On the internet and many forums, you can find a multitude of methods to change the size of the penis. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Some accompanied by pronounced discomfort, others require serious time or help. But recently, it has, such as increasing the member of the soda. Many men tested this tool on itself and which describe a great sound effect. According to the comments, already after a month of use, the size of the penis was a few inches more.
It would seem that there can ordinary baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) influence on the body in general, and the length of the penis in particular. The fact that the speed of the blood circulation and the condition of the metabolism is largely dependent on the ph level. According to some experts, the change of the acid-alkaline balance it may even cause the growth of malignant tumors and benign.
Nрименение of baking soda helps to normalise the ph. As a result, stimulated by the blood and lymph circulation, improves the metabolism in the pelvic organs. However, a normal hormone, stimulates the production of testosterone and its transformation in the prostate gland. Also the soda ash activates the process of cell division of the penis, and with a good use contributes to the increase of its length and diameter.
This product is not only had an impact on the size of the penis. It is widely used and to solve other health problems.

Thus, the sodium bicarbonate use for:
- get rid of excess weight;
- the struggle with the painful sensations and discomfort;heartburn;
- correction of indicators of the acidity of the digestive tract;
- the treatment of dermatoses etiology varied, including inflammatory processes after burns;
- the improvement of the colour and the correction of the oval of the face, tension and rejuvenation of the skin, prevent stretch marks;
- the restoration of metabolic processes;
- clean the body of toxins.
Doctors recommend you reflect on the increase of the penis, if its size in erection is less than 10
It is better to start with safe ways, that is:
- massage and special exercises;
- traction of the penis in length using the provided extender;
- the application on the skin of the penis a variety of creams and ointments, which is composed of both natural and synthetic compounds, by stimulating the blood circulation and helps to speed up the process of fission and regeneration of the cells.
Quite painful, but at the same time, 100% guarantee the result, allowing you to change the size and shape of the penis is used ligamentotomy. It is quite heavy to a surgical procedure that requires a serious training and rehabilitation. In addition, in the process of the operation, the patient is given a general anesthesia, which expands the list of contra-indications to the conduct of the procedure.
Compared to these methods, a way to increase a member of the baking soda is completely safe and painless. In addition, the use of this tool does not require significant financial costs.
For the application of the caustic to the inside there are a number of restrictions or contra-indications. So, begin the increase penis with the help of this food product better external procedures.

Shared bathroom
First bring to a boil 5 liters of water and filling it with 0.5 kg of baking soda. Then, the whole mixed and poured into the prepared bath. On the same principle, you can prepare solutions for the bathroom. The good proportion of the order of 100 g of soda in a litre of boiling water. Then, the volume and the temperature is adjusted to these values.
IMPORTANT:the Duration of the procedure should not exceed 15 minutes.
For the preparation of the mixture, you should mix the baking soda with water in a ratio of 1:1 until кашицеобразной consistency.
Also in this mixture, you can add:
- a teaspoon of honey;
- the essential oils, preference should be given to natural stimulating the circulation of the blood, is an extract of mint, thyme, rosemary, sage.
In the process of preparing a mixture of scrub instead of water, you can use vegetable oil (except sunflower). They moisturize the skin, promote tissue regeneration, have an anti-inflammatory effect and regulate metabolism. Ideal grape, almond oil, sesame, flax.
IMPORTANT: the Mixture is applied evenly to the skin of the penis and gently rub in a circular motion. The procedure recommended not to repeat more than three times per week.
This way to solve the problem, such as a penis with the help of baking soda, a combination of two techniques: the benefit of sodium bicarbonate and a stimulation of the blood circulation and the metabolism of the massage.
Perform the procedure as well:
- heat the skin of the penis, it is appropriate to salt, put in boiling water soft towel or a piece of fabric;
- slightly wet hands and the crowd in the palm of soda;
- massage the penis base and up to the area of the flange;
- baking soda rinse off with lukewarm water.
Massage with soda to increase the size of the penis is best done in the evening before going to bed, because after the procedure is recommended to lie down and relax.
Repeat twice a week.
For the preparation of a solution of 10 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate diluted in one liter of hot water. And then in a mixture of wet with a strip of cloth of a natural material. The fabric wrap around your penis and let it rest for 15 to 20 minutes, and then washed by the penis with lukewarm water. Compresses, you can do it once in 3 — 4 days.

Characteristics of the external application of the soda
The procedures to solve a problem, how to increase the penis by using soda, you need to attract the attention on several aspects. The solution with sodium bicarbonate do not apply to the area of the head, as this can cause irritation and discomfort.
In order to improve the effectiveness of the external procedures, you must first apply on the area of the lumbar spine and the sacral division of the spinal column is known to all balm "Star". Thus, you can significantly improve the blood circulation in the vessels of the pelvis.
It soda almost never does not cause irritation or other symptoms are evidence of a hypersensitive. However, if allergic reactions is better to refrain from the addition of essential oils or honey.
The internal use of soda
A great popularity in the receipt of bicarbonate of sodium to the interior of the acquis after the speech of professor I. P., Neumyvakina. He recommends accepting the soda as follows. The initial dosage is one third of a teaspoon diluted in a glass of water or milk at room temperature.
The resulting mixture to drink twice a day (morning and evening) for half an hour before meals. According to such a scheme of sodium administered taking three days in a row. Then make a pause of three days. So no complaints on the health, the dose is gradually increased up to a tablespoon twice a day (you can in addition to drinking a solution of baking soda and lunch). It is necessary to undergo a regimen of reception (three days of treatment and the same period of pause).
The sodium bicarbonate is present in every kitchen. The mistress added during cooking, and is often used for the purification of plumbing, kitchen appliances, get rid of the smell in the refrigerator. But in spite of the wide spread internal and external remedy has a number of constraints.
The increase in a member of the soda with the help of baths and compresses against-indicated in cases of:
- the damage of the skin;
- atopic dermatitis of obscure etiology;
- infectious urethritis, the fact that the sodium bicarbonate is that it helps to get rid of the yeast of the genus Candida, but the change in the ph of the skin and of the mucosa may worsen during bacterial inflammation.
But these contraindications are relative. The increase in a member of baking soda, you can continue after the complete cure of these diseases.
The receipt of bicarbonate of sodium to the inside is not recommended in case of:
- the aggravation of a stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer;
- heavy chronic pathologies, in particular in the liver, the kidneys, the cardio-vascular system;
- malignant and benign entities, regardless of the location;
- the urolithiasis;
- the diabetes the diabetes.
IMPORTANT: in pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, related to the violation of the acidity, prior to the receipt of the soda, you need to consult your doctor.
In the case of compliance with the rules of use and dosage, not of complications from the use of baking soda to increase the size of the penis does not occur. However, in case of exceeding the recommended amount of ingestion may cause nausea, and when in use local — skin irritation, and skin rashes.
In addition, for the reproduction of soda, in any case, you can't use cold water or milk. Also do not recommend that immediately after such a drink. It should withstand a minimum interval of 20 minutes. With the deterioration of the health of the application of bicarbonate of sodium, you must stop immediately and, if necessary, consult a doctor.
Recently, the popularity of the different methods of application of sodium bicarbonate beats all the records. It is the recommended tool for the prevention and treatment of almost any pathology of internal organs. According to men, the increase of the penis with soda, is really effective. In a month of regular use, the penis length can increase by up to 1 — 1,5 see in this result is a witness to many testimonies from representatives of the stronger sex.
Comments on baking soda for penis enlargement
André, 29 years old "On the amount of their dignity began to think to other adults. As I am in the standards are changing, but still want to be even more to impress the girls. I have long studied the information on the penis enlargement methods, but in the application of creams, I do not believe in, and reflection on the use of different devices fall into the back. In the end, decided to try recipes based on the soda. The result satisfied, spent only three weeks, and already more than 1 cm".
Oleg, 25 years old "The partner is not, and now I am, as they say, actively looking. But unceasingly it seems that the girls are waiting for me in the bed something more. Tried different toys, positions, role-playing games. But he came to the conclusion that the role that sex plays in the size of my dignity. Of all the methodologies chosen in an increase of the length with soda, and has not lost. I'm not going to speak of other means, but the process has really helped. A half-inch per month without too much expenses and efforts."
Policing, Viktor Petrovich, surgeon-urologist "The indication of the operation to increase the size of the penis is not so much. The more often the patients are turning to me on the background of different psychological complexes. But before you lie down on the operating table, is recommended for patients to try more safe and secure. Frankly, the effect of various sprays and creams, virtually no. But here are a normal soda does miracles.
- Penis enlargement with the help of soda is a simple and effective way to solve the various problems of the sexual life. The sodium bicarbonate is safe, practically does not cause complications. The effectiveness of such a methodology can be improved by using advanced, and they allow or the vacuum pump (models of these devices, a lot, you can buy them in a sex shop). A role played and the physical activity, the observance of good diet, weight control.