Peppermint is known for a wide range of therapeutic properties, used for the treatment of diseases of the skin, a decoction of mint is a cure for many diseases. Scientists are actively discussing on how peppermint affects the power of men.
Their opinions are split: some say that the weed has an impact on the health of men, others call it an aphrodisiac.
And yet, a lot of men to face the circumambulation menthol cigarettes, mint tea and mint ruminants.
The use of mint for men
A satisfying sex life depends on many factors. A poor diet, alcohol abuse, lack of exercise, stress, diseases have a negative impact on the health of men. In order to normalize the sexual activity, it is necessary to eliminate the source of the problem. Here the question arises, affects to the mint on the male power?
Almost all the varieties of mint have exclusive use of a certain number of useful properties. Grass create decoctions, tinctures, oils. On the basis of its manufacture all kinds of drops, tablets, lozenges, syrups. It is often used in the kitchen to prepare drinks, salads, pastries. Most of the products contain menthol.
If the answer to the question, as the mint affects the male potency, then we can say with certainty that it benefits the body:
- tones;
- improves the functioning of the stomach;
- cleans the biliary tract;
- has a sedative effect, relaxing and soothing of the man;
- relieves insomnia and irritability;
- counteracts the cardio-vascular disease;
- relieves the inflammation in the throat in case of colds;
- facilitates state at elevated temperatures;
- has an effect on on the body;
- used when the inflammation of the joints, sciatica, low back pain.
Despite this, the mint and the power in men cause of the issues in dispute. In the leaves of the plant contain female hormones, they are able to lower the level of testosterone. The grass should use the women with hormonal disorders. The plant eliminates the excess of hair on the body, gives the body of the female form. This leads the men into confusion, and many believe that the herb reduces libido.
Scientists in an attempt to know what is the influence of mint on the male potency, have conducted experiments on rats. A certain amount of time the animal has not given the tea. As a result, the rats of a dramatic fall in the level of testosterone.
But the experience was not quite correct, as in the body of laboratory has not received any other liquid.
Agree, because a sensible person will not consume the plant to such an amount, it should be in moderation.
Often, the cause of male potency is not used than others, such as anxiety, stress, and anxiety of all kinds of origin. And here the question arises, affects to the mint on the power of men? It helps to get rid of these evils. If the plant removes itself the cause of male potency, it can be used for the recovery of the strength of the men, especially, the right to calculate the dosage.
The regular consumption of funds with the content of the mint of the herb has a beneficial effect on the state of psycho-emotional men. The improvement of the emotional background leads to an increase of the libido, the restoration of the power.
It is important! The plant is harmful only if a man starts to take, at night no less than two liters of drink.
Recipes to improve the power of the mint

Herbal Infusions and decoctions help to eliminate erectile dysfunction. The receipts of the mint for the power are quite simple and available.
Because the plant acts differently on the body, it must be taken two times per day. It is preferable to keep within the treatment. It can last thirty days. Then, you need to take a break of two weeks.
In order to restore and improve the potency of the plant is recommended to use in combination with other herbs.
Collection herbal
To prepare the broth, use the following ingredients:
- peppermint – 50 g;
- stinging nettle – 50g;
- perforated st. john's wort – 50 g;
- prairie clover – 50 g.
Take a small pan, lay at the bottom of a fabric so that grass does not come in contact with the metal. In the contrary case, the result of oxidation of the decoction may lose useful substances.
Pour the herb to 1 litre of boiling water and place the liquid in a water bath. Broth ready to do heat 5 minutes over low heat, then he needs to let it rest until completely cooled.
Strain the liquid and take the remedy two times per day in 150 ml of twenty minutes before a meal.
Of the ingredients listed, you can prepare a tincture alcohol-based. Place the grass dark in the container, fill it with the raw materials of vodka (500 ml). Close the container and put it in a dark place for two weeks. Tincture take 1 teaspoon before bedtime.
Recipe for an erection
To prepare the dye, you will need:
- the mint ¼ teaspoon;
- rosemary – ¼ teaspoon;
- basil – a teaspoon.
Mix all ingredients, pour boiling water (100 ml). Give drink to infuse for five minutes, add the mixture of 1 teaspoon of honey and drink half an hour before intimacy, do filtering.
Flavor of berries and mint cocktail
For the smoothie, you need:
- berry syrup – 30 g;
- a sprig of mint
- ice cream – 100 g
Mix all the ingredients, dilute with a glass of cold water, beat with electric mixer. The product is ready to use.
Important: the freshness of the grass helps stimulate the brain activity and tones the blood vessels. Therefore, to achieve the positive effects of mint on the male power, it is recommended to consume before noon.
The mint tea

- mint – 100 g;
- marjoram – 100 g;
- st. john's wort – 100 g
Mix all the ingredients. For the preparation of the tea, sprinkle a teaspoon of this mixture in porcelain or glass. Pour the herb to boiling water (250 ml) and let stand. Use the drink, it is recommended several times a day with honey, jam or sugar.
Room mint
Take 50 g of dried herbs and pour the boiling water. Leave to infuse for twenty minutes. Filter the broth and add to the bathroom. This recipe enables a man to gain vitality and increases the power.
Important: the Tool on the basis of mint can help to strengthen the immune system, help the body fight against diseases of the prostate.
The evil and contraindications
Scientists have stressed the negative influence of mint on the power. The abuse of drink is the mint the level of testosterone decreases, it is the night of power, since it is testosterone that is responsible for the male libido and raises sexual activity.
With the deterioration of the production of this hormone in men disappears of sexual interest. Also the excessive consumption of mint inhibits the activity of the sperm. This leads to a weakening of erection and reduced reproduction.
Reduces the possibility of conceiving a child.
Mint negative impact on the male body in the following cases:
- when the varicose veins, because it lowers the vascular tone;
- during hypersensitivity, and of the individual intolerance;
- the management of the automobile, the mechanisms, requiring an increase of the concentration of the attention, so that the plant has a calming effect and a relaxing effect on the body, the nervous system.
The negative comments on the effects of mint on the power exaggerated. It does not destroy the male power, on the contrary, is rich in beneficial properties, which has a positive effect on the human body. In the absence of contra-indications it is the ideal tool to combat the depression that is persistent, a permanent stress and irritability. The only exception is considered to be an individual intolerance of the product.
Important: the benefits of mint on the nervous system of men – the key to the normalization of the power. This is why it is the most suitable these men, who are often held to stress.