Power good news for men of any age. The satisfaction of the sexual life is beneficial and physical and mental status. The gradual disappearance of the libido is a natural process, but the time of its creation depends on the mode of life, health and heredity. Erectile dysfunction can overtake and adolescence, but in most cases, the first signs of a man begins to notice after 40 years.
The reasons for the decline in libido
Active libido and the confidence of the erectile dysfunction in men is ensured by the following factors:
- the balanced composition of the hormones (particularly testosterone and serotonin);
- clean and elastic in the inbox of the artery, as well as the small blood vessels of the penis;
- properly functioning leading to vienna (can not be a leakage of blood and the volatility of the erection);
- the lack of neurogenic violations of the obstacles to the conduction of the nerve impulses of the member sexually centers.
The main cause of the oppression of the power after 40 is a progressive decrease in the synthesis of testosterone. Levels drop naturally 1-2% per year for 30 years, but at the beginning, it is not too noticeable. However, in a period of 40 to 50 starts becoming more active (often jerky) the termination of the process of the education of the testosterone. Some men have roughly the same status as the woman to the menopause. Appears the physical weakness, frequent attacks of irritability, muscle tone weakens, and the libido drops significantly. All of this can be symptoms of impending impotence.
The factors contributing to the early detection reducing the synthesis of testosterone:

- all of the craving for alcohol;
- the mode of life passive.
- obesity;
- a poor diet, vitamin deficiency.
All these factors have a negative impact on the cardio-vascular system, increasing blood circulation to the groin area.
Many lovers of beer women, the hormones start to take on the men, appears to be abnormal layer of fat on the belly, actively synthesize estrogen. Of these men, the deterioration of an erection and a decrease in libido is also a regular occurrence.
An imbalance of the sex hormones is also observed in a number of pathologies of the organs of the endocrine system. Also infringement of infectious and inflammatory diseases (including persistent) of the genito-urinary system.
Means of stimulation of the power
The choice of the method of power after 40 years abroad depends on the severity of the violation and the presence of comorbidities. The men of this age range, we advise you to examine the organs of the urinary system and to check the hormone levels. In some cases, the power is enhanced during the treatment of prostatitis, the cardio-vascular system, hormonal therapy.
The traditional methods
An increase of the power in men after 40 quite can be natural means, without medical interventions and drugs, but only in cases where the cause is not the disease. If decreased because of the power of the fatigue, chronic stress, the process of stagnation, safe and effective stimulation can be traditional recipes.
Improve erectile function and enhance the libido, using the products of beekeeping (subject to the absence of allergy). Thanks to their wide spectrum of amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and hormone-like substances, they activate the circulation of the blood, slightly stimulating the synthesis of testosterone, are anti-inflammatory, a tonic effect.
In the nest of shops and on the internet resources, you can acquire the following tools:

- bee a sample (dry particles of bees). The recipe of the liqueur: a part of mortuus monkeys paid 3 parts of vodka, brewed in 3 weeks. In the end of the process, the tool is filtered, adopted by 20 drops twice a day after meals;
- the propolis (resinous substance used to close the cracks in the hive). To prepare the dye for 1 course of treatment about 20 g of propolis and 80 ml of vodka. The tool has been aged for a week, then taking 20 to 30 drops in a glass of water before meals (20-30 minutes);
- pollen-obnozhka. Take in the morning with a teaspoon sublingually (under the tongue) in a half-hour before breakfast;
- fucus homogenate (other names: "the brood", "milk", "frozen"). Vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and trace elements also contains progesterone and testosterone. When the reception is not only enhanced by the power, but the improvement in the indicators of the semen analysis. Taken 30 minutes before eating a teaspoon.
Hideous on the taste, but an effective way to get an erection, is the stain on beaver jet (dried canalis breast, male and female beaver). The recipe: 200 g of dry matter, pour 1 liter of vodka, insist in a period of one month. The scheme of the home: a teaspoon (it is recommended to drink coffee) 20 minutes before meals (2 to 3 times per day).
Beaver jet significantly increases levels of testosterone, therefore, before within receive a donation of blood for hormones.
Strengthen the libido, you can with the help of herbs and spices
- granules, garlic powder;
- the decoction of the ivan-tea, st. john's wort, ginger root, rhodiola rosea;
- tincture of ginseng;
- celery, fennel seeds, persil.
A great utility for the normalization of the hormonal balance of men of pumpkin seeds (because of the high zinc content).
Pharmacy Bada
In the pharmacies a wide range of natural ways to improve the power in the form of capsules, ointments and tinctures. In the composition is usually a complex of plant extracts with lungs causing activation of the cardiovascular properties, as well as a number of vitamins. Meet and exotic ingredients and aphrodisiacs (fungus cordyceps, seahorse).
Tools local application
An effective means of episodic power are intimate creams, sprays and ointments. Their action is to promote the local blood circulation in the penile region, shortly after application on the skin. The walls of cavernous cavities are relaxed, the vessels actively fill with blood, which helps to achieve a sustained erection.

Increase the power just before the sexual act with the help of tablets inhibitors of type 5 phosphodiesterase. The tools start to act within 20 to 30 minutes after taking it. The effect of the pill is recorded a minimum of 5 hours.
Tablets based inhibitors of phosphodiesterase type 5 to work subject to the availability of sexual arousal and stimulation.
Before taking compulsory medical consultation, because often, but appear quite serious side effects. This is due to the fact that the blocking of the pills of the enzyme (phosphodiesterase), is found not only in the cavernous body member, but in small quantities, is dispersed throughout the body. Space of its concentration and the quantity of each unique, that is why the negative effects of the receipt record not all of them. The main side effects (the list from top to bottom for decreasing the frequency of the events):
- headaches;
- the hot flashes (feeling of warmth on the face);
- dyspepsia (digestive problems, pain);
- dizziness;
- the swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose;
- muscle pain;
- disorders of the view.
Contraindicated to receive data from pills the irregularities in the functioning of the cardio-vascular system, in the presence of pathologies in the anatomical of the penis, including scarring, changes of corpus cavernosum to Peyronie disease.
Resistant, and not episodic to improve the power, after 40 years can only be achieved by the correction of the modes of life and power. The men that monitor the weight, the quality of the food, muscle tone, even after 45 rarely undergo significant hormonal swings, and deterioration of the erection. If the problem is an effect, a rapid correction of its causes will help avoid the development of premature of impotence.