Everyone knows that no pump, pill or exercise will make your penis bigger, or will it?
"I'm asked about this all the time, " says Michael, MD, a urologist at the Harvard Medical Institute and the Women's Clinic in Boston. "Men are willing to do anything for penis enlargement. " But is it real?
Not really. "This is total nonsense, " O'Leary repeats wearily. Ultimately, if it were that simple, then every man would have had a 30cm penis for a long time.
But common sense still doesn't stop everyone. Thanks to our constant drive for self-improvement, penis enlargement ads are on every corner. Illegally sold penis enlargement pills are advertised on television. Without asking for your consent, such advertisements are constantly sent to you by email. More than 10, 000 men in the United States, possibly many more, have undergone more than controversial penis enlargement surgery.
But don't rush to grab money and drop your pants. We have reviewed all the fraudulent penis enlargement methods and are ready to share them with you.
Can my penis get bigger?

Firstly, even if you yourself are sure that you have a small penis, it can actually be, oddly enough, normal in size. The average size of an erect penis is 10-15 centimeters.
The length of a non-erect penis can vary. But this means that if you notice in the locker room that someone has an impressive size penis, they are unlikely to get much bigger when erect, and conversely, a penis that looks small can significantly increase.
Secondly, if you keep thinking that you have a small penis, even if the ruler says otherwise, you can diagnose yourself from the field of psychiatry: dysmorphic disorder of your penis. This diagnosis is close to his body's distorted perception of anarexia, when a person continues to consider themselves fat, even being painfully thin. According to a study, most men undergoing penis enlargement surgery have this disorder. They remain dissatisfied with their size after the operation.
"Men with normal penis sizes who believe they are small are more likely to benefit from a psychiatrist than a surgeon, " says Karen Elizabeth Boyle, MD, assistant professor of urology at the Johns Hopkins Clinic for Reproductive Medicine and Surgery in Baltimore. .
Pumps, pills, mountain goat herbal tinctures and other nonsense about penis enlargement
Well, enough of the reasonable advice from the experts. Here's a quick rundown on how to make your penis bigger, if you haven't already.

Vacuum pump. This is a classic penis enlargement device. Place your penis in a cylinder connected to an air pump. With the help of a vacuum, more blood enters the penis, erecting it and making it bigger. You then pinch the penis with a ring such as a tourniquet to prevent the backflow of blood.
These pumps are used medicinally to treat sexual dysfunctions. But the effect of an enlarged penis wears off quickly. Once the ring is removed, the penis will return to its normal size.
Potential risks include temporary impotence, abscesses, bruises, damage to blood vessels, and the skin loses its natural color and becomes thinner. The ring is worn for up to 20-30 minutes, after which tissue damage can begin.
Exercises, weights and other devices. First, remember: you can't overstretch your penis with exercises like biceps. This is not a muscle. However, some devices and types of stimulation supposedly stretch the skin and lengthen the penis itself.
A famous example is jelqing, a series of milking exercises. Of course this method has an "ancient" (read "false") history: the site talks about an ancient Arab technique that was handed down from father to son. The details should be disclosed after the money transfer. But the exercises according to the jelqing system require a large investment of time, it is about 30-60 minutes of daily active penis retractions. And the real difficulty is that these exercises must be performed on a non-erect penis. So, you need self-discipline, a lot of free time, and a lockable door.
Another way to enlarge the penis is to wear a special device on the penis that stretches it, sometimes this device has to be worn for 8 hours a day, using weights. "Somehow they sent me something like that, " O'Leary says, "it looked like a medieval torture device. "
Do any of these methods work? Boyle says no. O'Leary very carefully says they may be able to stretch the skin. But with no effect on the size of the penis. Furthermore, these methods require inhuman diligence. Risks include tissue damage, blood vessel rupture, and other problems. O'Leary recently saw a patient wearing heavy weights on an erect penis and damaged it by ripping tissue. The result is unbearable pain and surgery.
Tablets, supplements and creams. Total nonsense. Without exception. Most of it is made with yohimba, ginseng and, of course, mountain goat weed. There are no recorded cases of penis enlargement with their help.
Surgical enlargement of the penis
Unlike most penis enlargement methods, surgery can be effective. Which even the critics admit. Of course, there are risks involved and the results may not be as impressive as you hope. A 2006 study published in European Urology found that the average length added with surgery is less than 2. 5 cm Mark P. Solomon, MD, a plastic surgeon, notes that the results are modest, but slightly better than before. 'operation.
There are two main types of penis enlargement surgeries:
- Penis enlargement.The penis is attached to the pelvis by strong cords called support ligaments. They are associated with the penis and hide part of it inside the body. Surgically cutting these ligaments relieves tension and, in theory, more of the penis becomes visible. To prevent ligament re-healing, you may need to wear a weight or traction device every day for six months.
- Thickening of the penis.Initially, the procedure consisted of taking fatty tissue from another part of the body and adding it to the shaft of the penis, making it more massive. But this did not bring positive results. The fatty tissue was partially absorbed and the penis looked bumpy. "These penises looked like pebbles, " Solomon says.
A new version of this technique implants an allograft, tissue transplanted from a genetically dissimilar organism that is used in many types of reconstructive surgery. Surgeons performing these surgeries, Solomon and Brian J. Rosenthal, MD, a urologist who practices in Beverly Hills, agree that allograft gives a better and longer outcome. We don't know how the donor tissue will behave after the transplant.
There are other types of penis enlargement surgery. For overweight patients, the fatty tissue at the base of the penis is removed with liposuction. Some doctors perform operations to increase the length and thickness of the penis at the same time, others do them in stages.
While Dr. Rosenthal predicts the same widespread use of penis enlargement surgery as breast augmentation, Dr. Solomon disagrees. He believes the main obstacle here is the cost of the operation. The penis enlargement operation costs about 5-10 thousand dollars. While the thickening operation costs from 5 to 7 thousand just for the allograft, without counting the cost of the operation itself. Taking into account the work, the operation will cost you more than 20 thousand dollars.
Penis enlargement, risks and complications
Of course, before going to the operating table, it is important to think about the possible risks. No reputable medical organization recommends such operations for men with a normal penis. The American Urology Association points out that such surgeries are not recognized as safe or effective.
Several studies in this area are also not encouraging. Therefore, a study conducted by the European Association of Urology that looked at 42 cases of surgical penis enlargement showed that only 35% of patients were satisfied and 50% continued to seek further penis enlargement operations.
"I've had real nightmares, " O'Leary says, describing the times he has had to correct the aftermath of failed surgeries. Known complications include scarring, infection, change in normal erection angle, decreased sensation, and impotence. In some cases, penis enlargement surgery can shorten the penis as the incised tissue grows to the pelvic floor and most of the penis ends up inside the body.
Surgery surgeons claim that operations are generally successful and cases of serious complications are rare. "I've made thousands of these, " says Rosenthal. "We are quite advanced in improving the technique of performing operations and helping patients. "
They are also tired of the arguments that a psychiatrist can help people who undergo such operations. The operation allows the man to better perceive himself, he says. A woman who wants to enlarge her breasts, why does no one call her crazy? So what's the difference?
O'Leary insists there is a difference. Unlike breast augmentation surgeries, no matter how we treat them, but which have become part of medical practice, penis enlargement surgeries are not.
"If there was a legal procedure for such transactions, there would be no problem, " O'Leary continues. "But there is no approved procedure that guarantees safety and efficacy. "
Doctor: prescribe penis enlargement surgery!
If you're still hoping to find a legal route, don't despair. There is one penis enlargement method that all doctors recommend: weight loss. Yes, it doesn't sound serious, but it can help.
"Many of my patients who complained of a small penis were overweight, " Boyle says. Normal sized penises look smaller against the background of the obese body, hidden in the folds of fat. Therefore, losing weight visually will make the penis longer and bigger.
Be discreet. Most penis enlargement methods are a waste of money. Surgery is expensive, risky and unexplored. In cancer it makes sense to talk about experimental surgery, but that's not the case.
Look at it this way: the penis is a very delicate and sensitive organ. And that makes it so extraordinary. It pays to think very carefully before daring to increase it. It is worth the risk of turning a normal sized penis, which works well, into a huge porn movie, which, as a result, may stop working.