The emergence of the violation of the functionality of the sexual organ for men is not uncommon. Because the pace of modern life implies a strong impact of the environment, the permanent stress, psychological tension, fast and a poor diet, bad habits. All of these factors have a direct influence on the erection of men. On the basis of the statistical data, about 30% of men suffer from a violation of the power. Therefore, information on the methods and means that advise, how to increase power quickly, and themselves, more than ever, current, and demand.

Why the power of the grave?
As each disease and uncomfortable state of health, the disorder of the sexual capacity appears for some reason. These negative affecting factors include:
- Characteristic of physiology. It is either a pathology, congenital, or even at this moment, the men are the missing hormones to have good power.
- The psychological impact. Men are different emotional disorders and feelings, that have a direct effect on the erection can be in contact.
- The low attention to your health. At this point of the be attributed to the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, harmful junk food. Management of unhealthy lifestyles can cause not only a violation of the power, but to other unpleasant consequences.
- The reduced level of immunity. It must be remembered that at the time of the winter on the body of the man starts with the lack of vitamins and decrease in the overall level of health. This may also be the cause of the weakness of the activity of the men.
- The chronic lack of sleep, overwork, a strong fatigue. Problems at work can also affect the male erection.
The violation of the sexual capacity appears for some reason
- Other disturbances in the body of a man. This can be attributed to more serious diseases such as cardiac problems, and other organs. In such a case is not recommended to use animals for means of treatment, and seek the help of a specialist.
- The age decrease of the activity in the bed. This is explained by the fact that with age, the levels of the hormone testosterone in the male body is significantly reduced. And yet, it is it affects the quality of the power.
- Sedentary way of life. As we like it or not, physical activity needs to be in the life of the man. Its absence may also affect the erection of men. Physical fitness improves blood circulation, which is good impact on the power.
All of these factors can have an impact on the body of men both individually and in its entirety. But, in order to determine the direction of the treatment of low power, you must consult your doctor, who, through the conduct of analyses and tests will help to determine what it is assigned to the sexual activity. In this case, a high probability of restoring and dramatically improve the health of the representatives of the stronger sex, no special effects.

How do I improve quickly ?
As in the treatment of many diseases, there are several options, which can be cumulative.
And it is, can be dealt with in an unconventional way, and you can consult a doctor and require the treatment of modern methods. The one and the other method of treatment are effective. If the physician is in drug of the way, in the revenues of the population uses natural ingredients to the back of the health of men.
It is important! If the physician has determined that the cause of the onset of low-power did not become a serious disease of the internal organs, it is sufficient to combine and use of the remedies of the traditional medicine to solve this problem.
Medical medicine relies on drugs to increase the revenue of blood in the body of the penis. May be prescribed medicines that a one-time impact on the penis before the sexual intercourse. And are pills of Viagra or Cialis. Pills for a erection can have a powerful, but slippery effect.
Or even a doctor may prescribe you a long drug and procedural treatment and comprehensive improvement of the men of possibilities. These procedures can be attributed to the use of the vacuum pump, a hormonal treatment, by injection improve blood circulation. The appointment of pills, powders and suspensions after the passage of exchange rates to significantly improve the state of health of men and improve sexual activity.
The traditional remedies is also very good impact on the general state of the male body. And may also resolve the question of the improvement of the power to the house, because many is really important for lightning the result of the healing. For the traditional medicine use a variety of teas, of rootlets, which affect the ability of the actor, and lead a normal blood circulation, pass through the strengthening of the organization as a whole.
It is important! Using one of the methods it must be remembered that the decline in sexual activity is not always, and that a time.
How to improve the power at home the traditional methods
Men have long been aware of what herbs, plants, their roots may well have an impact on the improvement of the libido and erection quality. And at this time, you can take these natural remedies to improve health.
One of these nutrients is the root of ginseng. You can buy it in a pharmacy in the form of drops, or even in their natural form from the root. This does not modify this value. Should you take every day in the morning, adding 10 to 15 drops in half a glass of water. A week later, the front desk, you can do a gradual increase of the number of drops added to the water. During this course you will need to take a month, after which take a break. The root of ginseng is always attributed properties that increase the male libido. This root is really stimulates the male libido, gives strength and improves immunity.

Also very much on the strengthening of the masculine power affects the coffee. This drink don't forget to drink in large quantities every day. However, one cup per day will help to enhance the general state of the organism. It must be remembered that people with cardio-vascular diseases is not advisable to take it and the root of ginseng, and coffee. For them provide other treatment options national.
The popular medicine to improve the ability of men, attaches great importance to the water, namely the adoption of tubs and contrast showers. The evening a relaxing bath to relieve stress and fatigue will help get rid of feeling of tightness, relax the nerves, extend the blood vessels. This can help improve the erections and the satisfaction of the sexual act. Of the same property and the showers. First of all need a rinse with warm water, and then suddenly turn cold and after warm up in the hot water. This will have an impact on the male function of the penis and will help you fill out the body of blood of the penis. It will also be useful to soaking alternately in basins of cold and hot water. However, is found in the cold water, it should be no more than five minutes, to avoid hypothermia.
It is important! Men of the weakness of the heart muscle must be attentive to the ways in which stimulate the circulation of blood and before the application consult with your doctor.
The plan
Men it is important to think about its nutrition, to know if there was a problem with impotence, the first thing that you need to think about what the man eats. Raise the level of the hormone of the testosterone and special products, but only with the help of the use of certain products. Menu for is the following:
- You need to focus on products such as meats, eggs, cottage cheese, cream, mushrooms, and so on.
- Eat more seafood. For example, mussels have the property of improving significantly the rate of the male hormone, testosterone, which contributes to the improvement of the erection. In addition, are very useful squid, fish, oysters, brine.
- All prepared dishes need to add herbs or stimulants, such as persil and celery.
- Don't forget to eat salads, all seasoned with olive oil and with a minimum of salt.
If forge its mode of feeding, and the general state of men's health will improve considerably.
- It is useful to organize small snacks of nuts or dried fruits. Perfectly and are very useful in pumpkin seeds.
- Ensure that the sale of products does not contain in its composition to the soy sauce, because it has the property of promoting the development of the female hormone estrogen in the male body. Also the appearance of female hormones promotes the consumption of beer. This alcoholic product is not only reduce the power level of men, but can promote the formation of a female figure, namely, the growth of the breast and the emergence of excess fat in the pelvic region.
It is important! For the health of the male body, it is necessary to take for a rule to take protein-rich foods.
Recipes for medicinal herbal teas
Everything necessary for the herbal teas, you can buy from the pharmacy, and they will have an impact exactly on the sexual function of men. For example, from these herbs, such as lemon grass, you can make a teaspoon tincture and take in a period of two weeks. The results will be already at the end of five days.
Also there is such a recipe: cut the dried or fresh ginger root, pour boiling water and take a minimum of four times per day instead of tea ordinary. This recipe ensures the improvement of the power.
Also, can you as a broth to use 100 grams of herb of dubrovnik, mixing it with persil or coriander. A tea increases power, it is necessary to drink every day, twice a day for a week. The improvement of the state will be visible in a few days.
Rapid uplift of the power, you can use this is not very nice to the recipe.
Take one tablespoon of juice of the aloe and mix with a teaspoon of the seeds of persil. This mass must be taken every day. However, the result will be visible through the night.

Physical activity to improve the power
As already described above, so that the erection has been long and strong, you need to follow the process of the circulation of the blood.
This great help of some exercises. It is:
- Walking on the spot. For this, it is necessary to lift actively, and high knees, imitating the steps. Walk for at least 15 minutes. Is this an exercise that you can perform as a warm-up before exercise.
- Take the supine position on the floor, bend the knees. Need to raise and lower the pelvis, with special attention paid to the tension of the buttock. This exercise improves the activity of the blood in the pelvic organs. It will help you improve the power, and also will be useful to the prostate. Perform not less than ten minutes.
- For the execution of the third year need to sit down on the squat, and by the tension and relaxation of muscles try to draw the scrotum. It is also necessary to bend and relax the muscles that are located between the anus and the scrotum. This exercise helps increase the blood and improves the blood circulation in the genital organs and the prostate .
In addition to these specialized exercises men, it is better to choose one of the options of engine of the asset, for example: jogging once a week in the park, gym or swimming pool.
Therefore, we can conclude that, in most cases, the man can lift his men's health in keeping with the fashion and a certain diet.
Also in the house, you can easily prepare a medicinal decoction, which are very effective will have an impact on the sexual function of men. Using the data of the recommendation should be no more questions on how to strengthen the power and virility.
You can still add that, to men of self-confidence is extremely important condition is the support and understanding of the partner.