The question of the size of manhood has always worried men, especially in adolescence. This is one of the key elements of male self-esteem. Almost every member of the stronger sex was interested in what the normal size of the penis was and compared it with its parameters.
The current classification of penis size is:
- Micropenis - if the length of the elongated penis is not more than 2 cm;
- Lower penis - penis less than 9. 5 cm in length in an erect state;
- Normal penis - statistically average size of 9. 5 cm or more in a state of erection;
- Giant penis - more than 24cm long when erect.
The longest officially registered penis is 34. 3 cm.
Penis length is related to a man's height and weight. The greater the growth, the longer the penis, the thicker the man, the smaller his penis.
The shape of the penis can also vary:
- cylindrical when the base and tip of the penis are approximately the same diameter;
- pointed, when the bases are clearly wider than the glans;
- fungus, when the penis has a broad head and narrow base.
The degree of enlargement of the penis during erection does not depend on its size at rest.
To determine your penis size, it must be measured correctly. The measurement is performed in an upright position of the body along the dorsal (upper) surface, from the base of the penis (penopubical angle - the angle formed by the base of the penis and the anterior abdominal wall) to the edge of the head in a calm, tense stateand erect. The penopubical angle should be 90 degrees (the penis is parallel to the floor).
For the most accurate penis size measurements, several measurements need to be made on different days and times, after which the results are averaged. This approach takes into account what may be the natural fluctuations in size due to sexual arousal, time of day, ambient temperature, frequency of sexual activity and measurement errors.
Results are considered inaccurate if measurements were taken along the underside of the penis, in a sitting or tilted position.

The conservative method of lengthening the penis is the use of an extender (a special lengthening device). This method was already used in ancient times by some African tribes to lengthen the neck, ears, lips and penis.
The method is based on the physiological response of living tissue to the application of a tensile force, manifested by the acceleration of cell division and an increase in tissue mass. The disadvantage of this technique is the need to wear the extender for a long period of time (at least 6 months), every day, at least 4-6 hours, while you can stand, lie down, walk, sit. With the help of an extender, an increase in the length of the penis by up to 5 cm is achieved without making it thin.
The conservative technique for increasing penis size, when used correctly, has no side effects, does not affect fertility and erection.
Surgical treatment for penis enlargement consists in changing the ratio of the length of the perineal (internal, hidden) and suspended (external) parts of the male urethra by surgical dissection of the ligament of the penis (ligamentotomy).
Ligamentotomy is performed by a urologist or andrologist. A ligamentotomy can be performed under both local and general anesthesia. One of the operative approaches to the suspension ligament of the penis is the penosorotal (through the scrotum, which makes the postoperative scar invisible). After dissection of the skin, the corpora cavernosa are set aside, the suspension ligament is exposed and dissected. Then hemostasis and skin suturing are performed. In this case, the penis itself does not change in size, but only a redistribution of length occurs in the direction of increasing its suspended part.
Men who decide to perform this type of penis enlargement should remember that the function of the ligament, which is dissected during surgery, is to keep the penis erect. After a ligamentotomy, the penis becomes more mobile during erection, which increases the risk of fractures during intercourse.
To achieve maximum effect, a man is often recommended surgical treatment (ligamentotomy) with further use of an extensor (conservative therapy) within 6 months of the postoperative period, that is, a combined approach to treatment is used.