The risk factors is part of couches lifestyle, smoking and alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity. As a result, there are problems with erection, decreased sex drive, which affects the intimate life.
The improvement of the power of the means of the population — one of the solutions to this problem. The effectiveness of the method is particularly important in the early stages of the development of the situation, in one case, the traditional recipes, you have to combine with medications.
What means are used to improve the power?
They include:
- A recipe with nettles, st. john's wort, mint and clover. All of the herbs, it is necessary to take in a volume of 5 teaspoons, stir, then pour 1 liter of hot water. The drug remove excess water after 60 minutes and take 1 cup per day. If everything is done correctly, to have a little bit of time felt a surge of strength because these plants stimulate the sexual activity;
- The infusion of lilac, it will help you in the event of a reduction in erection. It will be necessary to dry the flowers of the plant of 1 c. l., it is necessary to pour a glass of water. When the mixture is cooled, drain it and drink it during the day;
- The root of calamus is useful to those who stressed the violation of the activity. The product to be cleaned, finely chopped, take 20 grams and mix it with 200 ml of hot water, infuse for 8 hours. The received structure divided in equal parts and consumed during the day. If you want, just chew the root of calamus;
- The lovage is used as a condiment for dishes, with the exception of dairy products. Per day is allowed to use 2 tablespoon of plants, they will help you to forget the problem in the intimate life.
As well help to improve the potency of recipes with vegetables
Among the most useful:
- The garlic enables an aphrodisiac and a strong rejuvenation of the substance. To prepare the tool, it is necessary to take 1 kg of vegetables, chop, and pour 3 liters of water, leave for a month, shaking every day. After consuming a mixture of 1 tbsp during the day, the course continues until the liquid is not completed.
- Celery — infusion allows him to increase the power. For him, it is necessary to take fresh root in the volume 1 tablespoon and pour 300 ml of hot water, leave for 4 hours, filter and drink three times a day 1 tablespoon
Recipe with honey and st. john's wort
He became famous in the field of the improvement of strength and of the erection, and it is all thanks to the content of these substances, without which is impossible, the production of sex hormones in men.
To solve the problem of impotence, it is possible to combine this product with the powdered ginger, as well as with the st. john's wort, but with caution, because this plant in the event of incorrect use is dangerous to life.
2-3 tablespoons st. john's wort, you need 2 cups of hot water. The grass steamed and cooled, after an hour of drinking filtered, add 2 tablespoons of honey and take this volume in the course of the day.
The beneficial properties of the oil of pumpkin seeds
Talk about advantageous properties of the pumpkin pie of the oil, but also of the simple consumption of pumpkin seeds helps to maintain the health of the erectile function. They contain vitamins, oligo-elements, amino-acids, which must circulate in the male body. Pumpkin seeds contain plenty of zinc, a trace element that is involved in synthesising testosterone and sperm. Pumpkin seeds — the composition, useful properties
Nuts to the strength of the men
Very useful in case of problems with sexual activity bring nuts, they give strength and energy, are a source of zinc, magnesium, and calcium. These minerals are beneficial to the synthesis of germ cells in men, restoring the power and help establish a sexual life.
To solve the problem of the reduction of the sexual power, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine, taking into account contraindications. So be careful, you can get rid of the complexity and enjoy life for many years.