Very often, men interested in ways to increase their sexual organ to this, there are many reasons and, in particular, created the myth that a woman can satisfy or even to offer the greatest pleasure while big penis.
Not the last role was played by the porn, in which both the huge selection members of the actors.
One of the most popular ways of penis enlargement are all kinds of creams, ointments, gels and not with just simple, they are much less expensive and look more safe than other methods of penis enlargement of the authority of men. In this article, you will be able to know how to relate to this issue, doctors and patients, as well as become familiar with the most popular creams and gels, their composition and methods of application.
The penile augmentation: myths and reality
The increase of the penis is in great demand among men of all ages. In the modern world, man wants to have a large sexual organ and, if nature has its few inches, he tries to obtain by other methods. The most used means, as well as on the myths and realities associated with them, which we describe below.
Rubbing and we look forward to the effect...
And as has not. On the benefits or harms on the execution of creams, gels and ointments to increase flows a large number of myths. The manufacturers of miracle drug in a few days guarantee You an increase of penis, not only in length but in diameter.
Your "friend" should increase because of the stimulation of the cells of the tissues, which means that it must start to develop, such as by взмаху a magic wand, and then, when it was pushed up to the desired size, this is the end. How much do You need? 18, 20, or 25 centimeters? Everything is possible, you just have to rub it in well!
And the effect will not wait... because its will not be at all! Popular ointments, creams and gels are neither good, nor bad not to bring it to Your health. Although a positive effect of these substances will be - the skin of Your penis becomes soft, smooth and silky, like the buttocks of a new born baby, as it is said in the announcement!
The physical exercise on the guard of Your size!
Certainly, the physical exercises can stimulate the process of enlarging the penis. Only here is there is a but: if Your sexual organ increased, if You are not a teenager, puberty, in Your case, forgotten since long been no exercises You will help to increase the penis.
Special sessions of training, "friend", мануальные methods will have positive impact on the prevention of diseases of the penis nobody has prevented.
And remember: those who say: - it is a muscular organ, simply do not know about the structure of nothing. The penis is not composed of muscles and cavernosa and the corpus cavernosum, which develop by the accumulation of blood, which, by causing the erection. You can't get an increase, through training of the muscles.

Ointment to a member of
Of tools which contribute to how to increase the penis very popular online, and online stores. Almost all men and women know that it is now possible to increase the dick, but it is also very important, is that You use it!
- This is not less strong, the floor of nature is the subject of the competition: the men to the dignity of a large diameter are interested to increase the length of the member; at the same time, the guy with long penis want to know how to increase the thickness of the penis.
- It is estimated that the genital organ is a symbol of virility, therefore, many are looking for a way to increase the penis to feel more at ease.
- Of the order of 80-90% of men at least once asked how to increase the size of the penis.
- The operation of the intervention is unlikely to be someone attracted to (surgical penis clinic), so the first men and men of different ages, try to find lessons (video), like a penis, and look at specific techniques for penis enlargement.
But the truth is that most of them - it is a waste of time. But there are a number of tried and tested methods of adding a few inches of his reproductive to the authority of (ways to increase a member of 2 to 4 cm). However, be careful and beware of imitations!
The effect of the cream
We will examine the most effective means of (excluding operations) and learn how you can increase the dick in the house, 2-3, and even 5-6 see
On average, according to the statistics of the size of an erect penis is 13-15 see But often this is not enough to respond fully to the young girl. Not to mention these women who have given birth. In our time, of the cream, you can increase the member on 4-5 cm, and that's not all! Your prolonged erection and the duration of the sexual act can easily reach 3 hours without interruption!
Creams penis enlargement is a great hope for the men of small size. But let us know if you can increase the size of the member and the how to instructions you must follow.

We are promised that only 3 weeks, we will obtain the following results:
- 1 week
The sensitivity and the duration of the "riser" of the penis increases by 1,5-2 times. The first effect of the increase of the penis size in length: 1-1,5 see
- 2 week
Contributes to the fact, how to increase the thickness of the penis (the penis), as well as the alignment of the form. The duration of the sexual act increases quickly up to 60% to 70%!
- 3 week
Helps increase penis length about 4-5 cm! At the same time improving the quality of sex. The orgasm is more powerful and lasts up to 5 to 7 minutes. And the women go crazy.
And here is one of the comments about the penis enlargement cream (penis)a guy of 28 years:
"Before, I was an excellent lover, was convinced that my 15 cm is a plus. The girls are always happy with me (seems to me)... but after I saw an advertisement of this cream on the internet and I said to myself why not try of a reduced fee (everyone knows that the cost of penis enlargement surgery is very high). 1 month of daily use, I have added to his dignity, 3 see Also, I managed to increase the member of diameter (in the width) and it has become much more hard!"
Leading sexologists have an opinion, an opinion:
"The increase in the penis (its) the cream is today the only alternative to plastic surgery. The positive results that You get in a few weeks. In giving statistics, we can say with certainty that the penis enlargement cream has helped to 95-98% of men who have used it!"
Due to the large number of counterfeits recommend that you be careful and only use the original!
It is recommended to use within one month, two at most. But You will not only see, but also feel the effects in the first few days of the application. The most important this is not a danger to health, contrary to the safe means, such as hook load, the use of the pump to increase the penis or the surgery. If You are still in doubt, if you can increase the penis cream, then we are confident that we say: Yes, you can!

How long?
Another important advantage of the use of the cream for the growth of the penis (the penis) is the minimum amount of time required for the procedure. Do not take more than a minute to coat them with the authority.
- When this tool is absolutely do not leave traces on clothes and has no odour. This is why Your "session" nobody thinks.
- And it turns out that spending only 2-3 minutes a day on this process, You're already in a month (and even before) the surprise to any girl and a woman of quality, long-lasting sex!
- Increase member at home is now available. And it is not necessary in the costly treatment, plastics and rides to doctors.
An important moment! Many claim to (or just think) that the member is a muscular organ. Ha! These people do not have the slightest idea of its structure. Cavernous and the corpus cavernosum - this is the base of the penis, which expand due to the influx of blood (during arousal). Therefore, we concluded that quickly enlarge penis (member), mainly to help instead of gels and don't exercise.
Popular penis enlargement methods (member), the current time is the use of various gels, and other means, which must be applied to the sexual organ and rubbing it. Once You have on our site, it is probable, also interested for any information about gels. And definitely want to get an answer to the question, is it possible to increase the member, using this tool.
The gels are quite safe. The basic composition - the natural components (for example, the herbal aphrodisiac). And how to increase the member, using herbs, You ask? The properties of special herbs, which actually have an impact on the power, use a long time, a Swedish company, which produces goods for sex shops.
- All the ingredients are carefully assembled by hand and pass the quality of the treatment on the special equipment.
- People, test these gels herbal claim that it is a way to increase the member (the penis) really gives a result, but only temporary.
- Occurs a swelling of the authority on for several hours.
- For a long effect it is necessary to use other medicines to enlarge the penis.
Conclusion: if You want to achieve permanent, stable results, and actually increase the penis at home, then You have 2 proven path: the cream for a member or transaction. The combined effect of the substances which enter into the composition of the cream to the penis, allows you will receive expected, the outcome the most coveted in the short-term, and even at home (to the house).
Allergies and contra-indications
In fact, the purchase of an ointment for penis enlargement is a serious and a crucial step. Make sure that You do not have allergies and contraindications!
Don't forget! In the composition of ointments may include substances that induce itching, burning sensation and allergic reaction depending on the individual level of the organization. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to familiarize themselves with the composition and the way of application before asking a specific objective, such as a penis folk remedies.
The effect is very similar to that during the use of synthetic drugs, support the expansion of the capillaries of the penis.
- There comes a rush of blood, and the penis becomes easier to become more firm.
- Recommended for men and guys who want, but don't know how to increase the member within the volume to obtain a quick erection that continues over a long period of time.
- But, unfortunately, also not always. Ointments, such as gels, have had only a temporary effect on the size of the penis.
A way to increase the penis at home:
- Carefully wash the adductors with soap,
- Wipe off with a towel, and wait for the complete drying,
- Take the ointment penis enlargement
- Apply a small amount on the sexual organ and rub 5 min,
- Repeat the procedure morning and evening.
The danger of penis enlargement cream
Medicine for increase power, and much more for penis enlargement on our market today has become nothing less than a european. Therefore, the report of each man, has decided to resort to the use of any means to increase the member must be very serious.
Indeed, for dreaming is not a tool to increase the means, you can cause great damage not only to the general state of health, but also and the same desired end result (the increase of the penis.
- Very sad that many use drugs to increase the member often leads to the top ed dysfunction and sometimes even impotence. To explain this state of things is quite simple.
- This is due above all to the fact that most men want to achieve the result of the increase in a member directly.
In addition, many men's low interest in the composition and possible side effects, and more, and the lasting effects of all kinds of chemicals, gels or ointments, and allegedly used specially for the increase of the penis.
The neglect their own health, the fear of recourse to an expert could always be described exactly Russian man, especially when it comes to penis enlargement.

The choice of the cream
Thus, it was often and today: for penis enlargement, it is virtually impossible osvedomivshis, Russian man grabs at the first encountered such a thought for the first one to him on the eyes a gel, a cream or a medicine to increase the penis.
In effect, managing the problem of increase of a member to a specialist as it is simply shameful, and to think about the different instructions and the side effects - it is, of course, it is really not the time. But what is the result of this type of penis enlargement?
The best option is similar to the increase of member of any outcome.
But in fact, with the "no" result from the enlargement of the penis may have nausea, vomiting, headaches of a different nature, nasal congestion, turbidity in the eyes, not to mention the erectile dysfunction, the continuation of two days, a few weeks or even extended over many months.
Do you need these medicines for penis enlargement?
What should you pay attention?
In particular, it is necessary to pay attention to what the rise of the offers on the market, gels and creams for external use, in the best case the sale, and in the worst can result in the destruction of the integrity of the skin of the penis and its head, a variety of erosion, allergies, and ulcers, and even cause lasting violations of erection.
These creams and gels had not attended any clinical study, physicians can they cause a smile.
Scientifically proven that the gels, creams and ointments - are not able to increase the penis mm. Penis enlargement is an integrated program of the receipt of the special products that are capable of a lot of time to increase the flow of blood into the male reproductive to consolidate the results of practice a method of stretching of the ligaments of the penis.
Think about it before you make your choice!