The ancestors believed that if the head of the family are having problems with the power, — it would have a negative impact on its ability to support you in the household, and even if unpredictable phenomena, that the yield of agricultural holdings or of the fertility of the livestock.

These judgements is quite logical: man, if you are experiencing erection problems, is under stress. Thoughts troubling him prevent and in day to day business, and in the resolution of professional problems. But it is necessary to remember: the straight-talking with the doctor and the scholar the treatment plan will help you in resuming a healthy sex life and self-confidence.
The power of this
The power (sex) (latin.potentia — force is the body's ability to have sexual intercourse or be positive for complete. In sexology, the term power generally refers to the male sexuality. Therefore, the power determines the sexual abilities of men, and to a certain extent, is characterized by an effort of the penis, the rate of appearance of erection, duration of sexual act normal, its progression, and in the broadest sense - the ability to lead a normal sexual life. The power of the men may not be equated to practice the rhythm of their sex life, as well as the sexual ability or the other, men may not correlate with the frequency of sexual intercourse. Also, in no case can not be equated to the intensity of her sexual desire, which in some forms of erectile dysfunction is not only does not diminish, but, on the contrary, amplify it.
The causes of the deterioration of the masculine power
Disorders of erectile function may occur for many reasons, and often, what are dveloppes of the breach is only a symptom of another disease. In general, the factors that have an impact on the development of the disorder, erections can be divided into five groups.
Psychological disorders - the causes of erection disorders
- Depression
- The addiction
- Alcoholism
- Specific psychopathological disorders fear of impotence, depleted sexual technique, etc
Endocrine disorders, the cause of erectile dysfunction
- Hypogonadism (underdevelopment of the gonads)
- Diabetes mellitus
- Obesity
- Sarcoidosis (a special form of inflammation, which involve the lungs, eyes, skin, and internal organs) and the commitment of the region hypothalamus (area of the brain that regulates the activity of internal organs)
Disorders of the vascular system - the cause of erectile dysfunction
- Atherosclerotic defeat of the arterial hypertension in the system of the penis on the background of diabetes,smoking, blood cholesterol, hypertension
- Occlusion (that is to say, of blockage) of the arteries of the pelvis (usually occur after a fracture of the bones of the pelvis)
- Disorders of venous system - increased blood flow to the penis
- The combination of different types of vascular lesion of the penis
- A cerebral vascular accident (stroke)
Of organic alterations of the penis - the cause of erectile dysfunction
- Peyronie's disease (curvature of penis)
- Injury, injury, transferred from the inflammation, etc
The neurological disorders, the cause of erectile dysfunction
- Diseases of the spinal cord
- Multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson's Disease
According to statistics, in 60% of cases the cause of impotence is that the blood is not flowing into the penis, or occurs the fastest of his reflux back. In 15% of cases, the cause must be sought in disorders of the nervous system. 5% of cases evolve in the context of various endocrine (hormonal) disease. And only 20% are caused by psychological motives.
Diabetes mellitus
Adverse effects on the state of the nerve endings of the penis, which disrupts their normal functioning, and leads to a dysfunction of the smooth muscle, which is the erectile tissue.
High blood pressure
Increase in blood pressure and therapy aimed at reducing blood pressure, can also harm the blood circulation in the penis.
This is the main reason of the apparition, when a disturbance at the level of the capillary circulation of the penis. For this reason, all the, more precisely, "the consumption of tobacco," many experts consider as a group the causes of erectile dysfunction.
The main thing harmful substance contained in inhalation we smoke tobacco. The main pathological impact of the nicotine - resistant spasm (that is to say, a narrowing) of the vessels of small caliber, including those that supply blood to the penis. In addition, as has been established, nicotine promotes the appearance of atherosclerosis - a dangerous disease which leads with a weakness and a blockage of the blood vessels. Most often, atherosclerosis affecting the blood vessels of the heart and brain. Consequently, it can be a myocardial infarction or stroke, which themselves make a normal sexual life impossible. But, quite often, is a narrowing or complete obstruction of the vessels of the penis, and in this case, the patient develops resistant to impotence.
On the potency in men affects so many substances. Research in the area devoted to a large number of publications. We even when to the answer to this question is to briefly tell the negative impact of these substances, of which almost all heard, and many of us in contact with them. It is the medicines and so-called psychotropic substances - that is to say, substances that affect the psyche. First of all, it is alcohol and drugs.
In small doses, has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system of the man, as we know, Alcohol in small doses without danger, in quantities". In this respect, alcohol abuse is a major risk factor in the development of erectile dysfunction in our fellow citizens. The main reason for the violation of the quality of erections in the bottom of the consumption of alcohol is a disorder of the liver function and thus a violation of the metabolism of male hormones, which depends normal sexual function. In addition a state of intoxication blunted the sensitivity, and therefore, you experience problems with the appearance of ejaculation (ejaculation) until his / her absence.
The pills for the power of better
At the present time there are many penis enlargement pills, which enjoy great popularity among men with erection problems. According to the reasons for the decline of power, can be assigned to different means of action. The substance of the erectile function, you can select it in the group:
- Inhibitors of phosphodiesterase-5;
- Hormonal preparations, on the basis of testosterone;
- Drug substitution.

The drug must be chosen according to the objectives that are pursued.
But before to address to a synthesis of the medication, you need to try some methods of improvement of power. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the decline of the power. Secondly, you need to do specific exercises that increase the power. Thirdly, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, pre-ridding it of bad habits. If taking tablets is not to avoid, try to increase the power simultaneously with the pills and natural methods. The effectiveness of this treatment will be much higher and, with time, the need tablets will be less or not required.
Inhibitors of phosphodiesterase - 5
This group of substances, improves the filling of blood to the penis, preventing an enzyme in the body (phosphodiesterase type 5). Each drug group has its advantages and disadvantages.
Are appointed by a doctor, if erectile function is compromised due to a lack of hormone level in the body of a man. May apply gels, ointments, patches, tablets and injections with a testosterone base (the result on the hormonal preparations for men).
This group of drugs is not used in the traditional medicine, but is popular due to an advertisement on the market. The most effective action of these medications is not proven, but the effect, due to the action of the tool, may be the placebo effect.