From a certain age, the stronger sex often arise erection problems. Question, how to increase the power of men, is a significant concern. Of such violations in the male body can become a real tragedy. The causes of erectile dysfunction can become stress, physical inactivity, the taking of doping, alcohol, smoking, poor diet, hormonal imbalance.

However, it is not necessary to panic. There are many different methods to improve the power. Help to face a problem can receive the modern means of the latest generation, as well as the time tested recipes of traditional medicine. Many men are already in the mature years would like to improve their power. Modern life has a negative impact on the health of men. Continuous lack of sleep and fatigue can also become the causes of the weakening of the erection and the libido. The restoration of the power requires time and some steps.
First of all, in the fight against erectile dysfunction, you must follow a few basic rules:
- Ordinary sexual life. The male reproductive organs requires constant training. For any man it is important to avoid prolonged rebound sex. It ensures the health of the whole organism, improves the quality of sperm and increases its quantity. Regular sex prevents the continuation of the development of impotence. According to scientific studies, in 2003, the weekly orgasms significantly less risk of developing cancer of the prostate.
- The prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. These infections develop suddenly and rapidly. Their presence in the male body will help to identify the analyses. However, all the representatives of the stronger sex take place regularly investigations on the infections to sex. Any disease must become a reason to consult a doctor and undergo a diagnostic. Indeed, the defeat was not only the genitals but the whole body of the man.
- A good diet should become one of the main methods in the fight against erectile dysfunction. A balanced diet contributes to the power and ensures the libido. In the products used must necessarily contain a large quantity of phosphorus, this element has a direct impact on the health of men and the power. You need to eat foods that promotes the development of appropriate solutions of male hormones. After the phosphorus is the main essential trace element for humans, zinc. It is involved in the synthesis of testosterone. Zinc deficiency in the body leads to the deterioration of the quality of the ejaculate and the deterioration of the power. Also used in food products must contain vitamin E. It provides also a man of high power and prevents the negative changes in cells and genitalia. A good diet helps to quickly get rid of erectile problems, recovers a hormonal imbalance, help them to recover in a short time. How to improve low power with the regime? You must eat protein foods, honey with walnuts, spices, vegetables and fruits.
- The refusal of alcohol. The least that the man drinks the spirit drinks, the better his or her power. Many people believe that only a glass of wine will provide a good stimulant for sex. However, this is not the case. For example, when the prostatitis all the alcohol is contraindicated. In a situation where the exact cause is unknown to the weakening of the power of the alcohol, you must exclude from his life.
- Get rid of your extra pounds. Excess weight can also cause the decrease of the power. Not to rush to lose weight, begin each morning with the charge. Do exercises and sports during the day, visit the gym.
- The sleep will help you restore the strength of the body. The chronic lack of sleep, fatigue, weakness extreme impact on the erectile function of men. It is extremely important to always get enough sleep and rest after work.
How to increase the power of men natural means

Natural ways to improve the power is not only on the excellent work of the sexual function, but also on the general health and the strengthening of the male body. To address the issue of the help specifically designed a set of exercises. In the course of the exercise pubic muscle, which is directly related to the erection. Every day is necessary to perform simple exercises:
- the rotation of the pelvis. Put your feet about shoulder-width apart, arms put on the belt. Turn the pot would need 10 minutes in one direction, then in the other.
- step on the spot, lifting up the knees and pressing in the stomach;
- knees slightly bent, hands put on the belt. Then, the knees are bent more strong, after which it is necessary to stretch and relax the muscles of the buttocks several times;
- the uprising of the basin, lying on the back; the rotation of the feet, lying on the back, - the exercise bike;
- several times soft and relax pubic-coccygeal musculus.
- With the exception of the fiscal year, it is important to eat certain foods. They increase the power, provide to the erection of the penis.
Men need to regularly:
- honey;
- raw garlic;
- stew in milk, carrots;
- nuts; beans; chocolate.
Water - as a tool to improve the power

Good to help restore the power of the daily contrast bath during the night. They are absolutely a beneficial effect on the circulation of the blood in the basin and strengthen the entire body. For the execution of the procedure, a bath filled with cold water and the other hot. In each container requires a dip of the queue for a minute.
By gradually increasing the temperature difference. It is important to know that in the beginning, a strong difference of temperature can do harm. You can also use the showers as an alternative to the thermal baths. The restoration of the power has a positive impact and a sauna. In the bathroom once or twice a week, and be sure to use a birch broom.
Pretty effective method of applying ice. In the ordinary gauze should wrap the ice. The material must be folded several times. This cold compress is applied on a minute or two to different parts of the body. Start from the head - put the ice to the skull, and then on the region of the heart, in the scrotum.
How to increase the potency of folk remedies
Traditional medicine is rich in various effective recipes that allow you to restore the erectile function. The best-known methods:
- Every day to eat a delicacy honey with walnuts. The components to be mixed in equal parts. The tool is necessary to do not apply less than 1 month. To get the best effect possible to drink the sweet milk.
- Good help to solve the problem of the carrot cocktail with honey. The products of beekeeping, and of these vegetables, such as carrots, have long been regarded as excellent tools for the restoration of the health of men. Drink a cocktail, you must to ¼ of a cup three times a day.
- Prepare a tincture with garlic and take every day 20 drops.
- Greatly increases the power of cabbage juice. It should be eaten every day in small amount.
- A decoction of the medicinal plants will enhance the erection. Take the inflorescences of basil, leaves of walnut, rhizome of horseradish. Then, you need to boil 1 liter of red wine, and pour out the herbs. Stock ready is wrapped up in a warm fabric, and stress. Then, the tool strain and take before meals to 100 ml
- Very effective in the treatment of impotence pulmonaria officinalis. The plant should be regularly add to salads and other dishes. Also of the pulmonary perfusion take to the dry grass of boiling water and take of the tool.
- Asparagus, infusions and decoctions from maple branches, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, you want to continue to consume the men who have problems with the power. These tools can help you to get rid of this problem.
A healthy lifestyle
The basic rule for the fight against impotence is to respect the good and healthy life. It is important to take various measures of prevention, to old age, do not worry about the problems of intimate nature. Older men are often to think 60 years increase the power.
To resolve, you can use a variety of methods, physical exercise as well as the use of special tools. An integrated approach will help to eliminate erectile dysfunction and restore men's health.
You must apply special massages, play sports, take long walks in the open air. You can use the best recipes of traditional medicine and modern new features developed by experts to increase the power.
The men at any age is not free of problems of powerlessness. To this day, it is not surprising that young people have a power of some kind.
The cause of the erectile dysfunction can become a physical trauma or stress, hence the consequences. Erection may have as against nature, temporary and permanent.
Shame to see a doctor, men often have to resort to using real drugs of synthesis and completely forget what to improve erections and you can using natural means.
A definite plus to most of the synthetic drugs - the instant of a power increase, but by following a few tips on improving the health of men, you can avoid trouble.
Increase the power of natural methods
- The first and main - it is a good nutrition plays a fundamental role in the full functioning of the organization as a whole. Consume vitamins, fresh garden vegetables and fruits is a guarantee of success. A man simply needs these vitamins and minerals, like c,E, zinc, selenium and vitamins of group S. Essential in the diet will be the following products: nuts, honey, garlic, beans, egg yolks, chocolate and cooked in the milk of the carrot.
- For the year, which is able to increase the power, and it is, to strengthen the blood circulation, especially in pelvic organs. The physical exercises of this kind do not take too much time, but effective enough.
- The presence of sexual desire in men is directly connected with the level of testosterone - the male sex hormone. As a result, a low level of testosterone causes a decrease of the activity, and therefore of sexual possibility. The middle-aged men, testosterone levels begin to decrease.
- The main enemy of the power - to- excess weight. In addition, the presence of excess weight leads to several other diseases, such as diabetes, for example.
- A sedentary lifestyle is able to influence the power. In the ideal case, when the type of activity of men is related to physical activity.
- Alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are the worst enemies of the power
- The stress and experiences of a different kind of depresses sexual function.
- Sleep - the guarantee of health, it must go to a maximum of a pleasant and comfortable conditions and the duration of at least eight hours.
What are the methods of natural penis enlargement?
- Three raw cloves of garlic into the day in the best way an impact on the increase of the power
- Useful for the reproductive system are the pumpkin seeds that can be eaten in any form.
- Honey applied and pure honey a improve virility. Proven, the natural tool to improve the power consumption in equal proportions of honey, nuts, walnuts and aloe juice.
- Another effective tool for increasing the period of erection is the most common mustard, which must be applied to the soles of the feet. The mustard is able to cause active hot flashes that of the feet go directly into the sex organs.
5 ways to increase the power of men
- Every day to eat a lot of vegetables and low-fat meat with greenery.
- Time to raise the tone, by the adoption of the bath with the mummy.
- Do showers or baths for the pelvic organs.
- Lead in the daily diet of a small amount of nuts, whether almonds, cedar, or walnut.
- Every day to drink tomato juice and a little red wine.