This is not a secret that in all the time for men of any age still in the first there was a question about sexual activity. But, it happens that three of the ten men on a number of causes for the decline of this activity. At this stage, it is very important not to panic and to try to understand what has led to the pathology. You have to conduct a survey and decide for yourself, how to improve the power to the house. And not just improve and return the man's strength.
The concept of erectile dysfunction
The violation of potency in men is quite common. Unfortunately, this pathology in recent years, it has been observed that people not only in the elderly. According to the statistics of the specialists are often manipulate men to 40 years. And for all of them, the first place was the question of how to improve the power to the house.
Is not always erectile dysfunction is accompanied by the complete absence of erection. Often, men of 40 to 45 years old suffer from this that, with the ability to have an erection, reduces its power. And this does not give the opportunity to spend a full sexual act. Therefore, the more often we use the term erectile dysfunction and impotence is not. This type of disorders of the sexual function does not depend on age. If you receive the reason, which leads to this condition, help can manipulate men and up to 40 years. And if the factors that lead to the erectile dysfunction is not, it is men aged 50 to 60 years of age, can live a sexual life.
The causes of violations of the power

Until today, the first place was psychological of the question in the cases of impotence. But according to recent studies, in the case of erectile dysfunction play the role of the other points:
- the susceptibility to stress and depression.
- damaged intervertebral discs, the presence of multiple sclerosis, alcoholism;
- increase of the blood pressure;
- diabetes mellitus;
- drugs for the treatment of hypertension, antidepressants;
- age after 50 years.
In some cases, the treatment of erectile dysfunction is to eliminate the causes of its appearance. For example, if a disease is caused by stress or depression, to get rid of the violations of the power required to move a full treatment from a therapist. To treat a violation of the strength of the men only in the main complex of the disease.
The treatment of impotence medicinal drugs means
The violation of the activity mainly observed in men after the age of 50 years. Over 50 to 60 years, there is a decrease in the strength of the men. And when the appointment of a drug treatment must take into account the side effects of drugs for this age category.
Exercises to improve power
Exercises for strengthening the power first, strengthen the HEART-muscle. The use of this muscle reacts to a nerve that controls the normal functioning of the genital organs and gives information to the brain. The exercises help maintain the strength of this muscle, which influences the stimulation of the production of the hormones that are responsible for an increase of the satisfaction. Especially useful to use these methods to increase the potency of men after 50 and 60 years. Routinely doing exercises, you can improve the power is fast enough and regain virility.
The weakness of the HEART-muscle is fraught with a decrease of libido, impaired sexual activity, fatigue. This is why exercises to strengthen it should do so, even when violations of the power not
- Sit on the heel or on the chair. Maximum to straighten out the spine and the muscles of the face, neck, arms, back, and shoulders must be completely relaxed. Close your eyes and tilt your head to the front.
The technical execution of the exercise: contract the muscle for three seconds. If not, then it is said that the muscle is weak. In this case, it is necessary to bend for 1-2 seconds. An indicator of what one is doing must be the feeling of lifting out the basin. Fatiguing a muscle, breathing slowly and relaxing - exhale.
The exercise duration must be not more than ten minutes. If everything is done correctly, during this time, you can spend ten approaches. In the case of a smaller amount, the time to increase. If do exercises regularly, the muscle will strengthen and you will be able to maintain the tension, count to 10. During this stretch the muscle gradually. The relaxation should not be strong. The duration of this exercise should not be less than five minutes.
After a pause of a minute, you must quickly reach and relax the muscle. Provided day-to-day exercise, it will be possible to strengthen the muscle and thus improve the male potency.

- The treatment of impotence in the home can also pass with the help of sit-ups. Men after 50 and 60 years of age must use this method with caution, avoiding heavy loads. On the other hand, if to cure erectile dysfunction, using the method of squats. And it is rather a positive effect on the human body after 50 and 60 years.
Put your feet about shoulder-width apart at this socks must be deployed outside. Before you start squatting, you need to strongly strengthen the glutes. Fully pressed on the ground of the feet, perform a slow squat. Once all the crouching, stay in this position for a few seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. Do twenty approaches. This method of strengthening the power will only be effective if constantly strained in the muscles of the buttocks.
The traditional methods of treatment of impotence
Among men, the most popular are the remedies to improve power. The infusion of the cooking easily and raw materials can be purchased in any pharmacy.
- Five tablespoons of dried grass dubrovnik , pour a glass of boiling water, cover and withstand forty minutes. Drink during the day 3-4 times by 4 of the article l at the reception. Duration of one course of 14 days.
- The root of calamus 20 grams, boiling water 250 ml, Insist in a thermos for about eight hours. Drink three times per day before meals for 2 tablespoons To prolong the result of treatment in the course of the day chewing the root of aira on several small pieces.
- Another way to treat the breach of the activity is the use of nettle, fresh or dried. It may be a salad of nettle, and feather green onion. You can also add an egg. And if you mix the pounded seeds of the nettle with a tablespoon of honey and 250 ml of grape wine, prove to be an excellent tool to improve the power. It must be taken for a half-hour before bed every day.
Cures for impotence-by yourself may not have a good result, if a violation be imposed or applied only one way. It is advisable to use different methods, increasing the power.
Treatment of impotence with the help of a procedure of water

The reception of treatment of the water, it is also a way to get rid of the abuses of power. We can also say that it is the treatment of impotence folk remedies, as here, without prejudice to the medication. Water treatments include different methods. You can completely immersed in the bath, and you can do it, and sessile, contrasting bath. If you want to, in order to obtain the increase of the effect, you can use different methods, alternating one day on two.
- Prepare two deep basin with hot water and cold water. Sit in turn in each for half an hour. This needs to be in the hot water and the cold water for about 15 seconds. The course of treatment to be performed over a period of 14 days. Repeat every three months.
- At the end of the day is very well to take a bath on the basis of infusion of chamomile. To do this, prepare an infusion of 50g of dried flowers of chamomile and 3 liters of boiling water. After 20 minutes of soaking, add to a hot bath and to accept the procedure of 30 minutes
- Also prepare an infusion of laurel. The tub can be alternated with a bath of chamomile per day.
- To treat a violation of the power with the help of conifers valves. To do this, pour water on the pine cones and needles, bring to a boil and stand over low heat for 30 minutes, Infuse for twelve hours, then pour into a warm bath. Such a procedure would not be desirable at the end of the day, and better just before bedtime.
It must be remembered that the restoration of the power of the folk remedies, you can perform only after consultation with a specialist