Increase of the power. The power in man and the way to improve the power. The problem of the power
The power in man. The problem of power.
The power is the ability to share, the ability to produce and create.
In a more narrow sense, power is the opportunity to show himself a true man - satisfaction of women, the conception of the child. In addition, the regular sexual life, which is only possible if full of power, has an invigorating effect on the body in general. Sexual life improves blood circulation, has a beneficial action on the functioning of the life of all systems. As a result, men appear in a good mood, raises the self-confidence.
All the time of existence of mankind mighty in power, the ability of men to continue, to be the father of family were considered as one of the greatest benefits that flow from the nature. For most men an increase of the power and normal sex life is considered to be one of the main criteria of its usefulness. And in our time, the time of fantastic progress in science and technology, every individual strives to realize his spiritual and physical potential, seeks to do, without which it is difficult to honestly call yourself quite healthy and happy. The problem of power, the inability to full sexual life is perhaps one of the most powerful emotional trauma for men. The image is strong and the body and the mind of man with the powerful impotence improved in many classic works of different peoples, cultures and eras. The doctors describe the power of using several different indicators characterizing the desires of sex to the intimate life. First of all potency in men, it is the strength and sexual orientation. Then, to the power, it is the quality and the duration of the erection, and the duration of his love of the law. And finally, what is very important, powerful the power of this time, by which man could once again be able to be in a relationship with the woman I love.

All of these indicators may be strong, medium, weak or unavailable. But helpless, you can call a man who has neither the desire nor erection or ejaculation. And it is either the child, or death. So that the man can complain only of difficulties in his intimate life, but the word is helpless, he can now do not use them.
Helpless we do not have. The problems of power and only - and this is not a reason to use this unpleasant word. The difficulties - yes, maybe, but in 99% of cases, these difficulties can be overcome. The efforts of doctors, caring loving of his wife, his own actions are able to solve the power problems quickly and efficiently. The attitude of the man of power in the history changed. Thus, among the ancient greeks was the god of the strength of the men. It is interpreted in the form of a man standing in a disproportionate symbol of manhood. A must companion of the deity was a little god, answer the prostate is an organ of the male power. Not in vain that the greeks called the prostate the second heart of men.
What is the power, why is a "chance", while others consider themselves to be left out? On the one hand, a certain strength for men is made in the body of nature. Exactly like there are people more powerful and more rapid, robust, or weak, and the power of each person was initially influenced by physical data. But exactly how can manifest itself in man over all the power that is given to him of the stock or half of the staff depends on the conditions in which he grew up and communicates.
Of course, to improve the potency and rise above its natural limit of not one, but physically strong, healthy, men are more likely to show good results in bed at any age. Poor health, alcohol, drug abuse, excessive smoking, obesity, all this helps to manifest the nature of a good power. Unfortunately, men are often not likely to pay attention to his health, until the process is not going away and not need serious medical intervention. The power in man depends on almost every the diseases, not only related with the sex of a system, the kidneys, genitals, a prostate, endocrine system. After all, a malaise that fact that the man is to focus on the pain, think about possible complications, and not on the pleasures. Of course, if a person is something ill many years, there will be nothing. But with what persistence ourselves undermine your health! Alcohol and smoking accompany us since his youth and is not to improve the health, and therefore the power. The reluctance to go to the doctor also, it is difficult to monitor treatment. Professional harmfulness on the job - in general the scourge of many modern men and women.
In the list of candidates to the decrease of the activity in the first place, perhaps you can put motorists and drivers. The constant shaking on the bumps in the road that leads to violations of blood circulation in the genital organs, inflammation of the prostate, and then reduce the erection and desire. There are the easiest ways to reduce shaking when driving a car, but they are neglected.
In addition, despite numerous warnings, drivers very close contact with gasoline. Even if this is not explicit to the poisoning of the body, the penetration of fuel vapor in the blood and strongly decreases the sexual relations, the ability of men. Are at high risk of fans of winter fishing, sitting on ice; "walruses", workers of hot shops, miners, sailors and many others. Practically, every man, hoping the public care, should look around at work and determine which could threaten his health in general and power in particular.

How to improve the power. The restoration of the power
The emergence of new medicines and dietary supplements promising increased potency, gives new hope, but promises new complications. The advertising tool for all types of impotence" promises everything, but gives nothing. Causes of the decrease of the activity different and a cure for all their will not correct. Each tool has its indications and contraindications.
The male hormones, often used to men uncontrollably and in large doses, can lead to their own hormones cease to secrete, and the men to develop a condition like that of a castrated. This list could go on, but the main one is that even the best medicine does not work, if it is used inappropriately.
The best way to increase the potency of substances that normalize overall health. Multivitamins, small doses of bio-stimulators, the treatment of chronic diseases, training and hardening - it is the way of the restoration of the power. In fact, now the medicine is changing the treatment of already developed disease prevention. A host of tools to improve the quality of life is not only the sick but also healthy people. You can choose a multivitamin according to requests, with more calcium or magnesium, iron or fluoride. Bio-stimulators type of ginseng, eleutherococcus, golden root, lemongrass, etc, has long been used on strengthening the power and the whole metabolism. And in fact, power is an integral part of the life of the organism and improve the overall health will have a positive effect on the intimate life. Unfortunately, it is often bio-stimulators drink huge doses, leading to insomnia, explosive, over-excitement. Normal Doses of 5 - 10 drops 2 - 3 times per day for 2 - 3 weeks.

A fun way to enhance the power offered ancient chinese doctors. They speak of their members, to establish a contact with him, as he is living separate from the man. Before sleep and in the morning, after waking up, still half asleep, the man plays with the penis slightly caresses it, it is wrinkled and irons, putting on him the care, not regretting her up and configuration of a better future. During these sessions, fairly quickly there is an erection, which is not the holding force, how much has lasted so well. Both the erections improve, confidence will return to the man. Well, if it is the same with the man made of his favorite wife effect occurs more quickly.
It is the same treatment that doctors call " marital and sex therapy. Under the direction of a doctor the partners learn to behave in time of the proximity, the better to reveal their feelings, desires, possibilities. The man and the woman learn to possess the other, to help each other, take care of each other. This proximity provides the basis for an excellent power for years to come.
A greater dependence of women feel about older men, 60 and 70 years of age, remained alone, and enter into a new marriage. Changes related to the aging of the power, of the new, until the unknown woman, understandable excitement, a break in the intimate life, it is all this and much more leads to overwhelming of the failure, the loss of self-confidence. But in the meantime, for women (in particular, of a certain age) of care and tenderness on the part of men is more important than his sexual ability.
Maybe she does not need intimacy, especially if she was single recently. Perhaps, it will make efforts to normalize the intimate lives, if need be. May be, and the man himself, feeling confidence in the new woman, reassured by logging in to a certain pace of the relationship, it comes to normal. The game options. The main thing - to be mutually patient and not lose hope.