The penis enlargement with baking soda is the most modern method to solve this delicate male problem. Surgery reliably guarantees that the penis will get bigger, but not all men are ready to go under the knife and not everyone has the means to do it. The use of soda is much cheaper and therefore more popular. Whether there is a result from it is an ambiguous question. Many representatives of the stronger sex, who used this method to enlarge the penis on themselves, were satisfied. But there are those who find this method ineffective, dangerous and even risky.
What is the danger of penis enlargement with soda?
In an effort to increase male dignity without surgery and powerful drugs, many men tend to such an easy way as enlarging the penis with soda. But few people think about the fact that this product can have a positive effect on the body and be dangerous.
Hydrocarbonate is an alkaline product, in significant quantities it can damage the mucous membranes of the body. Against this background, ulcers appear on the walls of internal organs if oral administration is supposed. Furthermore the product, in combination with water, forms carbon dioxide, which causes swelling and gas formation. External use can lead to the development of allergic skin reactions or burns.
Side effects

When thinking about using baking soda to enlarge the penis, you should think about the side effects. People often fear that the remedy will lead to a negative result. Note that soda has no special contraindications, so everyone can use it.
The only thing that should be used with caution is if the skin is damaged: sores, cracks, scratches and abrasions. Because baking soda can cause burning and irritation of the epithelium.
It is also advisable to check in advance how the skin reacts to the product. There is a risk of an allergic reaction occurring if the body is hypersensitive.
The test can be performed by applying a small amount of product on the hand and waiting 10 minutes. If rash, redness and itching do not occur, baking soda can be used for treatment.
There are generally no side effects. Perhaps, perhaps, dry skin occurs, but this can be easily corrected with an oily cream. Therefore, if a man wants to use soda, he may not worry about the negative effects of the substance. The main thing is to carry out the procedure correctly and observe the reaction of the body.
This is not recommended!
Whether penis enlargement is realistic is the most frequently asked question among the male population, but many medical specialists deny the effectiveness of the technique in principle. In fact, bicarbonate can improve blood circulation, make it thinner, which will result in increased flow to the penis.
But this technique has only a temporary effect. It does not have the property of being fixed, it does not alter the physiological characteristics of the phallus. Also, the irrational use of such methods can cause the development of side effects:
The most powerful method for penis enlargement. The member grew by + 5, 5 cm. You just need to. . . Read More > > > |
- development of allergies - redness, swelling, depression of the respiratory system;
- swelling and redness of the genitals;
- stool disorders, flatulence, heartburn, bloating;
- burns to the skin or mucous membranes;
- erectile dysfunction, decreased potency;
- difficulties in the sexual sphere;
- spider veins in the groin area;
- secondary skin infection, rash, purulent processes;
- painful urination.
Important!Before looking for effective ways to enlarge your penis at home, first make sure there is a problem. If there are no prerequisites for panic and action, consider whether these risks are justified. Otherwise, first consult your doctor about the chosen method and, after his approval, use it.
What results can be achieved
Now you know how to enlarge a man's penis with baking soda. With regular use of one or more methods, you can achieve the following:
- 1. Instant volume increase of 1-2 centimeters.
- 2. Strengthen the sensitivity of the head, which contributes to a full erection and a bright orgasm.
- 3. Modification of parameters both in length and thickness.
- 4. Regular intense blood movement in the genitourinary system, which is the prevention of many inflammatory diseases.
You can use one of your favorite penis enlargement methods with soda, or you can alternate between different approaches.
To achieve real penis enlargement, you will need to perform the procedures daily. After exposure to baking soda, be sure to apply a soothing emollient to your skin. After two weeks of such manipulations, a break is allowed to increase the penis.
Preparatory phase
Before using different methods on how to increase a man's penis with soda, competent and gradual preparation is important. It helps to properly tune in to the procedure so as not to cause side effects and the opposite effect. There are several steps:

- First, buy a soda, pay attention to the expiration date. Give preference to an expensive, high-quality product without impurities.
- Test your skin for allergies. Apply some water and baking soda on the elbow bend and rinse off after an hour. In case of redness, itching, swelling, irritation, it will be necessary to abandon further actions.
- Prepare your genitals for future changes. To do this, the fabrics need to be warmed, for example, take a hot shower or apply a compress with a towel dipped in hot water.
- If the practice requires the use of other means or objects, prepare them too.
- Stock up on wet, dry wipes to remove excess baking soda at the right time.
The use of baking soda can be combined with various other alternative methods of penis enlargement: massages, scrubs, stretching, gymnastic exercises and a specific diet.
How does soda affect the penis
Soda is potassium bicarbonate, which has a strong blood thinning property. Thanks to this effect, the product enhances the effectiveness of various exercises and gymnastics for the growth of the phallus. Liquid blood is distributed faster and easier to the organs of the genitourinary system, preventing the formation of blood clots.
There are a few other points that baking soda can do:
- The main advantage of penis enlargement with sodium bicarbonate is the affordability and the absence of large financial costs. Every man always has a pack of soda at home and it doesn't take much money to buy a fresh one.
Local influence improves the quality of the erection, which means that the technique is relevant for minor potency problems.
- Mild tissue irritation is a preventive method for various diseases of the pelvic organs.
- The use of potassium bicarbonate promises a temporary but quick effect, so it is used just before intercourse.
- Local effects do not contradict the parallel use of other techniques and methods of penis enlargement: pills, massages, food supplements, exercise and folk remedies.
What is it for?
Unfortunately, most people believe that baking soda is only used in cooking and for heartburn. But a large number of studies are already underway showing that baking soda can be used successfully not just for cooking or as an alternative to household chemicals.
Soda also helps to enlarge the penis and is used to treat many diseases.
Before figuring out how to enlarge your penis with baking soda, you need to get rid of inflammatory conditions. Baking soda has a drying, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Overall, all this leads to the suppression of any inflammation and the development of the disease.
100% Method of Using Baking Soda for Penis Enlargement
How to use baking soda to get 100% results? This is done locally in three ways:

- Put a small amount of powder on your fingers, then gently rub into the skin of your penis without excessive pressure. At the same time, avoid contact with the head in order not to cause burns of the mucous membrane. Do an accompanying massage for 3-5 minutes to improve blood circulation along the trunk. This method is effective before intercourse, as it promotes maximum erection.
- Distribute a thin layer of warm vegetable oil on the shaft of the penis, then apply a small amount of baking soda, rub it with massage movements for 4-6 minutes. Finally, clean the organ with a damp cloth or rinse it under running hot water.
- Perform the same manipulations, but with soda and honey. Mix both components in equal proportions, choose the freshest, liquid honey. Next, distribute the mixture along the shaft of the phallus, performing rubbing movements with your hands.
Preparation for the upgrade procedure
Before you start enlarging your penis, you should do some preliminary preparations.
Here are some basic tips:
- Buy soda. It is recommended not to save and choose the most expensive option, without impurities.
- Make sure you are not allergic to baking soda before applying it to such a delicate area to enlarge your penis. To do this, moisten the area on the elbow with water and apply a small amount of baking soda. After an hour, you can check the epidermis: if there is no redness, itching and irritation, you can safely start the experiment.
- Your genitals should be ready for the enlargement to heal, which means steaming them in hot water is recommended. Do this with a cloth wrap or just in the shower.
- Prepare add-ons for the enlargement massage (if required in the method chosen for penis enlargement).
- For maximum convenience when enlarging, stock up on dry and wet pads to quickly remove excess baking soda.
All other ways to use soda for penis enlargement
It is possible to enlarge the penis with soda is a controversial issue, but a temporary effect and an increase in erection are definitely guaranteed for you. If you regularly practice existing methods, you can achieve stretching of the tissues, which means a small increase in the length and thickness of the phallus. To do this, it is necessary to apply the product correctly and systematically, we offer the following options:
- Soda drink- taken orally one hour before meals or in the morning on an empty stomach, so that at that time there are no digestive processes in the stomach. Apply once a week for a long time or in cycles of 2 weeks every day and after 2 weeks a break. To do this, add half a teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate to a glass of warm boiled water, take it after a meal in the morning.
- Trays- Take 2 tablespoons of soda for 2 liters of water. For such a procedure, prepare a vessel, pour a warm solution of 38-41 degrees, and then place the genital organ there for 15-30 minutes.
- Compress: take a clean, damp cloth and sprinkle an even layer of baking soda. Then apply the tissue to the shaft of your penis and hold the position for about 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, rinse everything with warm running water.
- Scrub- for this procedure, moisten the penis with water, then sprinkle the soda and scrub. During washing you will feel a slight burning sensation; if it escalates, the procedure should be stopped immediately.
- Massage- warms the skin of the penis with a warm compress or hot shower. Wet your hands and then sprinkle a small amount of baking soda on the bottom. Then perform light rubbing movements of the reproductive organ, massage from the root of the phallus to its frenulum. Finish with a warm shower to rinse off the remaining product.

The most daring men even practice the micro enema. They are designed on average for a two-week course - 1 time every 2 days. First, it is necessary to perform a cleansing enema with clean warm water, and only then to introduce a solution of soda. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of powder in a glass container with 200ml of pre-boiled warm water and inject into the anus slowly and gradually.
Drink soda inside
To increase penis enlargement, it is allowed to take soda orally in combination with other methods. In moderate quantities, soda has a beneficial effect on the internal systems of the body. In some cases, insufficient size of the genitals and slow erections occur due to concomitant diseases occurring without symptoms.
Regular use of baking soda to increase allows you to cleanse the body of toxins that cause inflammatory and infectious diseases.
Soda should be taken in minimal quantities: a quarter of a teaspoon twice a day away from meals (it is recommended to dilute the substance in a liquid). If the body tolerates baking soda well, the amount can be increased to one teaspoon.
Will the measure affect the parameters of the member and help increase it? Directly - no. However, drinking baking soda inside will have a positive effect on health and well-being and will help avoid inflammation and infectious processes.
Note: If you already have bacterial diseases or other diseases of the genitourinary system, they must be treated with appropriate drugs, and folk remedies for enlarging the penis can only be used as directed by a doctor. In addition, soda is prohibited for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders and allergic reactions. If you experience abdominal pain, nausea and heartburn, frequent stools, you should stop this treatment as soon as possible and consult a specialist.
As mentioned above, soda, as it helps in solving sexual problems, can also harm the body. Use is prohibited with the following contraindications:
- urethritis, cystitis or prostatitis;
- gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers;
- diabetes mellitus;
- oncological neoplasms;
- allergy to the product;
- disturbed stomach acid;
- microtrauma of the skin of the penis;
- pathology of the penis.
Attention!It is forbidden to use expired potassium bicarbonate. Be sure to check the freshness before use, pay attention to the color and aroma. If you observe a yellowish tint and an unpleasant smell, give up the idea.
Is it true that soda increases the penis or is it a myth?
Is it possible to increase the penis in this way, you can be sure only from your example, as this is a purely individual question. Don't assume baking soda is a panacea. It doesn't promise to significantly lengthen the penis, but some changes are still possible. To do this, you will need to choose a suitable recipe and follow it for a long time.
Respect the security measures to make the experiment useful:

- do not abuse the product, follow the instructions and the program;
- in case of an allergic reaction, abandon the procedure in favor of a safe alternative;
- do not apply the product in case of skin damage or diseases;
- do not rub the mixture too actively during the massage, avoid the head and scrotum;
- to give up the practice in the presence of congenital pathologies and organ deformities;
- watch the preview video to clearly understand the essence of the procedures;
- delve into the theory of how exactly baking soda helps and then start practicing.
If problems with sexual functions and organ size are caused by other pathologies of the internal organs, the use of such a remedy will be ineffective. Rubbing will most likely only give a temporary effect, and if it's worth the risk, it's up to you.
Precautions for using sodium bicarbonate
How to enlarge your penis with soda? Act not only regularly, but also carefully! In this case, you will get the desired size and avoid complications. Below are the tips that every member of the stronger sex who decides to perform such an experiment should follow:
- The sense of proportion is above all. You should not abuse soda for the penis and rub it several times a day, otherwise you will get redness and severe burns.
- If you have an allergic reaction to this or any other ingredient, be especially careful and apply the product to a small area of the skin first.
- Do not apply baking soda to damaged skin that is scratched, abraded or irritated. Otherwise, the damage to the penis will get worse and you will need the help of a doctor.
- Do not rub the enlargement soda too aggressively, try not to touch the glans and mucous membranes of the penis.
- Do not use an expired product. Besides being useless, it can cause unwanted skin reactions and allergies. Do not use a product with a suspicious color and an unpleasant smell.
- If you have pathological congenital deformities of the penis, these techniques are also prohibited.
- Learn the theory before putting yourself into practice. Video materials will help you with this, detailing the proportions, time of the procedure and other nuances.
It is possible to enlarge the penis with the help of soda, applying it externally

Before starting to apply the method, it is mandatory to perform a sensitivity test. A slurry of soda should be applied to a small area of the skin of the genital organ. If after 25 minutes there is no burning or redness, you can start the procedure.
The most effective and popular way to enlarge the penis with soda is massage. To achieve good results, the procedure must be carried out correctly, regularly and taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.
The procedure takes place in several stages:
- Preparatory phase. A soft towel dipped in warm water is wrapped around the penis and left for several minutes. The action is aimed at activating the blood flow, increasing the elasticity of the skin of the organ. You need to repeat the process 4 times within 20 minutes.
- Massage. The manipulation technique should aim at lengthening the penis. Massage and stretching help to evenly distribute the restored high-volume blood flow in the veins. Soda must be used during the procedure. A soda paste is preliminarily prepared (a small amount of soda is diluted with water, to the consistency of a paste), which is carefully rubbed into the tissue of the penis. It is also possible to use the powdered form of the substance, however, once dissolved, the soda is absorbed better, providing a good result.
- The final stage. After the manipulation, you need to relax and lie down. If you get up immediately and return to your normal rhythm of life, the body will perceive it as stress, which will affect the restored blood flow.
In addition to massage, there are other recipes for penis enlargement with baking soda.
Baking soda can help enlarge the penis and restore erectile function in men. Often, despite the large size of male dignity, it is difficult for a man to satisfy a woman: the erection weakens, the duration of sexual intercourse is shortened, the sensations during sex are subdued.
Sodium bicarbonate does not stimulate the onset of arousal, but its use contributes to the rapid and, above all, free restoration of potency. And the duration of sexual intercourse, as well as the strength of the erection, play an equally important role.
Therefore, knowing how to enlarge the penis with baking soda, you can get rid of the insecurity caused by the breakdown in the genital area by yourself at home.
Penis enlargement with soda occurs due to the neutralization of the negative influence of exogenous and endogenous factors. In addition, baking soda stimulates increased blood circulation in the pelvic area, which leads to an increase in power.

- Drinking tea soda can help cure diseases of the male reproductive system. Baking soda normalizes the production of secretions, which allows men to restore hormonal levels and normalize the processes of natural formation.
- Soda tea inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. It is used to stimulate the regeneration processes at home. Its use helps improve health and assists in the recovery process.
- The alkaline medium of the tea soda solution is fatal to all pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, the normal microflora normalizes and multiplies rapidly in an alkaline environment.
- To better understand how soda affects penis enlargement, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the effects of free radicals and heavy metals on the body. Baking soda promotes the elimination of these compounds from the body, and thus helps restore male health and resize the penis.
It should be noted that even knowing how to increase the penis with soda at home, it is necessary to remember that the basis will be precisely the systematic approach. Irregular procedures will not give a guaranteed stable result.
How you apply the baking soda will depend not only on the quality indicator, but also on the duration of the results. Penis enlargement with soda is a complex exercise that can be done both with the use of local remedies and in a complex effect.
All methods of penis enlargement using soda have a multidirectional effect. This leads to the fact that at home you can get rid of most diseases and at the same time increase your penis with soda for free. The combination of methods helps to get rid of indecision and problems in the sexual sphere.
It is important to think not only about how to enlarge the penis with soda, but also how to correct violations of sexual function. Because even if the size of the organ is impressive, but at the same time a bad erection, there will be problems during intercourse.
- As mentioned, sodium bicarbonate increases blood flow to the reproductive organs.
- But it also neutralizes the negative effects of endogenous and exogenous factors. Therefore, people are advised to consume tea soda, as it will trigger secretion production and restore hormone levels.
Since an alkaline environment is considered harmful to pathogenic microorganisms, the solution helps normalize the microflora.
Due to the fact that baking soda removes heavy metals from the body, men's health is restored. Including an increase in the size of the penis, which will be discussed further in the article. It should be understood that any technique will only be valid if applied regularly. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations, and then you will really be able to achieve results.