If a man displeased with the size of its intimate member, he sees it as a major problem, that will spoil his life. Plunges the self-esteem, self-confidence, especially in bed, leaves something to be desired. To rid the young of complex, invented a lot of drugs and techniques, such as a penis at home.
Normal size
- In a state penis is equal to 5-10 centimeters, blocks of 14 to 16. The diameter or circumference of approximately 3 to 4 centimeters.
- These optimal values, because they correspond to the depth and volume of the vagina.
- If the amount of your dignity varies within these limits, the problem is likely to contrived, is a psychological and not a physiological nature.
- A deviation from the norm estimate the length of a member is less than eight inches in erection in adulthood. Normal penis size or not - it depends on your aesthetic preferences, requests sexual partner.
- The value of a member has no impact on the degree of satisfaction of women during intimacy. The opinion that only large dimensions can reply to a myth.

The truth and mythology
- The fundamental error - the value of reproductive authority affects the "brutality". Also wrong to say that, having larger dimensions, the man automatically becomes a brilliant lover. Tact, attention and ability are the main attributes of macho.
- The dependence of the size of the phallus of your ears, feet and nose we're not going to treat. These theories do not support the criticism. These parts of the body are formed under the influence of various factors, therefore, influence is possible.
- A lot of weight does not affect the size, it is also a myth. Just under a layer of fat in the lower abdomen visually lost inches. Kilos act negatively on the very possibility of the sexual act - the emergence of desire, erections, and this problem is much more important.
On spobnost reproduction length affects a little less than nothing. The proof of the overpopulation of China.
- That really the impact on the size: heredity, race, the harmonious development of adolescence.
- The concept of standard is very broad: while the rate for chinese or Korean, for the man - pathology, and vice-versa.
The extent of the
It is a long procedure, the result is the addition of several factors:
- Measuring the need for a good stiff cock.
- Centimeter the tape is at the root of the trunk on the back up to the highest point of the head.
- Three lengths of a bend, appears average.
- The thickness is measured in three places: at the root, in the middle of the cervix.
- Similarly, the length is calculated the average.
- Measured at three times: morning/ afternoon/ evening. The value of the penis is variable. It depends on the temperature of the body and the environment, the degree of excitement, psychological state and much more.
If the solution finally, you have decided to increase the member to the house, we move on to consideration of methods of increasing the volume of the authority.
- jelqing;
- the services of Kegel;
- surgery increase;
- the impact of massage;
- suspension of the goods ;
- the taking of medication;
- extender;
- the vacuum pump;
- the gel, spray, ointment, cream;
- the nozzle.
The result will bring to the combined effect of several methods. It is not necessary to expect penis enlargement instantly. The main thing here is the perseverance, regularity, then the efforts are bearing fruit.

How to increase a member of the house?
- The increase of the penis at home a lot of men perceive skeptical. Away from all the methods work as promises of advertising. The main task - to choose a method that will not be a waste of time and money.
1. The Services Of Kegel
These exercises are useful for the bottom of the basin: prevents the men of the pathology, improve the sexual life, to strengthen and make a little increase a member. Of the year public-coccygeal muscle (LMB).
How to find:
- during urination try to stop the jet, you feel the tension in the bottom. Remember, what is the tight muscle is the FINISH.
How to:
- fatiguing the muscle in the course of the day 20 after three seconds, then relax. Gradually increase up to 50 times.
- when you learn to compress the VARNISH separately from all other muscles, extend the time of its compression to 10 seconds, with a relaxing stay in 4 seconds. Start with 20 times per day, carry up to 50-70.
Checking the status of the LMB:
- stir erect member, or bounce the. When you will be able to do it without a high voltage, it means that you are enough to form the muscle.
Maintain this state, do not dispose of the financial year. For the maintenance of tone to hold on to the эрегированный phallus towel and hold for some time.
2. Jelqing

- The technique of Jelqing because of the complexity of massage movements called "milking". Manual impact jelqing recovered, gives good results.
- The phallus must not be in full erection. The erection is not more than 60 to 75% of full strength.
Exercise 1
- Prior to their "milking" corpora cavernosa " necessary to preheat. This will improve their elasticity. The simplest way is to heat the salt or the rump of the pan, pour in the bag (you can sock) to attach to your dignity, all the sides of its warming up.
- Then perform incomplete erection, use grease. The basis enfold the trunk of the fingers, forming a ring tight.
- Very slowly move the ring to the head, as if pulling out. Touching the head is not necessary.
- Let's start with 40 broaching, gradually increasing their number to two hundred.
Exercise 2
- In this exercise penis enlargement on the penis overwrites the entire palm of the hand. Girth of the trunk, compressible at least 10 seconds. If it exceeds the limits of the palm of your hand, you can connect it to a process to the other.
- During the compression of delay alternatively to the left, right, bottom, top (order is not important). The compression should be strong, but without pain, so as not to damage the soft tissues.
- The comments promise lengthening to 2 cm per month.
3. Massage
In addition to increasing the length, the volume increase of a member, more of massage - a positive effect on the power.
The main thing - correct execution of the technique. The following recommendations to help prevent injury, promotes greater success.
- Before the massage, you should heat up the sexual organ.
- A small towel wet in hot water, wrap the penis.
- Wait a few minutes, repeat the process twice. The effect increases significantly after such a compress. Strengthens the blood circulation, the skin is more of a stretch.
There are various ways of massage. Some of which stimulate эрегированный the authority, other relaxed.
It is necessary to stop on a single technology and a systematic way.

4. Suspension of goods
- The increase of the penis attached to him of the goods is less traumatic method. Its essence in the impact of weight on ligaments, and erectile tissues. This leads to the stretching, the increase of member length. The thickness does not vary.
- Before the procedure of reproductive authority that is heated to a massage.
- Then before the head of the fixing adhesive tapes, which secure the lace.
- Hang a small weight (a video with this design).
- The first sessions should last a quarter of an hour. The weight of the load, the time of the procedure is gradually increased.
- The head of the penis should not dumb. If this is the case, reduce the load.
5. Extender
- Extender stretch the phallus, so the tissues to get rid of the uncomfortable tension, begin to develop. The device gives the result in the long term, the increase of such dimensions will remain. Extender it must be used several hours each day.
It is coming in empty, loopy, belt. Loop are less expensive, but not as comfortable as vacuum or back.
6. Pump
Looks like a pump. Used to increase the size and improve the power. Able to help you if эрегированный the authority is not able to achieve the natural elasticity. The pump creates a vacuum, stimulating blood circulation, strengthening the erection.
How to apply vacuum to the pump?
- Before using a member of the need to treat the cream and enter into the cylinder, which is equipped with the device.
- For the rise of the vacuum, the air in the cylinder is pumped, the authority is under pressure.
- Thanks to the intensification of the circulation of the blood, the pump increases the volume and the size of the penis (online you can find videos of the process). The pressure inside the vacuum adjustable integrated pressure gauge.
- The elongation, which contributes to the pump, has a temporary character, therefore, apply its best just before sex. A lot of men use it, as well as the growth of the size promotes the effect of the reception of the erection.
- Sold at the pump in pharmacies or food stores intimate.
Gel, spray, ointment, cream
Regardless of the form of medications and / or published (cream, spray), their action is coming in 3 types:
- In the short term (the time intimate of the act);
- Extended (focused on the long-term outcome);
- Accessories: there is an effect when using the stronger drugs.
- A cream or ointment to the short term action easy to cope with the task. You just need to add in their composition strong warming component that is able to cause an influx of blood to the dignity. Occurs a temporary increase of the head of the penis itself.
- An ointment or a gel may not without the assistance of a massage or a multiplier to provide tangible results permanently. When choosing a drug for prolonged action, do not believe the positive comments in the description of the tool, photo and video from the series "before and after".
- If to speak of accessories of impact, these tools and of these drugs - as it should be.
The penis enlargement methods are various, is this them?
- Of course, it is, but if the young man did not have the strength to do exercises in the morning, unlikely that it can regularly, day after day, to proceed to the intimacy of the gym.
- Really young members in the nature is not more than 5 %. So, don't dwell too much on the length and volume. Better learn to master the tool so as not to leave a woman indifferent.
Do you like, and your manhood will be your pride, regardless of its size.