First of all, it must be said that such a procedure is a very, very difficult task that requires a lot of effort and no less great willpower, but the result is absolutely worth all the effort you put into it. How to quickly enlarge your penis? It is very difficult!

It should be noted right away that this process is often quite long and you should not get angry and abandon what you have planned if you do not have quick results, because this is normal and in such a procedure there can never be a quick and satisfying result.
It is also worth noting that as the exercises continue, they should be changed to others, for example, more advanced, only with the correct replacement or alternation of exercises you will really get the result you want. Now let's talk about the best ways to enlarge your penis. First, they can be divided into two types: manual therapy and exercises (jelqing) and the use of special devices or means. Let's consider both options.
How to quickly enlarge your penis and which devices should you use?
Not all products are suitable for quick penis enlargement. There are 3 options to look out for: pumps, extenders and special creams.
- A vacuum pump for penis enlargement and a special device act on the penis in the same way, only the environment of use is different. The advantage is obvious: there is a strong, but short-term, increase in the penis. But with regular use, the size grows forever. With a short-term increase, you can surprise your other half with excellent size, which is why if you need to quickly enlarge your penis, the pump will help you.
- Extender. In this case we are not talking about instant magnification and you will have to wear the device for more than a week. Only then will a noticeable result appear. But this method can still be considered fast, other manual methods bring visible results in at least six months.
- Penis enlargement creams. If you buy a quality cream, it will really help you to enlarge your penis quickly. Be sure to read reviews and contraindications before purchasing. Ointment is the simplest remedy to use, you will not experience any inconvenience. But it is better to use a cream and one of the above devices together. In this case, the growth rate will be maximum.

Manual increase
Constant jelqing doesn't always help to enlarge the penis quickly. You will have to practice for a long time. But we will talk briefly about this technique again. If someone does not know what it is, then this is a special technique that begins its history from ancient times. It was specially created to enlarge the male sexual organ. This rule can be safely called the most important, because without "jelqing" you will never be able to get the result you want. But be careful, before starting these exercises, be sure to read the safety precautions, because the probability of damage to your penis is very, very high, especially at the very first exercises.
Another tip is to switch, substitute and alternate exercises for your penis. This rule must be observed because you can simply overload your body with the same activities and the consequences of this are very, very unpleasant, so be careful.
Always, remember, absolutely always monitor your condition and the condition of your organ. That is, you cannot overload it, but you also cannot lighten the exercises too much, because in this case you will not be able to achieve a positive result. But we recommend that you buy special devices or means in any sex shop, and then the process will be much faster. First of all, it is worth paying attention once again to the fact that it will take a lot of time and effort, and you need to be patient, because only in this case you will get what you want.