In my opinion, remedies to improve power in men are capable of doing more good than the different medicines, because they are of natural origin and do not have side effects.

In this article, we are going to talk about nutrition. That is to say, analyzing in detail the list of products to enhance potency in men and to traditional recipes. If, after reading, you are in my eating habits of the diet and add all the products (or at least a portion of data products), impotence, you have not to old age.
Before proceeding to the analysis of products and recipes, to start with some important tips that will help you to prevent the onset of impotence problems.
TOP 8 essential tips for a better erection
Very terrible thing, like a negative impact on the male force. Alcohol + good and prolonged erections = is not compatible with the things. After that, as the alcohol enters the body, begins to suffer throughout the body and violated many of the processes. For the opinion of the deterioration of an erection does not need to be an alcoholic, once a week all of the basic hit with friends (as a lot say it – relax). The more you drink, the more the chances of getting problems with the power, and again, and become sterile, like alcohol detrimental effect on the quality of the sperm. May-be you 20 – 25 years old and you say you drink often, lot and impotence in you all is well ... don't worry, if all goes well, in the future (close to 40 years of age) alcohol is safe to give about know. But if it happened that you can't live without alcohol, it is recommended to reduce the consumption to a minimum and choose only quality, red wine. If the wine is to drink it very rarely and in small quantity, then the evil will not be (and some sources claim that it is the same benefit, as the good, and the quality of the wine is an aphrodisiac). Categorically recommends to abandon the spirits (vodka, brandy, whisky, etc) and beer.
Good nutrition
Review your diet, because it is a very important part of your way of life, which directly affects the power. In our time, people have invented a lot of tasty, fatty and junk food. The abuse of such a food can cause a number of different diseases and problems with the power. Therefore, I recommend that you abandon the various species of junk food. Do focus on a healthy food such as fruits, vegetables, seafood, useful fatty acids, flax seeds, and olive oil), sour dairy products, meat. If you eat properly and lead a healthy life, you will not need a remedies to enhance potency in men like home, and if everything will work well.
The stress
If you think that stress is in any way has no impact on the power, I hasten to disappoint you. Stress has an impact on the power, so tried to avoid it. Stress harmful effect on the central nervous system, and the men of the power depends strongly on the state of the nervous system. Thus, in times of stress the body casts of the hormone cortisol, which inhibits the production of testosterone and destroys your muscle mass.
Similarly, as the alcohol, the cigarettes are disastrous to a substance which kills it completely male potency. Perhaps, smoking has an impact even more disastrous than alcohol. The whole problem of smoking in the fact that the cigarette disturb the work of blood vessels. The first one is deleted by the tone of the vessels (for a firm erection it is necessary that in the corpora cavernosa actively accumulated in the blood, but because of the cigarette, this happens sometimes for the worse). The second – atherosclerotic pad (due to the fact that the blood vessels will clog up the data plates, it is not good for blood filling and the fact of the low erection or not). As well, I can't not notice that the nicotine is very strongly reduced production of testosterone. This is very bad, because testosterone is the main male hormone which makes a boy a man. May-be you 20 – 25 years old and you say you smoke a couple of packets per day, and impotence in you all is well ... don't worry, the cigarette as fast do not work ... all the problems appear later (may be after 5 years, in 10, 20, ... each differently, but what they are – it is 100%).
The showers
Take a cold shower in the morning and in the evening. It is good to stimulate the cardiovascular system and this fact produced an improvement in the circulation, in consequence of the improvement of the state of the erection.
It is proven that if you spend a bit of time to sleep, then it is very bad effect on the whole body and in particular on the power. The shortage of sleep reduces the production of one of the most important of the male hormone, testosterone up to 25% to 35%. Thus, the lack of sleep, reduces another essential hormone, such as growth hormone (growth hormone). The sleep should not last less than 7 hours, but not more than 9 hours (the scientists say that the long sleep time is not very good impact on the body, such as summary). The ideal option is from 7 hours to 9 hours (this is why, in most of the sources on the benefits of sleep say that it should last 8 hours). If for any reason you're asleep at night, less than 7 hours, I recommend you to sleep in the afternoon (for example: if 5 hours of nap during the night, the day still need to sleep 3 hours).
Strength training and active lifestyle
The active life will benefit not only the power, but in the whole body in general. It is proven that strength training with the iron are able to increase the production of own testosterone, which has a positive impact on the male erection. Jogging, swimming and any other type of character aerobic exercise improves the functioning of the cardio – vascular system and blood circulation, which eventually leads to the baule solid and better erection. The sport itself is useful, but it should not be too much, because will get the opposite effect. If you exercise in the gym 3 times per week for 45 minutes (weight training) and 5 times per week, do a jogging of 10 – 15 minutes (aerobic load), it is any will that the benefits. But if you have 6 of strength training per week 2 hours every morning, you run 40 to 60 minutes, it is an erection can be a not so wonderful (but in sport, the results will be much more bright).
Well, basic advice on how to how to keep his manhood to the height, you have learned. Now it is time to talk about foods that are directly to a positive impact on male potency. It is to be noted that the products and tools to improve the potency in men, which are described below are very effective, because they are time tested and are used since long time in the people, these products cheap, easy d' (you can find in any supermarket, market or in a store) and natural origin (they will not be side effects).
List of products hanging from the power
The onion and the garlic

Onion and garlic have long been used as a means of improving the libido in men. They are rich in a variety of vitamins (especially selenium), macro and trace elements. As well, garlic has a prophylactic effect (helps to prevent prostatitis) and has antibacterial properties. The onion and the garlic will attack the erection, but indirectly. They clean the vessels, to thin the blood, improves the circulation of blood, and all that leads, eventually, to a reinforced concrete structure erection. Yet what is interesting is that garlic increases the quantity and quality of semen, which is an excellent prevention of infertility. 2 cloves of garlic and half of the light bulbs per day – there is enough strength for men has been up to. If you are concerned about the smell of the mouth, of the garlic, I recommend you eat it with the last meal before bed (usually until the morning will not smell).
Meat and seafood
will be useful for men, because they are rich in vitamins, proteins, macro and trace elements (data nutrients very important for the quality and the natural production of testosterone). Very efficient for the power output will be the consumption of seafood such as shrimp, squid, oysters, mussels, meat of mackerel and flounder. Similarly, in your diet must attend to the red meat. This type of meat is enriched with such a mineral, such as zinc, which is mandatory substance for the maintenance of the male sex hormone. With the exception of red meat, the white must be present in your diet. The total failure of the meat of a negative impact on male potency and sexuality, so try to eat at least 1 serving of red or white wine and meat every day (the best option would be alternating: Monday-red, Tuesday-white, environment, red, Thursday – white, etc).
Quail eggs
Every man should have in his diet such a product, such as quail eggs. They are very useful and necessary vitamins (A, B6, E ) to maintain power. Since ancient times, people knew the magical properties quail eggs for the men. They clean the blood vessels and is eliminated from the body of radionuclides. Thus, the quail eggs to increase the quantity and improve the quality of the sperm. There are a multitude of different recipes, the main ingredients are quail eggs. I recommend you don't bother to prepare a variety of remedies to improve the power in men with the use quail eggs, it is enough to eat every day 1 – 2 eggs with any meal.
The nuts must be present in your diet. Agree to different types of nuts (almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts), because they contain vitamin E and plant proteins, which are necessary to maintain the strength of the men. Useful fatty acids – this is the main reason why they are so useful. Thus, the nuts contain this important substance, like arginine. Arginine activates nitric oxide production, which in turn has a positive effect on the level of the erection. In general, there are a lot of recipes with the addition of different types of nuts. I'm not going to paint all the recipes and discusses only the more efficient (in my opinion). This recipe you can find below.
The ginger and celery
The ginger and celery have many useful properties. They contain a lot of vitamins, macro-and micronutrients. The ginger and celery to improve the tone of the vessels and cleanse the body of toxins. The ginger improves the circulation of blood and activates the blood circulation in the organs, which leads to a more strong and long lasting erection. Celery is a natural aphrodisiac that actively use to improve the sexual desire and a good erection. If take shoots of celery, and then retrieves men's power and the erection becomes much stronger. Thus, it is the product of youthfulness (slows the aging process). I recommend adding to your diet ginger, and celery on a continuous basis.
The persil is considered as very useful for the male body. It contains a large number of essential oils, iron and vitamins (A, B6, B12, B3, C). It cleanses the body, normalizes the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Thus, the persil contains a trace element apigenin, which blocks the production of estrogen in men. The consumption of persil contributes to the improvement of the circulation in the basin and to increase the production of testosterone (the essence of the male hormone). This greenery is a powerful aphrodisiac which recommend to add in a variety of dishes to enhance the erection and increase the libido. Consume 1 bouquet of persil on a daily basis and you will never be bothered by problems with the power.
The honey
Honey is an excellent product for the maintenance of the strength of the men. It is rich in various energy, organic acids, antioxidants, macro and trace elements. Just a few teaspoons of honey per day are able to enhance the level of erection and normalize the work of the reproductive system. Thus, with the honey there are a lot of recipes to improve potency in men. Below, I've written a more efficient way of the recipe, which can be used in all circumstances of life.
Remedies to improve power in men
Nuts with honey

Is quite simple, but at the same time, the effectiveness of the way to help you with power problems. Thus, instead of walnuts, you can use: hazelnuts, pistachio nuts or peanuts. Nuts + honey – this is probably the most popular tool for improving the power among the men of the half of the population. Nuts + honey = the best mix of natural aphrodisiacs, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
How to cook? The recipe!
In fact, everything is very simple. It is necessary to take the same amount of nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios or peanuts) and honey. Then the nuts need to be chopped finely, add the honey and all mix mix. It is ready! Recommends that you take small portions (1 teaspoon) during the day (3 – 4 daily receptions). If you are not inclined to the fullness, you can take this mixture before going to bed, because it improves the quality of sleep.