Since ancient times, and among all the people men of strength and endurance have been one of the most important human values. Low in the sexual sense, the man could not claim to leadership, has not been able to get the most beautiful women of the tribe, in a sense could be regarded as complete. And in the modern world, each representative of the male sex at a certain age, begin to experience the uncertainty of its forces, and look for a way to increase the power, including the methods of traditional medicine.
The most simple means
Problems with impotence in men, lack of erection, or the inability to keep it long enough for sexual intercourse. The disorder can develop after 50-60, and, depending on the mode of life and the health of the male, 36-40 years old.
Until the sexual dysfunction is not too far gone, you can restore, enhance male potency of drugs, but more and more strong, paul draws attention to another method, — increase of the power of the means of the population.

- Raw garlic – to increase the power of his need to chew on 3 teeth every day.
- Pumpkin seeds – the work of improvement of the reproductive system if their pace of 40 to 50 parts each day.
- The honey and the red wine mixture in the ratio 3:2, buds for 12 days, will become the most powerful aphrodisiac and one of the best means of male enhancement, erectile function.
- Mulled wine – in the composition of the fund of 100 gr. of dried apricots, raisins and prunes, a tablespoon of sugar, a little spice. The mixture is poured the red wine and slowly cooked for an hour. Take this folk remedy should be every day, before dinner, or if there is a need to increase the power prior to the sexual act, directly in front of him.
- The mustard – restore the power to produce, if applying it to the soles of the feet, to stimulate the blood circulation in the lower half of the body.
Herbal medicines
Herbs, all kinds of charges and decoctions-based have always been able to rise to the level of masculine strength and boost the power. There are several ways for men to news before the age of 60 years. For example, an infusion collection, which includes the st. john's wort, nettle, clover and mint – 5 tablespoon of each. These herbs rinks liter of boiling water and connexione virtutum is not less than an hour. Method of treatment to drink a glass of infusion per day, it is quick enough, puts in order the sexual, the system contributes to the improvement of the status of the bph.
Herbal remedies to improve power for men include tools prepared on the basis of:

- the dried flowers lilac (350 ml of boiling water need 15 gr., drink every night);
- root grass (chewing pieces or a drink during all the day of a decoction of 20 g of root to 250 ml of boiling water);
- lovage (chopped, 20 g of "medications" consisting of to add to the food each day);
- st. john's wort (stress week 1 part of the dried herb in 5 parts of vodka, three times a day and 35 to 40 drops take to improve);
- persil (boil for half an hour in a bath of water 50 gr. the greenery in 200 ml of water, after the cooling to take 15 ml is not less than 5 times per day).
Particular attention of men, who wish to, after "deep" 50 years keep sexual usefulness, merit the use of the ginseng.
Improve male potency, stamina and preserve the power of using a special stain:
- It is necessary to take chopped fresh ginseng root (15 gr.) "drown" in alcohol or vodka (100 ml).
- The mixture should infuse for a week at the bottom of a cool place, every day, it will be necessary to mix them, and at the expiration of – drain.
- Take such popular the drug should be immediately after the appearance of first symptoms men of the insolvency. The daily exchange rate – 100-120 drops, divided into three stages.
Ginger is another potent natural aphrodisiacs for healthy men. Its application is a great way to increase the power, to normalize the sexual activity, increase libido, and more, and strengthen immunity.

- the tea of ginger powder (mix powder (half a teaspoon) in a cup of boiling water, after the infusion to drink every day three times with lemon and/or honey);
- raw root slices; tubs with the addition of ground ginger;
- the dyes (900 ml of vodka take 400 gr. root, in a dark insist 14 days, stirring regularly, drain, take it twice a day for 10 gr.).
Herbal Infusions/decoctions that traditional medicine is more useful for the long-term prospects: they can rapidly increase the power, but to effect fastening of the men will have to take their time.
Vegetables therapy
The best ways to stimulate the uprising of the masculine power, even over the age of 50 years, to the pharmacy, you don't have to, it is enough to turn a well-known aphrodisiac – the onion and the garlic in the food.
The garlic mentioned above, but the mode of application has been the easiest, but here is the most effective way to increase the strength of the men:
- Garlic (1 kg), crush/chop, put in a jar (a three-liter).
- Pour the mass of the water (best boiling) to the top of the tank.
- Insist, shaking every day to the bank for a month, after which all the days take 10 grams. before you get a result.
Increase the potency of men, to improve his power and to stimulate the sexual desire will help the onions, capable of enhancing the sexual activity.
Popular onion, the tool prepares so:
- Take an onion, a pod (50 to 100 gr.) and pour the boiling water (750 ml)
- Give a mixture of fremat 5 minutes, cool.
- The drug must be taken every day three times 250 ml of a months Later, you may interrupt the course of 10 days, if necessary, after it can be repeated.
Are created of a remedies to improve power and on the basis of other vegetables, including carrots, cabbage, celery.
Some useful tips
The most common of the people is a way to raise the level of male power represents the consumption of a considerable amount of products that are able to maintain normal strength and libido, even in men age more than 50 years.
The following products must be taken every day:
- milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream;
- lean meats and fatty fish;
- eggs, chicken and quail;
- seafood;
- fungi;
- honey and walnuts;
- chocolate and other sweets.
The level of male power, as shown by some of the original research, even in old age can be improved through sports activities, for example, jogging jogging. This folk remedy to regulate the hormones of the men, increases hormone levels, stimulate sexual activity, improves erection.
Another popular and does not the traditional way of combating male impotence — sedentary bath an hour before bedtime. Executes the procedure: it is necessary to take the basin with hot and cold water, sit a moment, then from one minute to the other, after which repeat "the tool 10 times.
Therapy of the good life
Folk remedies for the fight against the problems of male potency may be ineffective if the treatment will be accompanied by a change in the mode of life of the men. It is important to minimize the consumption of alcohol, taking daily showers (at least twice), as much time as walking barefoot, nature. Important diet well chosen and the absence of stressful situations.