The problem of the improvement of the power, is very relevant today, worried by men since time immemorial. Therefore, in the recipes of traditional medicine and have accumulated many tools and methods to resolve this problem. In the first place, of course, the herbal medicine – herbal medicine. The second – the improvement of the power to food aid. Well, and the third is the treatment of the water and some are very original ways to improve male potency.
Herbal medicine
To improve the power with the help of medicinal plants, infusions, and tinctures, you have to take it consistently. That the reception is likely to be ineffective.
To improve the level of the power of traditional medicine offers the application of herbs and cost. In the revenue implicit in the use of dried herbs.
The use of certain herbsGinseng. It is very effective, recognized since antiquity for its aphrodisiac qualities (the substance that stimulates the love passion). The root of this wild ginseng is available a little, but the chain of pharmacies of the tincture of ginseng root grown in plantations, a help men to cope with a weakness. 30 to 40 drops of tincture you need to drink (water) in the morning, and repeat the reception in the afternoon. The treatment can be very long, with side effects not observed.
Dubrovnik. This herb is applied in form of infusion: 5 tablespoons of herbs of dubrovnik, welded to the boiling water (one glass), it should be emphasized 3/4 hours. Boiled broth drink 1 a day in 3-4 hours. Treaties of dubrovnik may be one of two weeks.

St. john's wort. Widely known and popular of the plant has the property of enhancing hyperemia of the pelvic organs. To improve the power, you can drink an infusion of st. john's wort: a glass of boiling water, pour in the grass to the number of two tablespoons, and insist 1 hour, drink 1 day in 3 doses. Also a popular dye to the vodka: the dry grass pour vodka in a ratio of 1:5; after 7 days of maceration, you can accept this kind of tool, in a single dose of 40 drops; 1 day of receiving is repeated 3 times.
Motherwort. The grass of motherwort, two teaspoons of pour half a liter of boiling water, cooled down to room temperature. After 8 hours of maceration to take three times a day for 100 ml, before meals.
The lilac. A tablespoon of lilac flowers, close-knit cup of boiling water, to insist until cool. Drink the infusion, you should in 1 day in small portions (30-40 ml). The course of treatment – no more than two weeks.
Nettle. To improve the power, it is recommended to 5 tablespoons of seeds of nettle to throw in the porto wine (or grape wine), and cook 5 minutes on foot. The wines need to take 1/2 litre. Leave it to infuse for half an hour. Take 50 ml
P-ordinary. The rhizome of this plant is cut into small pieces and the gulf of boiling water (1 glass), set to 8 hours. Dose – 1 tablespoon. For the day of the reception repeated 3 times before meals. You can simply chew several times a day, small pieces of rhizome (in spite of its bitter taste).
Aloe. Juice of aloe mixed with honey (in a ratio of 1:5). Dose – 1 teaspoon of the mixture. 1 day of receiving repeated 3 times before meals. The treatment may continue to 1-2 months.
The sea buckthorn. With a decrease in the power of the sea buckthorn juice is mixed with the mummy in a ratio of 20:1. A single dose of reception – 1 table spoon. 1 day of the receipt is repeated 3 times. Courses – a minimum of three weeks.

Kopitnik. This herb to improve the power are within (kopitnik toxic!). The roots ungulates reduced to powder. A tablespoon received powder mixed with the same amount of milk. The mixture every day massaged into the skin of the inguinal region. The course of treatment – no more than two weeks.
The use of herbs- The collection of st. john's wort, nettle, clover and mint. Listed herbs take equal quantities (5 teaspoons of each herb), pour it into a thermos a liter of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes. Filter. A single dose of reception – 1 cup. 1 day of the receipt is repeated 3 times. For a better action for the collection of clover and st. john's wort are harvested in dry places, and the mint and nettles – wet.
- The collection of the leaves of raspberry, strawberry, blackberry and black currant. The leaves of these plants, taken one tablespoon, mix, and 3 tbsp of this mixture by boiling water (three cups). Leave to luxuriate in a water bath for 15 minutes, Then turn off the heat, give the broth to cool. Drink as a tea 1 cup, half an hour before meals. 1 day of the receipt is repeated 3 times.
- The collection of mountain ash and rosehips. Take equal parts (20 gr.) dried berries of rowan-tree and dried fruits of a dogrose. Brew in a thermos 500 ml of boiling water. After 6 hours the infusion is ready. Take a half-cup. 1 day of the receipt is repeated 3 times.
- The collection of the aloe, rosehip and seed from persil. 150 gr. of aloe juice, 100 gr. fruit of the dogrose, crushed, in powder, 30 gr. seeds of persil, ground into powder, mixed with 250 gr. the honey and 350 ml of red wine. The mixture to insist in a period of two weeks in a dark place, shake from time to time. The dose-to-1 input – 1 tablespoon. 1 day of medicine that you need to take three times a half-hour before meals.
- A mixture of tinctures aralia, ginseng, eleutherococcus, devil, and rhodiola rosea.
Take pharmacy tinctures and extracts:
- tincture aralia – 50 ml;
- tincture of ginseng – 50 ml;
- siberian ginseng extract – 30 ml;
- stain devil – 50 ml;
- extract of rhodiola rosea – 30 ml
All this is mixed and stored in a dark place. 30 drops of the mixture taken after a meal three times per day.
The treatment with the aid of power products
Foods containing a large amount of protein as well as vitamins a, E, improve the virility. Therefore, the men, dissatisfied with the level of its power, you need to include in your daily menu of these products.
Protein-rich foodsThis group of products, including meat, fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs, mushrooms.
On the men's table every day should be a sufficient amount of meat. Beneficial effect on the level of the power chops or roasts. And here, in the Caucasus, for example, believe that it is very useful for this purpose this tv as a bull or sheep testicles, with fried onions.
Fish (especially mackerel and flounder), red caviar, meat of rays and sharks, seafood (shrimp, mussels, oysters) - all this is the source of the sexual energy of men. However, all these products must be consumed is not in a fried, boiled form, otherwise the desired effect is not achieved.
Improves power and dairy products: sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, cheese, milk, curd. But for the preparation of these products must be of solid, natural, not pasteurized milk.
The eggs are useful in any shape: shell, scrambled eggs, omelette, etc. In the folk medicine is particularly recommended to eat each morning, on an empty stomach, an egg yolk, cooked in the shell.
The product of an aphrodisiac are, and fungi. They are also a source of protein, and are rich in zinc, a beneficial influence on the power. Particularly effective of the effect of the rare at we of the nose, and quite common morels.
Onions of all varieties of ancient times has been used to improve the power (green onion and other). And also helpful to the onion cooked, fried, baked and even dried, as well as in the different dishes.
The turnip is also used for the treatment of impotence. Costs of turnips it is necessary to boil the carrot juice or in milk, grate, mix in equal parts with honey. 1/3 cup of this mixture is recommended to eat before meals, three times per day.
Increases male potency simmered in milk with carrots. Of the same dose as the turnips.
Very useful for improving the level of power of tomatoes. You can eat them in unlimited quantities, in particular cooked or braised.
The watermelon and the melon, well that does not apply to vegetables, are also aphrodisiacs. The research of recent years has shown that watermelon contains substances that act on the human body such as Viagra.
Useful for seasoning a salad out of the vegetables with the mixture of lemon juice with the olive oil. And eat, it is recommended to sunset. The achievement of the desired effect is guaranteed at the end of a few days!
FruitSweet aphrodisiac of juices that you can eat as much as you want. These include avocado, pineapple, bananas, pomegranates, figs, strawberries, coconuts, dates.
NutsNuts (walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, hazelnut, pistachio and other) are hardly more useful for improving the potency of the product.
You can just eat nuts for a month (100 grams. in the day).
You can drink nut milk of goat. The daily dose – 1 cup of peanut kernels and 2 cups of goat milk with honey. Need a little bit of honey – 2 tablespoons. The treatment lasts 1 month.
Nuts with dried fruit:
The crushed carrots twelve nuts add 200 gr. cut into small pieces of dried fruit (raisins, prunes, figs), mix. The mixture was stored in the refrigerator, and take every morning 2 scoops of coffee, all washed down with yogurt or yogurt.
"Jelly" from nuts to cedar:
Peeled pine nuts ground in a ceramic or crockery. When the nuts are transformed into a homogeneous mass, start to slowly pour in water while continuing to rub. Must be a liquid emulsion of white colour, which looks like the head of milk (and of the same density). It is "frozen", quite conducive to the improvement of the power, take 20 minutes before meals at the dose of 100 ml For 1 day of medicine that you need to take three times.
The spices increase sexual energy in men, is known since ancient times. These aphrodisiacs added to food in small quantities.
Improves the sexual function of pepper: black pepper, paprika, chilli.
It is very useful celery: and the salad with the addition of fresh green celery and the seeds of this plant in the various condiments. Celery is grinded in a grinder or in a mixer with the lemon (the celery and lemon take up almost equal amounts). The resulting mixture is stored in the refrigerator in a glass jar. Taken before bedtime. Dose – 1 tablespoon.
A strong aphrodisiac, is the cardamom. Used this spice in a minimum dosage: a pinch of powder obtained from the seeds of the cardamom, add in a cup of coffee or warm milk with honey.
The ginger root to take in powder form (a single dose equal to 1 teaspoon, you must drink tea with honey). In 1 day, you can repeat the medication 1-2 times.
With exotic spices, to enhance the power, the traditional medicine provides garlic and horseradish habitual of the plant average. But if the horse-radish simply use in the form of seasoning to the food, garlic to enhance the therapeutic effect is proposed to make an infusion.
1 kg of garlic crushed, put in three-liter jar and pour boiling water. The bank put on 1 month in a dark place. All the days of perfusion need to stir. Thanks to a month of the infusion filtered, and start to take a teaspoon 1 times a day before meals, drink milk or yogurt. The treatment continues until the bank is not empty. This procedure (repeat may be no more than once per year) allows you to clean up the blood vessels. It is useful for the heart, the brain, and to improve the power.
The honey– The honey is a wonderful product in many ways. It will help you in the treatment of impotence. There are many ways to apply the honey.
You can eat honey mixed in equal parts with the chopped nuts. Take 2-3 times per day, by drinking milk. The dose – 2 teaspoons.
You can prepare a mixture of 300 grams. honey, 150 gr. the aloe juice and 0.4 liters of wine "Cahors". The liquid, backed in a dark place for a week, take 1/2 hour before meals. Dose – 1 tablespoon. 1 day of medicine that you need to take three times.
You can not eat the honey, and apply it in the form of apps. First prepare the moon for the solution (200 gr. of honey 1 litre of warm water). In this solution, moisten a Terry towel, which take 10 minutes at the lower part of the abdomen and the penis. This very effective the procedure is repeated twice a day for 10 days.
Other ways to improve the power
The mummyThis tool is one of the most powerful for strengthening the sexual energy of men. A single dose of the mummy (0,15-0,2 gr.) dissolved in a tablespoon of water, and use it on for 4 to 6 weeks. The medication is produced in the morning (fasting) and before bed. After a course of treatment, it is necessary to do 2 weeks of break. Then you can make the cure again.
Don't forget: the mummy is not compatible with the alcohol!
Water treatmentsSteam bath. It is a wonderful folk remedy contributes to a lower power level. To do this, attend a bath 2 times per week. In the steam bath, you can go 2-3 times, but there is not more than 10 minutes. The costs recommend of birch branches.
Sessile contrasting bath. This procedure will pass in the evening, an hour before bedtime. Two large capacity fill with water: warm (40-45°) and cold (15-24°). Take up to 1 minute in a hot bath, and then 1 minute in cold, and repeat the change of the position 10 times. Of course, the most convenient is to take these baths in thermal than in the home.
Bathroom with a bay leaf. 50 gr. laurel brewed with one liter of boiling water and a half-hour, the warmth of the quiet. Then the infusion pour into a bath with warm water. The procedure continues for 15-30 minutes. According to him, the patient should go to bed.
Original ways
Walking in bare feet. This is the most simple tool improves effectively the power. You can walk barefoot in the apartment, but better, of course, in summer, on the grass of the earth, on the sand. This irritated acupressure on the feet, including those that stimulate the increase of the power.
The ice-pack. A half-kilo of ice need finely tattoos, wrap in 8 layers of gauze. First focus on 1 minute in the hole on the neck under the nape of the neck, then 1 minute – chest in the heart area, and then 1 minute to the scrotum. In this procedure, it is recommended to repeat 3-5 times in a row. If you decide to resist the "torture" of the ice, after a few days you will be pleasantly surprised by the results.