at low cost buy at a pharmacy or order online any of the BAD, which will contain certain vitamins and oligo-elements, of the corrective measures or hormones and the condition of the blood vessels. It is important to the consumer:
- Zinc: it is the material of construction of testosterone.
- Selena – affects the male genitals.
- Vitamin c – helps the blood circulation and strengthens the blood vessels.
- Vitamin E stimulates blood circulation to the penis.
- Vitamin D is responsible for the libido.
The improvement of potency in men after 60 years, it is impossible, if there are vascular lesions of the penis – in such a situation, the production of a single: operation. Mainly a doctors practice the strengthening of the vascular wall or bypass surgery (in patients at the adult age of the artery rarely affect only to vienna). It is not excluded prosthesis penile – introduction of the implant into the corpora cavernosa and pump in the scrotum.
The restoration of the power after 60 years

If this topic is not just about the deterioration of erectile function and the full of the disappearance of libido, inability to resist, even brief, of the sexual act because of premature ejaculation, poor excitation of a member for the man's urgent need to see a doctor. Restore the power at the age of 60 years and more later, you buy the distribution of the pills, you may not be able to health, in this period must be treated with special attention.
Folk remedies
Alternative medicine will not be effective if full impotence is to pay attention to men of all the doctors. In the course of the situation, it is desirable to use several popular recipes with the drug therapy, special exercises and other ways to improve the potency in men after 60. Proven of such means:
- The grass of dubrovnik, from which a decoction – 5 tablespoon of first, pour a glass of water, give a boil for 3 minutes, leave for half an hour. Take 50 ml before the meal, while the glass to drink per day. On the following day is preparing for a new portion. The course lasts for 14 days.
- The infusion of thyme helps to restore erection and prevent premature ejaculation. 2 tablespoons herb infused below 500 ml of boiling water for approximately 2 h, divided into two and drink in the morning and in the evening. The course should not last more than 2 weeks.
- The seeds of nettle contribute to the increase of the strength of the men through the elimination of diseases of the reproductive system, but you can't take, if a cardiovascular pathology. The recipes of traditional medicine are offered to make the tea (1 teaspoon per cup), or the tincture: pour 5 c. l. seeds of nettle 0.5 l of red wine, boil, let cool. Drink 50 ml after-noon before meals for 3 weeks.
The diet and an active lifestyle
The constant movement – walking, volleyball, football, skiing in winter and cycling in summer, is the key to health at any age. In addition, it is necessary to provide to a man of regular sex, it has a direct impact on the enhancement of potency in men after the age of 60. An important role for the improvement of the sexual activity of the cheek and a healthy diet:
- Discard from the menu of the alcohol, fatty foods, fast-food, give up meat smoke and a large amount of salt.
- Drink all the days of the walnuts and pine nuts, almonds. It is desirable to combine it with honey.
- Do not ignore the protein-rich foods, but do not abuse the fat of the meat.
When men older than 60 years of age weakens erection, the first thing that comes to mind to improve, – to go to the pharmacy and choose the correct medicine. Before you choose the tools that increase the power of men of mature age, it is necessary to find the reasons that have led to the problems encountered. In the standard for men in good health at this age, we observe a slight decrease of the sexual function, related to the decline with the years, the level of testosterone.
The drugs for the power, proposed to the men of mature age, can be divided into three groups.
- Hormone treatments with testosterone.
- The power of stimulant of synthetic origin (tablets sildenafil).
- Ways to enhance the strength of the men of natural origin (based tablets yohimbine or other components of the installation).
Before taking a tool to increase potency in men of mature age, please read this user manual carefully, the indications and contra-indications.
To increase the power, after 60 years, the experts recommend to take medication containing testosterone. The capacity of the erectile function occurs as a result of the adequate intake for the full activation of the erection of the quantity of the male sex hormone.
Enhance sexual arousal and increase considerably the power of 60 years, and phenol.
By eating a mixture of nuts and honey, mixed in equal proportions, may also be effective and beneficial for the whole body to increase power.
Another good tool for reinforcing the strength of the men – herbs dubrovnik ordinary. 2 tablespoons of raw materials filled a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, and are updated 3 times a day 1/3 cup before meals.
To raise awareness and restore the power, to enhance the sensation of sexual contact, it is advisable to follow the following rules:
- Getting rid of bad habits.
- Use in the diet of seafood, nuts, legumes, vegetables and fruits.
- Giving up the fatty foods, smoked food and fast food products.
- Increase physical activity: do exercises in gymnastics, yoga.
The adherence to these rules contributes to the conservation of the power in men of 60 years and his improvement, so that you can enjoy the sex life for many years.
Even the age of maturity does not become an obstacle in full of the intimate life, if to take care of their health, regularly observed the doctor and properly take their assigned pills, and drugs.
What are the factors that lead to a decrease in the power

These factors can be classified into physiological and pathological.
- Obesity. Is the consequence of the violation of metabolism.
- All. Nicotine affects the blood flow to the pelvic organs, causing ischemia and artificial of atherosclerosis. The lack of blood circulation — the path to the impotence (we've written previously about the dangers of smoking to the power of).
- The consumption of large quantities of alcohol. Alcohol dulls the libido, reducing the concentration of testosterone. Drinking in moderation: no more than one glass of wine per day.
- Psychogenic reason (lack of self-confidence, phobias and fears).
- Physical inactivity (lack of movement).
- Taking certain medications (especially psychotropic drugs).
Pathological understand the disease:
- The venereal diseases. The sexually transmitted diseases, "evil" faces on men's health, hitting the prostate and testis.
- The high blood pressure. Causes fragility of blood vessels and ischemia of the pelvic organs.
- The prostatitis. Considered a veritable scourge of male persons aged over 60 years. According to statistics, this dangerous disease suffer from 70% of older men. The disease is characterized by erectile dysfunction and problems with normal urination. Despite this, the defeat of the prostate — not worth it. The disease causes temporary impotence. Quite realistic to adjust the pathological state.
- Adenoma of the prostate. Benign tumor of the glandular tissues of the prostate. Showing symptoms of prostatitis. It requires a surgical treatment, because the issue at stake is not only the function of reproduction, but also of the health in general.
- Diseases inflammatory and non-inflammatory the defeat of the testicles and their appendages: orchitis, epididymitis, cryptorchidism (which is very rare in adulthood) and al
- Diseases of the kidney and urinary tract. Including urolithiasis, pyelonephritis.
- The endocrine system the pathology at the level of the thyroid (hypothyroidism), the hypothalamus and the hypophysis (hypogonadism).
Understand underlying causes only with the help of a competent physician. The only thing that can make the patient adhere to the rules of prevention in order to reduce the role of physiological factors. What to do for the restoration of the power after 60 years, this question can only be answered by a representative of the stronger sex.
Is it possible to strengthen the power at this age
Strengthen the actor of sexual activity after the age of 60, more of a reality. The great role played by age, but the will and the desire, because the more a representative of half of humanity, who is responsible requires an approach and the more difficult it is to return healthy erection. To increase the power of after this age, it needs a holistic approach, which includes:
- To increase physical activity.
- A change of regime.
- The receipt of specialty drugs.
- It also involves the treatment of chronic disease, naturally.
The restoration of male potency and improving the quality of the sex life, promotes respect for the rules of the diet, healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, the time of treatment of chronic diseases.