Accelerated the pace of life, the ecological situation, regular stress are able to harm the health, even the strongest of men. Adverse factors, affect the power of the representatives of half of humanity. To avoid problems in the sexual sphere will help in good nutrition. The products useful for the power and an active lifestyle will help a man to forget about the problems in the intimate sphere, which have a direct impact on the physical and mental health.

What is the power
Since a long time the male potency valued for its ability to continue in their family. Today, the word "power" has a broader meaning. Modern man is not only important to be a father, but sexually satisfy a woman. In sexology, a good power has the following characteristics:
- the ability to meet a partner and get the satisfaction;
- the duration of a sexual intercourse;
- the speed of the onset of erectile function;
- the capacity of the ejaculation;
- the quality of the sperm.
He has the power
A decrease of the erectile function not only creates problems in the intimate sphere, but pulls of the vanity. However, the nature took care about this problem, by offering food products that are useful for improving potency in men. Their list is long. To make your sex life fulfilling, you need to enter in the diet of foods that contain B-group vitamins,E,A, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc. During the daily use of their use increases the production of testosterone, which have a beneficial effect on enhancing the strength of the men.
Products aimed at improving the power
Good food for the power of men is not necessarily complex in the preparation of the dishes. Strengthen the libido capable habitual of fruits and vegetables. Do not forget the benefits of honey. The daily consumption in small amounts, especially in combination with other products, enhance the production of hormones, affecting positively on the power. It is interesting to pay attention to the seasoning. Strengthens the sexual activity of men, if the feed dishes, flavored with cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, ginger. Consider the following natural aphrodisiacs that enhance the virility.
If the answer to the question, what foods are good for male potency, you must first mention the fruit. For the prevention of impotence recommended daily to eat bananas, which are called "the fruit of the passion and sensuality". A pair of yellow fruit by day, you will help restore the vitality of the body, you charge of sexual energy. Bananas are classified in the category of aphrodisiacs, boosting the power. The daily diet of the men must be supplemented by another fruit, such as:
- oranges, lemons, contribute to the development of the hormone of testosterone;
- the apricots that can easily cope with a low sex drive;
- the lawyer, in which is folic acid, which promotes a prolonged erection.
Dairy products
Nutritionists recommend that people consume dairy products for the uprising of the power. Cream, buttermilk, cream and cheese are of excellent aid in the fight against sexual dysfunction in men. Thanks to the presence of essential amino acids and vitamins, goat milk has an impact on the male libido. This tool has been tested for centuries. The goat milk are taken before bed, the egyptian pharaohs and the roman warlords. To strengthen the result of all the days, it is recommended to drink two glasses in the pure state.
Boost the sexual energy of vegetables, such as garlic, carrots, turnips. They promote blood circulation and rejuvenation of the body. The garlic works as rejuvenating the apple of fairy tales: increases power, tones. The richness of its composition of vegetable contains vitamins D, C, B, essential oils, helpful trace elements and unsaturated fatty acids. For the sexual desire you need to include in the diet of fresh turnips. If you combine it with fresh carrot, this root vegetable is able to rid the man of diseases of the genito-urinary system in just one month, the daily water consumption.
It is known that the natural aphrodisiacs reinforce and extend the libido. These include nuts, products needed to increase the power that it is necessary to include in the menu of every man. They control the strength of the sexual activity, regulate the mechanisms of ejaculation, erection, excitement. Only 50 grams of nuts per day will allow the man to live a sexual life. Contribute to the improvement of the sexual activity:
- nuts;
- almonds;
- cashew nuts;
- pistachios;
- peanuts;
- hazelnuts.

The green
Especially useful for improving the power of celery, spinach, cilantro and persil. They are rich in vitamin c, B1, B2, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. The persil contains apigenin, which inhibits the action of the female hormone estrogen, would have a negative effect on the power. Celery is rich in zinc and in fact, this important trace element is responsible for the synthesis of testosterone, a positive impact not only on erectile, but also on the fertility of men. The greens for power better to eat it raw, because during the thermal treatment decreases the number of useful substances.
The best products for the power
Not least important the power to improve the power in men of animal origin. Exclusively of foods of plant origin does not give enough energy. Fish and meat must also be in the diet of men. The saturation of the organism in nutrients, it is necessary to distribute the time of day. Thus, to increase libido at breakfast, you must eat foods that are rich in carbohydrates. At lunch, it is best to eat foods that are rich in protein, and for dinner easy vegetable. Good nutrition, aiming to enhance the male power, it is impossible without the inclusion in the diet of vitamins and minerals complex.
In the diet of human food are not only proteins, but also of animals. The meat is a product, which is the main element that create the fabric. It is necessary for men's health, trace elements, vitamins, minerals (phosphorus, potassium, iron, and other). The best choice will be the varieties low in fat: rabbit, chicken. This type of meat is perfectly assimilated, contains a low level of bad cholesterol, which is why it is recommended to consume in many therapeutic regimes.
The stomach of a camel
In the East, the stomach of a camel takes the 1st place among the products that increase the power. It is deserved, because the effect is not worse than the Viagra, not harmful to the body. High curative effects on the sexual function has the stomach of a camel arida according to a prescription. For the power, it is recommended that this product be consumed immediately before the start of the sexual act. To instantly increase the libido, you must eat just 3 grams of camel hair, from the stomach (the piece with a small pea).
The best of the fruits of the sea, able to increase libido, are considered to be oysters. Molluscs are well-known stimulating effects on the male organ, because they contain in the structure of dopamine is a substance capable of raise the production of sex hormones. The most suitable for the men of oysters from the spring. Scientists have determined that, in this period of the year the concentration of zinc, and amino acids in molluscs is very high, as they proliferate actively.
Quail eggs
Of the protein of raw eggs quail contains much more protein than chicken, that is why they are more useful for the male body. The presence of interferon, which protects against inflammation of the prostate gland, helps to increase the sexual and endurance and improving libido. It is advisable to consume raw eggs, quail, in effect, the eggs that is already the product has undergone a heat treatment, therefore, has lost a large portion of their nutrients.
If you regularly drink variegated testes (3-4 months), the orgasm will be more clear and more shiny, to reduce the time of the recovery period between sexual contacts. However, it must be remembered that it is allergenic to the product, in order to abuse it is not necessary. In order to avoid allergies, it is recommended to drink lemon juice (15 g), quail eggs (3 pieces), honey (15 g), cognac (20 g) and mineral water (100 ml). This cocktail is useful to drink of the power of 2-3 times per week for 3 months.
Products for power fast action
Eat seafood and marine fish, it is recommended to promptly correct the sexual problems. Of all the varieties of nutritionists highlight:
- Mackerel. Contains easy to digest protein. In mackerel concentrate iodine, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus. The regular registration of this fish in the diet ensures an improvement of erectile function in men.
- Flounder. Is famous not only for the surprising taste, but rapid impact on the erection. The most useful is regarded as the turbot cooked. In the salt and dry the fish loses half of its beneficial properties.
- The mussels. As oysters are rich in useful for the strength of the men of trace elements. Thanks to its high content of protein and zinc, the consumption of shellfish contributes to rapid erection of the improvement of the quality of the sperm.

The revenues of the power of men
Dish is very simple to improve the power – to- nuts with honey. This combination of products and will be a great dessert every day. The daily consumption of nuts with honey after food intake main is already in a month to solve a problem of a sexual nature. For the preparation of a dessert, it is necessary to mix products in equal parts. Another usefulness for the power dish, the eggs of a ram. It is the favourite delicacy of the male population of the Caucasus. Cook eggs simple – you need to grill the onion in the olive oil for 15 minutes, and the delicacy of finish.
To increase the production of testosterone will help tincture of ginseng. Cook it is not difficult. Mix the root, after which add to it the vodka or alcohol (1:20). Then put the mixture in a dark place and leave to rest for 2 weeks. After, you must, within one month before meals for take 25 drops of tea. The drink will not only help to increase the sperm count, but normalizes the psychological state, which is also important for the health of men.
What is to give up
The power increase is not only the presence in the supply of good products, but the abandonment of harmful. Recommended not to include in the menu of products, a negative impact on the health of men:
- fat from the meat;
- canned fish;
- butter, margarine;
- fatty liver;
- fat cheeses;
- meat;
- of the smoke;
- pastries;
- sugar-sweetened beverage;
- fast food;
- caffeine;
- alcohol.