The main mass of modern men and women is familiar with the problems of failure and the violation of the power. Quite often, the problems of such a plan to acquire a permanent nature, which makes them a major obstacle to the normal conduct psychological and physiological life.
Once a person is facing early signs of a deterioration of power, it must immediately take action. It is not a question of the application of powerful drugs, but about the general review of the modes of life, on the question, the way to improve the potency of men natural means.
There is a fairly wide variety of natural ways to increase the power. If you start to act more in a timely manner and use the right medicines, allows to obtain the highest therapeutic outcome.
The reduction factors for the power
The number and the list of factors likely to have on the male libido of the negative impact, there is quite a lot. Among the principal of them, you can select factors such as:
- Pernicious ecology environment;
- Not premium meal;
- Reduction of the immunity;
- Permanent stressful situations;
- Hard daily work.
- It is for this reason, more than half of the men are not all well in the intimate sphere. Many men face this problem quite rarely, because of the high
- fatigue or discomfort.
But if the breach occur more and more often, if not a clear reason for this is not worth it to take certain actions. In the opposite case, the trouble lead to the accumulation of negative psychological atmosphere, to the formation of the huge amount of complex.

When the first signs, it is recommended to take some measures to try to remedy the situation by its own forces, to solve the question, how to increase the power quickly in the house.
The main benefits of treatment by natural methods
Despite the effectiveness of the methodologies to resolve the question, how to increase the power of men to the house quickly, they are not related to miracles. Even the most intelligent and balanced, the more thoughtful of the physical activity and proven by centuries of remedies will not increase the power for a couple of days.
To get a positive result, it is necessary to have patience and the send on resolution of a problem, a considerable number of strength of will.
The use of natural methods of recovery of power, you can count on the total absence of side effects and specific contraindications for the drugs.
Despite similar safety and effectiveness, seek guidance from a specialist, all the same, the money. It is necessary to determine what plants can be taken, what physical exercises will have a positive effect and will not bring harm.
Cleverly thought out, the treatment of the impotence of natural methods is the prevention of various sexual disorders. Simple methods, based in large part on the total change of way of life, the state is not simply to solve some erection problems, but on a long time to forget about all the failures in the reproductive system of the body.
With methods that will naturally improve the sexual health, it is necessary to read in more detail.
A healthy lifestyle
For the reason that most of the problems in the intimate sphere is directly linked to the poor life, must do everything to correct it and improve the health of the body as a whole. To dramatically increase the power, you must build his life according to the following rules:
- To make their lives a physical activity. Every morning, you want to start with a small load, with the work preferably on foot. Is worth to do sport and go to the gym instead of sitting on the couch behind the tv. When the sedentary job, you need all 50 minutes to get up to a little workout.
- The weight control. The male power are a significant disadvantage of factors such as excess weight and excessive leanness. If the mass of the body deviates from the norm, the money, change the diet and the form of the physical activity. The best option would be to see a dietician, who, after standard a simple survey will prescribe the proper regimen of the diet.
- The refusal of the addiction. You need to the maximum to reduce the number of alcohol and that the most important thing is to remove the power supply from the cigarette. Sometimes you can afford to drink a glass of red wine, of quality wine or a little brandy, but beer bottles all the days that you have to give up.
- It is necessary to remember that the night is exclusively designed for a good sleep, for the work and the fun of being in another time. In order to maintain erectile function in the order, the need to sleep, plan the day this way, for the sleep had lasted at least seven hours, and better in eight. It must be remembered that too late to climb to be able to bring the same harm to the body, as well as permanent and the lack of sleep.
If you follow these rules, you can't because of this drastically improve your body and improve the quality and duration of sexual functions.
Physical activity
With initial manifestations of sexual dysfunction in the field is desirable to try to construct your day to be able to do regular sport, for a bit of morning exercises, to perform physical activities. All of this will improve natural sexual capacity in the male body.
If, with time, the great tension, if the proximity is not a fitness center, not the time to do sports, you can perform specific exercises. It is the exercises Kegel, which is not necessarily to leave the walls of the house and spend a lot of physical strength.
The essential exercise data is summarized to the relaxation and tension of the muscles of the perineum. An advantage of this exercise is the ability to run without having to detach from work, not even need to get up from his chair.
During the execution of all types of physical activity, important for the regularity. If fill out such an exercise once two or three per day, to improve quickly enough to become significant.
The normalization of the power
Cleverly thought out and carefully selected diet is very important for the health of modern man. The body of an adult man should receive the products, causing an increase in testosterone, stimulate activity, and thus greatly improve the sexual ability of men.
Here are some basic rules of building a good and useful power:
- Not necessarily need to include products that have a large number of proteins, vitamins, and macro - and micronutrients.
- In order to maintain a great power in the diet you must enable the meat of the chicken, beef and rabbit, as well as fish, mackerel, flounder, tuna and salmon.
- Very useful for the chocolate, which is considered as natural and safe aphrodisiac. To obtain a positive effect need to eat the chocolate with the amount of cocoa is composed of at least 65%. This product is not just effective improves mood, but also greatly improves the power. If you take a chocolate with nuts – almonds, pistachios and walnuts, you can get even more high positive effect.
- It is recommended to give up the fried food. The preference is to give boiled and prepared on a pair of dishes.
- Not necessarily need to be in the diet of fresh fruits, vegetables and potatoes, garlic, onion, pomegranate, fig and avocado.
- Essential in the process of increasing the power of different seafood – squid, shrimp, mussels and oysters. The clams need to be eaten raw, because at high temperature capable of destroying all present in the useful components.
- Not necessarily needed to enter into the diet of all types of greenery and a large number of spices. Useful to have the properties of the products such as spinach, celery, cardamom and cloves.
- Each day, you need to use different types of nuts, almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts and walnuts. Particular to a positive result, you can do if you use the nuts with the honey.
- Among the many types of greenery, particular attention should be given to such an greenery such as persil. Exactly this product is able to maximize effective to stabilize the hormones. Located in the composition of the active substances decrease the production of female hormones, which causes an increase in the levels of testosterone in the body. At the same time, the persil is a prevention of prostatitis.
- A lot of the useful power of substances contain: grape, dates, dried apricots and prunes.
There are also some foods that, in case of problems with impotence, not use. This can include grapes, soybeans, peaches, beer, beer, and coffee. These products are able to increase the total number in the bloodstream of estrogen, and reduce the concentration of testosterone.
Particular attention should be paid to food and products used directly before the sexual act. Preference should make easy dishes. Maybe it's all the salads, fish, fruits and vegetables. You can bring in the feed of some dairy products and honey.
These are products that are fairly well saturate, give energy, but do not rely on the organs of digestion and the body in general.
The traditional recipes to improve the power
For many centuries, and is popularly used in a variety of herbal teas and infusions, designed to effectively improve the power. Here are some of the more popular and accessible, herbs and recipes:
- Nettle. As raw materials, must take the seeds of this plant. Well-cooked, herbal teas and infusions to seriously strengthen the nervous system, normalize blood circulation, have an anti-inflammatory action. Nettle improves the concentration of free testosterone, which helps to improve the blood circulation, as well as the entirety of the erection.
- Garlic is also essential for the restoration of the power. Its use leads to an influx of blood to the penis, respectively, a significant increase in the strength of the men. In addition, in the product there is a large number is necessary for the health of men, trace elements and vitamins, it has magnesium, essential oils and selenium.
- The mint brings the power at least a significant impact. If consumed daily mint tea, you can quite efficiently recover power. A similar result is obtained in to account the impact of the relaxing effects and anti-stress. The consumption of this product, the essential is not to overdo it, because there is a risk easily get the opposite effect.
- The pumpkin seeds give a positive effect in the process of recovery of the strength of the men. This is one of the most simple and delicious of products, which is to maximize the beneficial effects on the health of men. In this product, there are a large number of vitamins k and E, there are b-group vitamins, as well as phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, and other macro - and trace elements.
If you consume all of the above products, can restore power, as well as improve your state of health.
When you combine them with the right way of life, a man very quickly in the form, which will have an impact on the appearance, and not only on the state of the reproductive system.

Year of the violation of the power
Improve and restore the power you can achieve with the help particularly well-designed and regularly carried out by physical exercises. There are special moves, and complex, involving pubic area, muscle group, which are characterized by the direct influence on the erection, on the degree of its severity, duration and overall quality.
As the most robust and the developed countries are the muscles in this area, the better the erection will be.
In order to achieve a positive result is worth the effort, at least once per day, perform the following exercises:
- The exercise is in view of the conservation of the stone between the legs. For its implementation, the need to stand up, bend the knees and put hands to the belt. After that, we must strongly bend the legs, the effort when the buttocks. Fully straighten the leg is not necessary. When running, it is necessary to represent, that between the legs, is a stone, and we can't let him fall.
- You have to keep the maximum of sweetness, and the hands are down. After this, it is necessary to lift the legs as high as possible, try to put the hands on the knees up to the abdomen. If doing this exercise, it is as a great step.
- Restore the strength of power and significantly increase male potency through exercises, known under the name of bridge. You need to take the supine position. The knees must be semi-flexed and the arms are alongside the body. When performing this exercise, you need to try as high as possible to lift the pelvis, then just bring it back to its original position. These movements you must perform at least 10.
- To increase the power useful to include inside your daily exercises another. Lying on the back, need to relax the hands and a little raise your feet. They are filled with small rotating movement, like a bicycle. By doing the exercise, it is desirable that a low acceleration and slowing of movements.
If you make similar to simple-complex in your day, you can pretty quickly solve all the problems of impotence, in addition, greatly improve your overall physical condition.