The experts recommend to start the treatment of impotence, with the way of life and diet. Foods rich in vitamins and trace elements, protect the prostate, govern the circulation of the blood and the secretion of repair hormones. There is a list of beneficial products on the state of the android of the reproductive system. Changing your diet and lifestyle slowly. This will help delicious and a variety of recipes.
Products that improve the power, divided into four groups:
- Prostatoprotektory. Products that protect the prostate.
- Stimulants. Increase the production of secretions of the prostate, male hormones.
- Restorative. Indirectly affect the sexual function in the rest of the body system.
- Antioxidants. Reduce the detrimental effect of active forms of oxygen on the part of a system.
These products are suitable for men of all ages, beneficial effects on the body in general.
Red meat is a source of testosterone (male sex hormone).
Considered as the most a useful product for the body of the representatives of the stronger sex, a source of all essential amino acids.
Necessary in the diet of men, products of meat origin:
- The red meat.
- Beef liver - is not indicated in persons with a cholesterol level of the blood, and dyslipidemia. The liver is useful for the production of sex hormones.
- Chicken fillet or chicken breast - a source of amino acids with a low content of fat.
Optimal daily consumption of 200 g per day. Twice a week, it is good to eat the liver, the tongue or the heart.
In old age, and should be consumed it is chicken for the prevention of the progression of atherosclerosis. In addition, a high level of testosterone is correlated with the risk of development of adenoma of the prostate in men in old age. The daily rate of red meat should not exceed 175,
Seafood is a source of PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids), these acids are necessary for the synthesis of biologically active substances, which are necessary for the full activation of the erectile function. Phosphorus is important for the conservation of nerve fibers, Innervate the sexual organs, b-group vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins, zinc, and amino acids.
The most useful are:
- Marine cabbage.
- A red fish.
- The mussels.
- Shrimp.
- Oysters.
- Octopus.
- Scallops.
These products can be consumed directly before the sexual act, as many of them are powerful aphrodisiacs. Include in the diet of these foods, you can in unlimited quantities (but do not use more than 100 g of algae per day to avoid hyperthyroidism). The seafood is well combined with the olive oil (for the fat-soluble vitamins) and lemon juice.
The eggs
Eggs are rich in proteins and amino acids, which are necessary to maintain power. Consume the cooked or fried. The combination of the eggs with the greens and the red pepper advanced compensates for the required amount of vitamins.
The egg may be, there are approximately three times per week, not more than two units per day. This is particularly important in old age for the prevention of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, because the egg yolk contains the highest cholesterol concentration. Also do not use this product in diseases of the liver. Quail eggs you can have five parts per day, the nutritional value is similar to the chicken.
Type of egg contains 7 g of protein.

This group of products contains a large number of vitamins and very useful for the power.
The menu is important to supplement:
- The walnuts.
- Peanuts.
- Cashew nuts.
- Almonds.
Nuts to eat in any place. Optimal consumption of a product must not exceed 35 g per day.
The most useful are considered it is nuts, and the more efficient the recipe is a mixture of honey and nuts:
- Shredded from the core are mixed with bee product in a ratio of 1:2.
- The mixture is then put in the refrigerator, where it is stored for a period of three days.
- Take three tablespoons per day, at any time of the day.
For men older than 65 years of age adapted the following recipe:
- A mixture of nuts, raisins, prunes, dried apricots (100 g mass) and 2 glasses of honey.
- Everything carefully and use it every day by the three large spoons.
This tool enhances the power and protects the cardio-vascular system.
The most comprehensive list of all kinds of vitamins contain citrus:
- Lemons
- Grapefruit.
- Oranges.
In their composition, just as there are anti-oxidants, a high amount of vitamin C.
Citrus fruits can cause allergic reactions, so before eating is important to consult a specialist.
If the person is not allergic, it is recommended to consume one fruit a day to choose from. Also, these fruits have a high nutritional value, necessary to maintain power. This is why their use is recommended prior to genital of the act. Many experts believe that these products act on the power almost instantly, as well as tone and improve mood.
Effective combination of citrus with the product groups:
- Mackerel baked in the oven with the addition of the sauce.
- Gratin of beef with orange marmalade.
- The vegetables with the lemon juice.
- In combination with other fruit juices prepared, better fruit juice.
New combinations you can think of, it is important for the ingredients were in the product groups. Also, don't exaggerate, in order to avoid an overdose, supervitaminosis.
Pumpkin seeds
This product power is considered as a powerful means for the protection of the prostate by the processes of inflammation, improves the function of the gland protects against erectile dysfunction.
Pumpkin seeds are especially useful for older men. In addition to the stabilizer of the action on the sexual function, a product systemically supports the body, in particular, improves the functioning of the cardio-vascular system, is cardioprotectors. The seeds of pumpkin are rich in vitamins and trace elements.
Use them differently:
- It is actively used the oil of pumpkin seeds – so all the food can develop new flavors, with an erection more obvious. It is added to the porridge, but the wear on it is not recommended, because when it is heated, it loses its medicinal properties.
- All days within a period of two months use a half-cup raw pumpkin seeds.
- The seeds added to the morning oatmeal, yogurt, kefir or home-made cakes.
- Seeds, like nuts, it is good to eat with honey, for this kernel pre-cleaned and also mixed with a liquid bee's natural product. The recommended amount of two large spoons per day.
The pumpkin can be eaten in any form. It is a product that is positively impacting on the power, adjust a hormonal imbalance. The vegetable is cooked in the oven with honey, to cook, to consume grains. From pulp to juice prepared.
Tomatoes are useful for its antioxidant action, protect and enhance the function of the prostate. Fresh and sun-dried tomatoes are rich in vitamins. The consumption of tomatoes reduces the risk of neoplasia, and the development of cancer of the prostate.
The tomatoes are suitable for cooking of salads, especially to effectively carry out their consumption with the celery.

Especially useful for men's health, black pepper. It improves the microcirculation of blood, improves the blood circulation to the sexual organs, has nervin.
Pepper use:
- With all kinds of meat.
- With other vegetables in salads.
- With the cereal.
- With steamed vegetables.
It is useful to add the pepper in a coffee shop.
For the output power of the pepper. In small quantities, it is necessary to take it before the meal. The pepper includes the mass of vitamins and trace elements. It is important to have it in raw form, as a thermal treatment of almost all vitamins are destroyed.
Pepper, in addition to the effects, strengthens the immune system. This is important, because the prostate is very vulnerable to the authority for the bacterial and viral infections, because of their structure and anatomical location.
Beans, onion, and herbs
Legumes are rich in vitamins of group of Century the Most useful for the improvement of strength are the following:
- Peas.
- Beans.
- The chick peas.
- Lenses.
Legumes are rich in protein and can have an increased load on the stomach, so for the gastritis, their number is limited. Optimal will be a weekly two appointments, one-time 200 g
Impotence protects normal onion (especially soft varieties), which can be in any form. It is rich in essential oils - they stimulate the erection by increasing libido.
The persil is one of the most fortified this group of foods. Help strengthen the health of the people of its combination with:
- of the meat;
- eggs;
- tomato.
The juice of celery, tomatoes and strands of persil, it is useful to use the few minutes prior to the sexual act, because they are regarded as means of quick action on the power.
Healthy drinks
Recommended for beverages for men's health:
- The black coffee.
- The green tea.
- The juice of the fruit.
- In the orange juice.
- Juice of vegetables.
- The decoction of the rose hips.
Beverages, in particular coffee, can be complemented by the spices – the cardamom, thyme, cloves, black pepper. They are analogues of Viagra, extend, and enhance erectile function, stimulate the libido.
Of particular importance in the prevention and treatment of impotence has a decoction of rose hips. It is rich in vitamin c are immunostimulant and a powerful antioxidant. Drink tool should be twice a week:
- For cooking, you need a tablespoon of fruit pour a glass of boiling water.
- Boil for 10 minutes.
- Then cover and wait until the broth has cooled.
- To consume in the day.
The transition to healthy foods, you can alleviate, if well cooked healthy food.
Gratin of ham
- pork ham - 1 kg
- lard - 50 g.
- carrots - 150 g
- the laurel leaf.
- The head of garlic.
- Salt to taste.
- Pepper.
The method of cooking:
- The meat must be thoroughly wash, dry with a cloth.
- Roll in salt and pepper.
- The carrot and the bacon finely chopped, and garlic to dislodge.
- Stuff the ingredients of the pork.
- Add to the dish with a bay leaf and wrap in aluminum foil.
- Bake in the oven for 35 minutes.
The pig is regarded as the fat of the sight of meat, don't eat late in the evening, in order to reduce the burden of GI during sleep. The accumulation of products that are not digested leads to the destruction of microflora and intoxication of the organism, which will have an impact mainly on the reproductive system of men.

Fish salad and potatoes
- Fish fillet - 0, 25 kg of fish fillet.
- Potatoes - 3 pieces
- Carrots - 2 pieces
- Cucumbers - 2 pieces
- Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
- Herbs to taste.
The method of cooking:
- The fish, the potatoes and carrots and cook them separately.
- Ingredients cooled and cut in practice.
- Mix everything and pour vegetable oil.
- The greens add to the taste.
A dish ideal for lunch break, contains a sufficient quantity of carbohydrates, giving energy.
Fish fillet on a pair of
- White fish fillet low fat - 400 g
- Onion, medium - 1 piece
- The root of persil.
- Potatoes - 5 pieces
- Beets - 1 piece
- Boiling water - 200 ml
- The grass at the discretion.
- Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
The method of cooking:
- Fish fillet cut into pieces, put the skin down on the bottom mesh of a bain-marie.
- Pour hot boiling water, add the chopped onions, persil.
- Closed and evaporate at a gentle heat for a quarter of an hour.
- Separately cook beets and potatoes.
- Cooked fish spread out on the flat, almost put boiled potatoes and beets.
- The fish, pour the lemon juice, add the herbs to taste. You can also add vegetables.
The arc of yalta to the ricotta
- Sweet onion quality - 2 pieces
- White cheese - 150 g
- Curd - 100 ml
- Herbs to taste.
- Onion crushed and mixed with cottage cheese and yogurt. 2.
- Spread out on a plate, add the herbs to taste.
The dish is rich in protein, it is thus preferable to use it in the first half of the day, preferably during breakfast. The recipe should be red pepper, a couple of tablespoons of a mixture of honey and aloe.
Folk remedies
As remedies for increasing the power to the home using a variety of decoctions of herbs: yarrow, sage, ginseng, ginseng (1 litre of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of raw materials). You can buy them in any pharmacy.
Also apply a mixture of aloe juice and honey (2 tablespoon 3 times per day).