Even the smallest drugstore kiosk now offers several tools to improve the power. But a growing number of men who care about their health, stop their choice on the treatment of the power of the means of the population. Often, it is they, the means are the most effective in the treatment of various diseases. And really when it comes to a main topic, on the male power, it would be desirable for the best results, and preferably fast.

Impotence or erectile dysfunction is a of your diagnosis. Do not despair, do you first, so to speak. The most often diagnosed are men over the age of 50, but young people are experiencing similar problems.
The healers, herbalists in the first place, in the treatment of impotence, take into account several aspects of your life. That attention? The first step – your psychological state. How you are calm, in the circumstances, if wise, philosophical, related to your android solvency. It is not always, not always a high-power a masculine sign of solvency. The second is related to the age, the ageing, the result of which is manifested in the physical disabilities (they are varied, and I'm not going to list them).
There are a large number of herbal medicines that will help you cope with your disease. If you combine the different treatment methods, you can quickly and efficiently find your manhood. Attention! Only a comprehensive approach will face a problem to reduce the power. And it should start with lifestyle changes. Try it at least for the duration of the treatment! And all of a sudden like, and these changes remain forever.
The 10 commandments of the wise healer
- Stop smoking! Even if you think that you smoke a little. Even if "the company" or "exclusively against stress".
- Don't abuse alcohol. No need to launch "once and for all lia". Moderately.
- Reduce the weight!
- Check the blood pressure and cholesterol.
- Limit your consumption of animal fats in the diet. It is desirable to review with pork. It is the "great church holiday".
- Exercise, your body will tell you thank you! Games types of basket – ball, volley-ball. A bike. Swimming.
- It is time to get out from behind the steering wheel! If possible, go on foot. Preferably 5 km in the day. It is desirable quickly.
- Fruits and berries – this is your dessert. The excess of sweets (and the sweets-chocolate more and more palm oil), refined sugar, artificial additives deals a serious blow to your power.
- Exercise the muscles of the pelvic floor. The yoga!
- Regularly have sex! On a REGULAR basis!

As soon as notice erection problems, to proceed immediately to treatment. For this, you can and should use the folk remedies. Why folk remedies? Sometimes, it is a remedies the most effective in the treatment of the power. What, according to you, have been treated your grandparents and your parents? Or do you think that a hundred years ago men do not suffer reduced power output? Well! Always suffered from not you the first. And have been successfully treated without chemicals, and pills!
In general, simply. The herbal teas, tinctures, salves. Before you choose a recipe personally reflected, read the following rules.
- Be patient! Instant, the result will not be. In two days, and even the week the result will not be. And when is that? Spend at least a during. A grand-mother-herbalist said to me, "the wise": the God of the patient reward doubly. Checked on him. Works. And even if you go by other means, become of taking pills, vitamins, supplements – the result will come only after a certain time.
- Exactly follow all the recommendations of traditional healers. It is a guarantee of success. Will be the result!
- In addition, you must heal the associated of the disease, if they have them. It is a chronic disease can be the cause of potency disorders.
The herbal teas. Recovered! The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of potency in men.
I'm not going to write a ready recipes, many of them in the sources. I'm going to write about the results. The revenues of the whole. Almost all of the same set of herbs. And each recipe is valid. I prepared for only those who prepare quickly. Pay attention to those who brew in a thermos. It's more comfortable.
- Tincture of the root of galanga. Super! Particularly effective for the treatment of potency in men. Galanga is a miracle root! Contains a unique substance, which help the blood circulation in the genital organs of men and increase the production of sperm. Kalgan effectively dealt with the helplessness of our ancestors. It is called "men of strength". Recovered! Improves erection, promotes a prolonged erection.
Recommends the tincture. - The tincture of lemongrass. Ideal for adult men. It is this class of men sexual impotence appears as a result of the changes of age. Prepare an alcohol tincture of lemon grass
Why I recommend these recipes are, in effect, on the various sites of their hundreds of all kinds? First of all, recovered. These recipes work. It is the most effective means. Secondly, quick to prepare, easy to find the necessary ingredients, they are sold in any drugstore. Third, practice to take. Thermos, you can take it to work. The tincture can be poured into a comfortable small packages and also to bring, if need to take 3-4 times a day, and you are not at home. Personally, I was comfortable.

- Tincture of root radiograms pink. It is called the "root of Gold". Recovered! The root, in fact, "the gold"!
It is important to know: this liqueur need to grab the pumpkin seeds. This product is advanced stimulates the sex glands in men. Of even pumpkin seeds is an excellent tool for the treatment of prostatitis and its prevention. And very often, prostatitis is the concomitant disease and cause of impotence. - The clove. It is necessary to write this word for all capital letters. The CLOVE!
I'm going to tell you how to make the male sex organ firm, if not enough sexual power (that is to say, if it is in the initial phase of impotence). I took a tablespoon of cloves and were flooded with warm glass of milk, took 2 hours, was filtered and taken in the morning and in the evening. Also refused coffee and tea this infusion of their replacement.
Effective to the impotence, increases the amount of the allowance of semen. BUT! There is a BUT! The milk. Don't like the milk? Do not wear, have allergies? Then for you the next recipe.
- HONEY! It is delicious! It is 100% effective a folk remedy for the treatment of potency in men.
- Recipe n ° 1.
- Reduced royal jelly. It exists in the industrial production and sold at a pharmacy. - Recipe n ° 2.
Moon balm. Ways to make a lot. Everywhere the same thing: honey, aloe, and wine.
Moreover, this tool is well strengthens the immune system in general. And delicious!
Council practice. As I have done.
- The extract of eleutherococcus. Easy! Sold in a pharmacy, he can also read and instruction. The effect is striking! Stimulates the functions of the sex glands, exerts a tonic action on the immune system, improves alertness and the ability to work. BUT! If you have high blood pressure, you this medicine is not suitable.
- Pumpkin seeds with me, always and everywhere! I grab those seeds and now all the dye. Consultation with a physician. Really? Process the pumpkin seeds prostatitis? The doctor said that prevention is very helpful.
- Personally, for me, it was hard to resist, it is because of a half-hour before the meal, for twenty minutes before a meal. Came with the job, it want, and then wait for the need. I usually wear a small drugstore bottle (any medical dyes) in the pocket. On the way back, approximately by calculating the time that I drank to the eye, a mouthful of liquor, in order not to wait.
- During the preparation of tinctures need to be taken that the quality of the vodka. Save not worth it. As to the alcohol bitter: how to be, if you're driving? Please note that the dose of stain everywhere, in all the recipes – a teaspoon, a teaspoon. Calculate per thousand of alcohol in this portion is almost impossible.
- The root of galangal, I bought from the man on the market. Already dried and finely chopped. Expensive, but it's worth it. And you can buy at the pharmacy.
- First question: where to find the ingredients? I bought it in the pharmacy, and on the market. Watched to grandmothers, they gave me and the recipes, advisable, as to better do such and such herb.
- GINSENG. And all the letters of each word in uppercase. And just. The leader is! The titanium! You can write the saga and the novel, and then take off the tv series of one hundred and twenty-seven series on the benefits of this plant for the treatment of the power. I came to this conclusion: not worth buying twist brands – waste of money on the content of merchants selling on the companies. Today on the Russian market a lot of different ways, including ginseng. Tested on personal experience: no need to stand out from the dyeing or drugs. Just a simple pharmacy ginseng extract. The effect is the same.

By way of conclusion to his article, I'll answer the question: why these recipes I have chosen from a long list proposed in different sources.
- The availability of ingredients. Quick and easy to prepare.
- No side-effects.
- Even if you do a overdose – consequences almost minimal. This is not the antibiotics, this is not the intravenous injection.
- Convenient to take the morning and in the evening, when you are at home. And even if 3 times per day, it is easy to take.
All of these costs are plant-based and alcohol-dye to work effectively and most importantly, the beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal system, and a bracing action on the immune system.
To live a full life and good health!