In itself, the disease brings a lot of inconvenience and discomfort, but in addition, it affects the sexual activity in the system. How are hemorrhoids and power, can hemorrhoids affect the potency and way to improve the chances men cure are the main issues addressed in the article.

There is a link between hemorrhoids and impotence?
The most important question: "Affects of hemorrhoids in men on the power?", as the quality of the sexual life is an important part of the life of every man. According to the opinion of several specialists, the presence of hemorrhoids is a reflection on the men's sexual health. A really negative effect actually occurs.
In the process of the origin of the appearance of hemorrhoids its impact on the body and the discomfort unnoticed. The negative feelings are debited on the small of environmental factors: "sit", "evil ate or the hope of self-resolution of a problem. At the present stage, man has no influence hemorrhoids on the power, it is able to fully conduct a sexual life. In the course of the worsening of the inflammatory reaction appears manifest from the pain, can not tolerate.
In the process of gender participating in the crotch and the muscles of the groin. When hemorrhoidal disease come from the pain during the muscular effort. This phenomenon inevitably leads to exposure to the psycho-emotional health of men. Because of the pain and degradation of erection and decreased libido. Sometimes, it is up to the complete elimination of the erection.
Advanced of this disease reduces immunity and affects other organs of the urinary system, why increase the risk of diseases. During the occurrence and development of prostatitis or adenoma of the prostate, inevitably, come the respect of the human body, affecting the sexual system.
Given the above information easy to understand, affects hemorrhoids at activity. Its extremely negative impact. The sexual act the male doesn't bring the pleasure and satisfaction leads to discomfort. The men are not worth it to fall in the depression, as well as the slowness of the power – this is the normal state when the presence of the disease.
As hemorrhoids affects the power?
To review, are they related to hemorrhoids and of the genito-urinary tract, need to dive into the pathological process during the onset of the disease. The disease has an indirect influence on the power, as well as the anus to the sex, to the authority of the inflammation is not passed.
The deterioration of erection occurs because of negative sensations when the tension in the muscles of the perineum. Himself libido in men do not fall out, with the exception of the psychological impotence.
What is the hemorrhoids in men, if the disease directly has no effect on erectile dysfunction:

- brings the sensation of pain in the process of sex, especially at the moment of orgasm;
- leads to emotional deviations. Because of the appearance of the pain the man feels the fear of tension, as we know, fear is the enemy of erection;
- may cause disturbances in the urinary system, which involves the sexual function;
- a negative impact on the function of the GASTRO-intestinal tract, this is due to the constipation. The stomach and the rectum have a strong influence on all aspects of human life.
The cause of pain during sexual intercourse, the man is confronted with frustration, which causes the desire to avoid the shame, the pain and the bad memories. Over time, often develops the desire to avoid sex, and sex becomes irregular and rare. The psychological side of the question has an important role, therefore, neglect is not.
It is obvious that the hemorrhoids affect the power adversely and strong enough.
What are the steps to take to improve the power of the hemorrhoids?
A priority action, which is recommended for all patients was to turn to a doctor. Doctor will conduct a diagnosis of the state of man and helps you to find a way out. For the rehabilitation of many men, it is enough to exclude the syndrome of the pain, and for the other – you need to work with a psychologist.
All patients proctologist is a lifestyle change and the diet. Dietetics for the treatment of chronic diseases is essential.
It is recommended to take into account the characteristics of the power supply:
- add at the ration of buckwheat, fish, and meat, honey, potatoes and cauliflower, consuming a sufficient amount of water – up to 2 litres per day;
- to exclude mustard, pulses, pepper, spicy dishes and black bread.
In more detail the diet will help a nutritionist. The power supply should be addressed to the standardization of the process of defecation, as it is important to provide the ease of defecation.
No less important is the respect of the recommendation of the high hygiene. Is often wash cool water or coup de cloth moistened with a cloth, in a case where the person is not at home.
The old recipes of traditional healers
The therapy of hemorrhoids is conducted for a long time, including traditional methods. The healers have mastered a number of recipes before the advent of conventional medicine and still use it. To reduce the risks preferable to hold a consultation at the proctologist. It should be particularly careful when the presence of bleeding. The methods of traditional medicine apply for 5 to 7 days.
Many recipes allow you to select the appropriate option for the different patients. In the treatment of folk remedies are often used:
- the eggs of the potato. An effective tool and is easy to use. Fresh potato bring in the anus of the night, and the outside cover the skin of the apricot oil;
- the onion. The drug impact has the onion, and the juice out of it. It is recommended to drink 1 tablespoon 3 times per day;
- apples, carrots and grapes to eat raw;
- swallow the garlic cloves, no need to clean them. Garlic is not digested completely, it just pops up with the influx. As its output, it will have an impact on the rectum, it will cause damage to the tissues in order to speed up the recovery;
- the serum. It is necessary to accept the 200-400 ml 1 time per day;
- cabbage. It is recommended to consume in the presence of bleeding hemorrhoids. It is recommended to enrich the diet of this vegetable or drinking 400 ml of brine, after the leaven.

Bath seat
Popularly known a large number of recipes for sedentary baths. Greater effectiveness and popularity are:
- the tub on a pair with the delivery of onion broth and the milk. In a pot with thick walls (preferably with clay), pour 0.5 liters of milk, then add 4 bulbs. The mixture is installed on a low heat and a lid. Before the use of prescription of the intestine clean, ideal standard enema. After the preparation of the required steamed the area of hemorrhoid, the hold on the ability. This recipe can be used to cure internal hemorrhoids 7 to 10 days;
- the cold of the bath. In a container filled with 1 liter of water, it should be cold but not icy. Need to take a bath in a sitting position. The duration of the procedure – 1-5 minutes. Perform receipt of baths 2 times a day: before and after sleep, 5-7 days. To improve the medicinal properties, you can add a few grains of manganese, to make a solution of color-pink;
- the stain on the medication is only applied if the outside the form of the disease. With the help of plants, prepared the bath for use sedentary for 7 days. The procedure takes only 10 minutes.
During the increase of the hmorrodes and impossible to straighten, prfrable their breakthrough. For the improvement of the state of use of the compresses on the oat-based and sound. The biggest benefit is for the application of hot. If the bumps go through, they are stacked the packs of tannin with the liquid.
For the prevention of the harmful effects of the disease, it must be the time to do the treatment, it will help you to restore healthy way of the power and prevent the psychological trauma.
How to treat hemorrhoids at home
Have you ever tried to get rid of hemorrhoids at home of your own? Judging by what you read this article – victory was not on your side. And of course you are not a stranger to know:
- once more the see blood on the paper;
- waking up in the morning with the idea that will reduce swollen bumps.
- suffer from every ride in the toilet the discomfort, itching or the uncomfortable burning;
- again and again hope for success, expect with impatience the results and shocked by the news of the ineffectiveness of a drug.