If has gone from the sex drive, decreased power, and it is not the joy of sex, the man will try to remedy the situation. When I don't want to splurge on the synthetic pharmaceutical preparations, and no trust Badam, the best option – the use of remedies to improve the power. The medicines herbal and natural components – quite effective, have long-term action.
Folk remedies for the libido
What is sexual desire? The inclination is having this man, who sees a beautiful woman, has no feelings for her. And most importantly, its level of the development of the male hormones (androgens, testosterone) – in the standard. And it is so little testosterone, even the most ardent beauty won't melt a peasant. Increase libido, you can using several popular methods.

This plant in the different types of combinations and helps normalize the production of hormones, stimulates the libido, and has a positive impact on the power. How to cook the medicine of the nettle?
1 tablespoon of dried nettle leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, cool, filter. Take half a cup 2 times a day before meals, for 2 to 3 weeks.
Dry or raw seeds of nettle (1 tablespoon), mix up with half of the banana. The mixture needs to eat in the evening before bedtime.
5 teaspoons of dried herbs of nettle, st. john's wort, mint, and red clover is filled with a liter of boiling water. Decoction brewed at the time, filtered. Taken three times daily, 100 ml, 20 minutes before meals.
Salad of fresh nettle after boiling water that is seasoned with red pepper and olive oil, you can eat in the early spring, when the leaves of the plant is not yet cook.
With the help of nettle, may improve erectile function – several times per week is necessary to remove and hit on the legs and buttocks of the nettles. This will cause an influx of blood to the lower parts of the limbs, improves the micro-circulation in the pelvic organs. Most importantly, do not beat nettles on the genitalia, it can cause burns.
To improve testosterone for men, you can also use folk remedies, which include medication of the root of aira.
Dried, peeled roots of aira chew chewing gum instead of 2-3 times per day. Chew carefully, not less than 20 minutes, not spit the mass and swallow it.
On dried stem of aira prepares alcoolate. 1 tablespoon dry matter poured 5 tablespoons of vodka or alcohol. Brewed for 10 days, taken during the meal 25 drops.
Thanks to the antioxidant properties of the aira in the human stabilizes the emotional, psychological, fate, expectation of failure. This helps to increase the libido and improve power.
For the preparation of medicines are used the flowers and fruits of the plant. 3 tbsp of milled raw material filled with cold water (500 ml) and insist night. The next morning the infusion is boiled for 10 minutes and filtered. Should be taken 1 tablespoon every morning before the meal.
Yakorets steljushchiesja
This plant can buy in a pharmacy, the dry blend is brewed in the morning, instead of tea. But it is better to use the juice of tribulus. Already at the end of 5 days after the subsequent receipt of the tool increased testosterone levels in the blood of men. Moreover, an improvement of the spermatogenesis, increases fertility.
Products that increase testosterone
The man can increase testosterone remedies in it constantly, while eating all days some products:
- Shrimp, mussels, squid, salmon, trout, crabs and other seafood are growth stimulants, hormones males. Them in a considerable quantity contains zinc, without which the production of testosterone is not possible.
- Sunflower seeds: cedar, pumpkin and even the hemp seed. Just eat a handful of all the seeds to the stimulation of the libido.
- The improvement of the libido will be to promote the consumption of melons, apricots, mango, persimmon.
- The greens: onions, spinach, cilantro, and known to all persil. These plants contain a large amount of ingredients androgen-stimulating components.
And one more important condition: the effect of popular drugs is low, if the man will not change his mode of life, will always be a lot of smoke and little move.
Tools for a good erection
Sustainable erections a guarantee of quality, long duration of the sexual act. There is a combination of herbs, which will help you get to the riser and to maintain an erection throughout the period of copulation, bringing pleasure to the woman and himself.

It is a folk remedy used to improve erections, improve libido. As a drug used in the aloe juice. 5-6 leaves of aloe, it is necessary to grind for the chopper to overcome in a cheesecloth. The juice obtained (150 ml) is poured into a glass container. Stir in 2 cups of wine of cahors and 300 grams of flower honey. The whole is well mixed, and then brewed under the lid, in a period of three days in the refrigerator.
Should take 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening, before meals. The course of treatment is not less than one month.
1 teaspoon of dried flowers, filled a glass of boiling water and brewed for 20 minutes. Ready to the infusion is filtered, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink tea instead, still hot, while the glass of the finished beverage.
The honey and walnut
10 peanut kernels 2 lemon macerated in a meat grinder. The mixture is poured a glass of honey, insist during the day, and can be used in foods. You can take the medicine in a spoon with soup the morning, for tea.
The jerusalem artichoke
This pear of the earth is very rich in vitamins and stimulating power of the substances. You can simply prepare regular jerusalem artichoke salad with the addition of celery and parsnip. Or there peeled tubers – 2-3 each day.
Infusion of herbs
To improve erection, you can drink concoctions on the medicinal herbs. Have an impact positively on the male body, of the infusion of dubrovnik, hop cones, buds of birch, st. john's wort, yarrow, of the estate. You can brew dry raw material, taking in equal shares, or to use a single ingredient.
Special food for the improvement of the power
The more practice an increase of the power of home remedies – imperceptible. When a person is just eat and do not even know that a woman allows him to improve erections. Cooking recipes:
- Omelet with onion. Finely chopped onion sauté in the oil until browned in the vegetable oil. You can use it and the green onion and onion. The onion and salt and poured over the eggs. You can beat them or make scrambled eggs. The essential, up to the preparation of the dish is focused on a small fire.
- Men chowder. Crushed 2 tablespoons of meat (pork, beef), 1 small bone, the onion, the carrot, and the quarter of a turnip. All the ingredients are placed in the enameled pan and fill with cold water (1 liter). After you boil the soup cooked for 10 minutes on intense fire. If off, is not served, barely 30 minutes and cools down. And then in a soup plate fits finely chopped 4 sheet dandelion, 2 of the nettle leaf. The screams of the finished soup is served on a table with a dollop of sour cream.
- Salad of daikon. This white radish is actively used by the hostesses in the kitchen, but little is known about the side effects – the strengthening of erection in men. It is enough to feed every evening, the husband of the salad of shredded daikon in the vegetable oil, to improve the sexual life of the family.
Attention! Popular medication for maintaining erection have an impact on the cardiovascular is not only in the pelvic organs. Increases the blood circulation in the cardiovascular system, the brain. Therefore, it is important to control their condition and to cancel the receipt of natural medicines, if they cause heart palpitations, headache, dizziness.
For the sexual act lasted the longest
Problem with the duration of the sexual act primarily experienced by young men. But it happens that even a man is too quick. To eliminate this unfortunate error, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine.
The bark of oak
Before to prolong the sexual act remedies, think about how much You need it. By making recipients of the infusion of oak bark for a week, you can significantly reduce the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the head of the penis. You can avoid the side effects, with the exception of the renewal of the sexual act at a time.

The stamens and blueberries (1 teaspoon), fill a glass of boiling water and drain until cool. Just before the sexual contact, 20 minutes before the feeling of intercourse, you have to drink the liquid. This will help to reduce arousal, prolong the time of orgasm without loss of erection.
The leaves of black currant and raspberry
Each morning to make the tea, adding fresh or dried leaves of raspberry, blackcurrant. These plants contain feriamine, having an impact on the nervous centers in the brain responsible for arousal. The libido in the men is not the fall, but the excitation process, it is inhibited, helps to maintain an erection and prolong the sexual act.
The oil of wheat
To prolong the sexual act, you can also use this type of remedy popular as aromatherapy. Pair of wheat oils contain entomorfin. In case of inhalation, it is absorbed rapidly into the blood and has effects on the pituitary gland. It enhances the pleasure, and at the same time helps to prolong the duration of the sexual act.
Don't overdo it, for the intimacy of the duration of 20 minutes is sufficient.
If improving the power of an urgent need
Not only the pills can help restore the power for a short period of time. A good diet, and the receipt of certain decoctions of medicinal plants in the true sense of the wonders.
In a quarter of a cup of carrots, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of honey. Better to use freshly extracted homemade juice. Consumed the whole portion of three times per day, before meals. An intensive course of treatment is 3 days then you can drink the medicine is only in the evening.
The best and most used ingredients in the various pills to improve potency. The root of ginseng, you can buy at the pharmacy and the cook in the home of him an alcoholic tincture. 1 tbsp of crushed and dry matter needs to pour a glass of alcohol. Insist in a dark place for 20 days. Take five days 10 drops in the morning and in the evening. Then take a break of 5 days and repeat the treatment.
The parsnips
In order to achieve a sustainable improvement of the power of the means of the population for 3 days, you can eat parsnips. The feathers of parsnips cut are added to a vegetable salad. The root is erased, rubbed and distributed as a seasoning for meat dishes. You can also make an infusion: 1 tablespoon of seeds of parsnips is poured a glass of boiling water, stirred 40 minutes, and consumed in one gulp.
The green onion

Finely chopped bunch chives, stinging nettle, boiled eggs (4 pieces) it is necessary to season with olive oil. Add the ginger, paprika, salt and mix. Serve immediately on the table. This salad has a stimulating action, increases the functioning of the stomach, can accelerate the blood circulation. The truth, the woman will have to be reconciled with the smell of the arc of the mouth of the partner.
Syrup red wine
This medicine applies to help quickly, applies when the urgent need of desire and achieving an erection.
A handful of dried apricots, raisins, prunes bombed tablespoon of sugar, mix. And then in the mixture is added to a glass of red wine. The drink is necessary to put on low heat, simmer for an hour. 5 minutes prior to readiness add spices: cinnamon, cardamom, cloves. Take a glass directly in a half-hour before the sexual intercourse.
Remember, using remedies to improve power and libido enhancement for men, You take responsibility for your health. In the ideal, folk medicines should not replace conventional treatment, and the complete. Therefore, before you start drinking decoctions and infusions, please visit a sexologist or a urologist.