In the course of life the human body goes a long way. It develops, improves, reached the peak of its development, and then gradually wither away. It is a natural process, which is impossible to stop, but it is possible to slow down, if you are ready to him.
The reasons for the decline of the power
Men of power after 50 years of age also undergoes a few changes. They are all one way or another connected with the aging process of the body. The absolute majority of men begin erection problems almost at this age. In order to minimize their consequences, it should be ready to the following points.
The men of the health is subjected to the force of a whole life. Despite the equality of rights in society, the man remains the main breadwinner of his family, he has responsibility for their well-being. Therefore, in the life of a man of a lot of stress, which is negative on the power. In addition to this, it weakens because of:
- the sedentary way of life;
- lack of regular exercise;
- smoking and alcohol consumption;
- a sexual life;
- not cured of sexually transmitted diseases;
- long-term psychotropic medication;
- the excess of weight.
Testosterone is the main male hormone. It is that it responds to the growth of hair on the body, the growth of the muscle mass, does not delay the fat typically "feminine" places: on the hips, belly and breasts. Testosterone is also involved in the production of spermatozoa, their quantity, quality and vitality.
After 50 years in men, we observed a decrease in the levels of testosterone in the blood. This logic is explained by the laws of nature: the main task of the man (like others) of the body leaving healthy offspring. The peak of the development of the reproduction of the organism accounts for approximately 30-35 years.
The level of testosterone in the blood, you can find, from the analysis of blood from the vein. The management will give him a doctor andrologist or an endocrinologist. If the testosterone level below the normal values, the doctor will prescribe you the menus for of the hormonal drugs that will support the required level of value. An alternative to tablets – testosterone injection. To better fulfill the hospital, which is not comfortable for patients, because the injection is necessary to do it regularly.

There are many food supplements and natural products, which improve the male potency. But there are some drawbacks:
- the effect of their impact on the organization may be implied;
- you want to take at least 2 to 4 weeks to see the first results;
- there is a risk of development of allergies to components of medication, generally, the composition of their wide enough;
- often the effectiveness of food supplements is not proven;
- BAD this is not a drug, therefore, is not liable to the same severe control. It is a big risk of buying counterfeit products.
In addition to the improvement of the power of many dietary supplements promise to improve immunity, help men the body to cope with stress. A result of better mood, more strength is not only on sport but also on the basis of sex. And most importantly, the desire to have sex.
Maintain the level of testosterone in the standard, you can not only through medication but also through the practice of sports activities. In addition, sport helps to maintain muscle tone, help improve the physical endurance of the body and make a man as beautiful and in shape for the years to come. In fact, in the 50 years of the life of many has just begun.
The levels of cholesterol in the bloodCholesterol is needed by the body. It enters into the composition of the cell wall, which include all of the internal organs. If the level in the limit of the rule, the cell walls are high enough so that they do not lose their shape, but fairly elastic. Also cholesterol is the precursor (that is to say, a substance from which form in the process of transformations in the body of a new substance) of male sex hormones.
High cholesterol is the main cause of development of atherosclerosis of the blood vessels. They lose their elasticity, become fragile. In such cases, they do not do with the filling of blood, the penis during sexual arousal.
Also the rate of cholesterol has the ability to form plaques on the walls of blood vessels, clogging, preventing the normal circulation.
The main causes of improve the rate of cholesterol in the body:
- poor diet and overeating, the abuse of food that contains a lot of cholesterol (products include, for example, a chicken, or shrimp);
- smoking;
- sedentary lifestyle, lack of regular exercise;
- the abuse of alcohol;
- diseases of the liver, which prevent the possible flow of bile;
- diabetes and other endocrine disorders.
The cholesterol-reduced first taking special drugs — the statins. Then, you can keep it in the standard, adjust your diet, stopping smoking and drinking alcohol and started exercising. If the rate of blood cholesterol has not reduced, it may become the cause of the stroke and heart attack.

One of the most common disease in men after the age of 50, prostatitis. It is an inflammation of the prostate. The reasons for its presence are many. It may appear to cause of infectious diseases in the neighbouring countries of the prostate organs, for example, when the cystitis and inflammation of the bladder. Can we start and in case of contact with the harmful bacteria through the urethra during unprotected sexual intercourse. And still the prostate can be a consequence of the stagnation in the pelvic organs.
Regardless of the reason for its occurrence, the prostatitis is quite difficult to treat. It prevents the attack of the erection thanks to the unfortunate passage of blood through the vessels. Painful of the prostate is not only the follow-up of their own, due to the increase in size, but delivers the pain and discomfort of the man.
Apart from that when of prostatitis appear to be a discharge from the penis. They can be painted in yellow, yellow-green, green, or purulent colour and have an unpleasant odor. This is one of the factors that is going to interfere with a man in an attempt to make love with his girlfriend.
To prevent the development of prostatitis or identify the disease at an early stage, you want to:
- regularly (at least 1 time per year), consult a doctor (urologist or andrologist);
- hand over analyses on sexually transmitted diseases (STD);
- do not enter unprotected sex with the testimonials partner;
- lead a healthy life;
- lead an active sex life.
Upon detection of prostatitis or other inflammatory disease, you should follow the recommendations of your doctor. These diseases are treated the receipt of a course of antibiotics and support the health of medication. It happens often that feeling an improvement of the health status of 2 to 4 days after the beginning of the course, the antibiotics, the man stops to take antibiotics. It seemed to him that everything went more to not have to drink.
But it is a mistake and extremely dangerous. It is important to destroy all pathogens in the human body. If the exchange rate of the antibiotic is gone through until the end, a part of them remains. They mutate, resulting in new forms, already resistant to the action of the antibiotic. In this case, the treatment process is not only long, but is complicated by the selection of a new antimicrobial drug.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDS)Sexually transmitted diseases (STDS) make it very difficult to have a sex life. They can decrease the libido into account the psychological factor: someone nice to have sex when suffering pain? The main prevention of STDS is in any case not to enter into unprotected sexual contact with testimonies partner. Also, it is recommended to regularly visit a urologist and pass the tests. Any disease of this kind is much easier and more pleasant to heal early, you run it.

The most common bad habits among men, the smoking and the alcohol. The toxic substances contained in cigarettes, are poisonous to the body. Alcohol destroys the liver. The consequences of these habits can be:
- improve the cholesterol levels;
- shortness of breath, bronchial asthma;
- cancer;
- atherosclerosis;
- the modification of the hormonal balance of the body;
- diseases of the liver and of the kidney;
- arrhythmia, congestive heart failure;
- the worsening of the pancreatitis, gastritis;
- bleeding in the brain;
- impotence and sterility;
- the deterioration of hearing and vision, lesions in the central nervous system.
The best prevention of these diseases – full of the abandonment of smoking and alcohol consumption. Safe or harmless dose does not exist. Particularly relevant this advice for men after 50 years. At this age, the more often an impact of negative impact of bad habits.
To overcome the dependency on the cancellation of these bad habits help sports, hiking in the open air. Wider will be the circle of your interests, the less time is left to the analysis of their desires.
Prevention of impotence problems
The men's health depends on his mode of life. It is important to lead a sedentary life, do sports, a lot of walking in the open air, sleep enough, avoid stress. Enough of the blood oxygen saturation helps maintain a strong erection during intercourse. At the much-too-intense sports activities and weight lifting does not allow to keep the power for years to come. They injure the muscles and the blood vessels, preventing proper blood circulation.
Need to monitor their state of health, regularly go to the doctor and to pass exams. Not all men follow this rule. But if you follow the recommendations of doctors, it is possible to save is not only sexual, but also in general health for years to come and increase the duration of life.
You can take vitamins and food supplements. They will help you to maintain the body in good shape, improve resistance to disease and colds in autumn and winter, and strengthen immunity.
Many men after the age of 50, you must come to the end of their health. At this age, increases the risk of development of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and atherosclerosis. Are damaged by the nerve endings, including those that are related to the erection, decreases the sensitivity of the penis.
How to improve the power
If the performance problems have already started, it is very difficult not to think of them. And still a lot of fear of him waiting of these problems. In such a state of erection often does not occur because of psychological experiments. Therefore, it is better not to think of what could happen, until it did not happen. And a lot more effective to follow the above recommendation, than simply survive.
Just before the sexual act, it is appropriate to relax, think about something pleasant. When this glass of wine well and divert attention away from anxiety at the thought, but will have an impact on the power. The best thing to do, without stimulants of this kind.
One of the ancient ways of improving the power – aphrodisiac. It is a certain food, which strengthens the libido into account substances. Indisputable advantages aphrodisiac lies in the fact that:
- their choice is wide enough. Every man can make himself "sexy" dishes according to their preferences and taste;
- they are harmless while eating. Of course, don't eat too much. Having sex on a full stomach unpleasant and dangerous;
- even if a man has an allergy to a particular product, it can always choose an aphrodisiac to him-even other products;
- the effect of their action occurs after 30-60 minutes after the consumption;
- the common use of aphrodisiacs in the food allows you to relax and distract, but it is still possible to turn it into a foreplay or sex games.
To aphrodisiac including:
- oysters, mussels, shrimp, fish eggs;
- walnuts, almonds, sesame seeds;
- avocados, tomatoes, fresh herbs, eggplant;
- dark chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 95%;
- pineapple, bananas, mangoes, citrus fruit;
- cinnamon, ginger, lavender, mint.
To improve the power, you can also create romantic conditions in the bedroom. It should be based on their preferences. Is not so important, the light in the bedroom or dark, lit if the candle. It is much more important that man be able to relax in such a context. This will help and smells, for example vanilla, cinnamon or fresh mint. And the calm of the music was unobtrusive, which will not disrupt the process, but will create an atmosphere.
Another way to improve the power – to- try toys and special accessories. Of course, at the beginning, you must obtain the consent of his partner on all actions. Diversify the sexual life and, perhaps, adds a thrill and confidence.
Save the stem, you can at any age, if a healthy lifestyle and to implement the recommendations of the doctors. For many men – it is the beginning of a new phase in life, when they have taken place in the life and radiate self-confidence. And it attracts the women.