The size of the manhood is the main indicator of the quality of sexual life. This affects the potency and if it can still be increased with the help of pills, penis enlargement with the help of drugs is not possible. Knowing such a male problem, doctors found a solution - penis enlargement with the help of exercises. Exercises for penis enlargement and video tutorials can be viewed on the net, for this it is necessary to make a request "video exercises for penis enlargement".
How does this training take place?
The enlargement of the organ can be carried out both in length and in thickness. For this you can use hands, special devices and weighting materials, which, using their weight, will lengthen the penis.
The ideal option for penis enlargement at home with exercises is manual penis enlargement with two or three fingers. There are many different options for execution, they are divided by difficulty levels, it is necessary to start gymnastics on the principle from easy to difficult.

You need to start with 15 minutes, so your class time should gradually be increased to 30 minutes per day. It is believed that the most favorable time to practice such penis enlargement exercises at home is in the morning and in the evening. If you decide to move on to the level of more difficult exercises that increase the penis, you need to do it gradually and not abruptly.
The ideal option before starting this type of exercise is to consult a doctor, he will explain in detail how to enlarge the penis at home. The main thing to know when undertaking such training is that the main thing in their performance is regularity. Of course, you shouldn't count on a lightning-fast result, to increase your dignity by at least a couple of centimeters, you will have to work hard.
Preparation for penis enlargement workouts:
- Penis enlargement at home is not an easy task, preparation for this type of activity must be done every time, this will help make the classes more productive.
- Before starting the exercise, take a shower and wash, pay special attention to the perineal area.
- After showering, pat dry with a terry towel and dry.
- For classes, you will need a special lubricant, so visit the pharmacy in advance and buy it yourself.
- Make sure you choose a place where you will do penis enlargement gymnastics. First, try to perform all the selected combinations in different poses, standing, sitting, lying, semi-sitting, lying down and choose the option in which you will feel as comfortable as possible.
- Like arms, legs or other muscles, the penis must be warmed up before starting a workout. To do this, you can make warm compresses. The easiest way to do this is to warm a towel or other thick cloth with an iron and apply it to the crotch area. Repeat this procedure several times. If you have a heating pad handy, use it.

After completing the preparation, you can start performing gymnastics, including for the first time a video of the exercise on how to increase the penis.
Exercises to enlarge the penis
What kind of exercises increase the penis? What exercises for penis enlargement to do most effectively can be read in the reviews on specialized sites. If you don't know how to increase your penis with exercises, then special gymnastics classes will help you.
Penis enlargement exercises and videos with their detailed descriptions are what you need, especially if you are a beginner in this area.
There are a lot of exercises to enlarge the penis, everyone should choose something for himself individually, depending on what results he wants to achieve and what exactly to achieve.
Depending on the exercises you do, penis enlargement will happen in different ways. Penis enlargement at home is the most popular way to solve the problem.
- Extend the penis in length.Penis length exercises are the most popular exercises in this area, with penis thickening exercises taking second place. Get into a comfortable position, take your penis in your hands and start pulling it forward. You shouldn't reach fanaticism, if you feel pain, then this is a sign that you shouldn't pull any further. Pull the penis for five seconds and then release. The pause between these sets should be approximately 5 seconds. The significance of such penis enlargement training is that the main part of the corpora cavernosa, which are the main component of male dignity, is located in the pelvic region and from there they can be extended, thereby increasing the organ by a couple of centimeters. When performing such gymnastics, it is necessary to ensure that there is no erection.
- Seated penis extension.For such gymnastics, a very small erection will be required. Allow your body to increase in size by about 30%, not more. You need to pull it down as far as possible and sit on it. Such exercise aims to increase the pressure on the internal components of the penis, this will help to increase the size of the penis in both length and thickness, as well as increase the base of the penis.
- Organ massage.Before starting a lesson, the penis must be slightly raised, grasp it with two fingers and make movements that will resemble movements during masturbation. When it rises completely, take the head in your hands, squeeze it at the base and extend the organ in this way until you feel unpleasant sensations. Stop and rest right after. It must be done very carefully so as not to damage the ligaments.
- bell. . . Achieve a full erection of your penis, start making them left-right and up-down movements. At the same time, try to strain the muscles of the perineum as much as possible.
- Jelqing.This technique for increasing penis size is known all over the world. To exercise, you need to make sure your penis is more than half as tall. The head will not be used under such a load, so you shouldn't touch it again. Take the penis by its shaft with two fingers, make up and down movements and don't forget to use the lubricant, so the exercise will be much easier. If you suddenly feel that ejaculation is approaching, stop for a few minutes and then continue again.
- Flexion of the penis.It is necessary to make sure that the manhood increases by about half or a little more. Also, bend the penis in different directions in such a way that it will be convenient for you. However, as you do the exercise, listen to your feelings. If it hurts or is simply unpleasant for you, stop doing it or act more carefully, as such manipulations can damage the genitals.
- Kegel exercise.Doing such exercises for the genitals is useful for both men and women if they want to have a good erection and get a brighter orgasm. Exercising is very, very simple. It is necessary to rhythmically squeeze and unblock the muscles of the perineum. If you can't figure out what kind of muscles they are, then go to the bathroom and start urinating. During this process, simply hold the cast and you will immediately understand which muscles are in question. You can perform such an exercise not only at the time allotted to them, but also on any occasion. For example, in the elevator, in the car, in the subway, in the workplace. Do not be afraid, from the outside it is not noticeable at all. The main thing is not to forget about such gymnastics and return to it as often as possible. When it comes to increasing male dignity, the main advantage of this approach is that the lessons activate blood circulation processes very well.
- Tightening.In order for the tightening results to be impressive, it is necessary to do it correctly. To perform such manipulations, you need to purchase a device that compresses the penis, these are locking simulators.

If you find it difficult to choose it, look for something suitable for the "tightening photo" image request. After this technique, do a relaxing massage on the penis.
Important!It is also possible to increase the length of the penis by wearing a load for about 8 hours a day. However, for some it is painful and uncomfortable.
What to do after training?
After finishing the daily penis enlargement exercises, you should let your penis rest. In order for the result to be correct, you can wear an extender, but this will already depend on the personal wishes of an individual man.

Also, try to give up bad habits, dress for the weather, do not overheat and do not overcool, try to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, move as much as possible and do not lead a sedentary lifestyle, only then physical enlargement of the penis will begin.
Hence, increasing the length and volume of the penis through exercise is a good technique to correct your complexes and regain self-confidence. In order for the penis to really increase, at least by a couple of centimeters, you will have to try, but it is worth it, above all, decide for yourself which exercises to do to enlarge your penis and develop your own set of exercises at home for penis enlargement .