Despite the norms, standards and indicators, what should be the size of the penis, there are men who remain unsatisfied with their settings. It is not surprising that many men are preoccupied by the question — how to increase the dick in the house?
Surgical intervention is only allowed for health reasons. And on that basis, they begin to find all kinds of ways. In fact, the methods and the technology for the self-elongation of many, the key is to select the most appropriate method.
If you can increase the dick in the house?
The first thing to ask men, can it increase the penis other means, without the plastic, and rapid response.
Health professionals offer a lot of different techniques that will work on the following principle:
- traction cavernosa and the cavernous tissue the phallus, which are responsible for the greatness of the authority in the course of erection;
- the increased blood flow is necessary to achieve or maintain an erection of the penis;
- the capacity of the erectile function and libido, affecting on the sexual activity of men in general.
It is to be noted that the size of the penis does not affect the sexual life of men in general, and on reproductive health.
Another question, if the problem is in the head, when the size of the body causes the emergence of ensembles and self-confidence. In this case, men can develop erectile dysfunction psychogenic origins.
On how many inches you can increase the dick in the house?
Some sites have information on what is realistic for you to increase the authority of up to 5 cm in diameter and length.
The final result depends on several factors:
- The physiological effects and the individual characteristics – if a man is prone to rapid growth, and the reproductive organ to increase more important when you use different ways;
- The persistence of the processes of stretching of the tissue is not fast, this is why it requires perseverance and take the time to achieve a result;
- Process – during the selection of any methodology should perform a regular procedure. Sometimes, it proves to increase the sexual organ of about 1-2 cm, but it is sensitive to the realization.
Attention! The most effective methods to increase the length of the penis are methods of intervention. Other means to guarantee the growth is not more than 2-4 see
Exercises for penis enlargement
To enlarge the penis, you can enjoy all the exercises. The exercises are suitable for men who are against the application of different tools on the penis, in order to avoid the appearance of allergic reactions.
The most productive are considered to be 3 exercises, each of which we will examine in more detail.
An easy way to increase the penis at home – stretching. In Fact, it is quite simple, it is necessary to the penis take the head in and pulling out. It is desirable to conduct the procedure under different angles. The force of the impact is important to increase evenly and smoothly, for not to traumatize the tissues. Stretching exercise, it is recommended to perform 10 to 15 minutes only under this condition, it is possible to get results.
The grubbing-up of the
For this exercise, it is necessary to put a penis in a state of small excitation. The essence of the method lies in the fact that the penis delay down and back, after which the man sits down on him. This activity allows you to increase the base of the sexual organ to lengthen and increase the size of diameter. The mechanism of action is to increase the pressure on the corpora cavernosa.
This exercise also requires incomplete erection. It is necessary to bend the penis in different directions, it must not be the sensation of pain, so pay attention to their sympathy arrangements feelings. If the handling to deliver a strong discomfort, then this exercise, you should stop immediately. The next time flex needs to spend more, in order to avoid damage to the tissue.
Special external tools designed to increase the penis, allowing to get a result at home without danger to the body. In the tools contains of organic components, which have virtually no contra-indications for men.
On the mechanism of action of the lubricants are of 3 types:
- Highspeed – after the use of the tool according to the instructions of the penis increases of a few centimeters, they must be applied directly prior to the sexual act.
- Gels to increase the phallus – the use of drugs of such a plan, it takes several months to get the cumulative effect.
- The auxiliary means are used, in addition to other methods, for example, in the exercise, they are designed to change the length and thickness of the penis.
The application of lubricants is considered safe method to increase the size of the penis. But before applying, you should familiarize yourself with the instructions for use, contraindications, and possible side effects.
Penis enlargement remedies popular
In addition to the special exercises and outdoor facilities, enlarge the penis can be of folk remedies.
The first place, you can give one by an ordinary baking soda, also contributes to herbal medicine – herbal remedies and medicinal plants, you can use it as a topical and oral, in the form of infusion and decoction.
The sodium bicarbonate
The baking soda is sold in all stores, and inexpensive, that is why the means, including its use is not only effective, but very budget.
- Packs with soda. For cooking it is necessary to mix the baking soda with honey and apply it on the entire length of the penis, with the exception of the head;
- Bath with a soda solution. With their help, you can improve blood circulation and prevent the development of inflammation. The procedure is recommended to perform prior to the sexual act, pre-achieve an erection;
- Scrub the bottom of soda. This scrub not only improves the sexual organ, but has a preventive effect, prevents the development of urological diseases. The handling must be carried out after a hot shower, in conclusion, it is important to apply a moisturizing cream on the penis;
- Massage with the application of the soda. First on a member, you must apply the base or the olive oil, then the soda, and make a massage using a soft sponge for 5 minutes. After that wait 2 minutes and rinse thoroughly.
The grass
Pay attention to the composition of dietary supplements for penis enlargement, entering in the composition of herbs can have such a result. The experts distinguish the plants to the growth of the length and thickness of the phallus:
- Epimedium Korean mountain, which is used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and the impact on the size of the penis of men. The main active ingredient in the plant – icariin, which dilates the blood vessels and the erectile tissue of the penis, strengthens the erection.
- Ginseng is a tool that improves the flow of blood to the corpora cavernosa of the penis. Already after the first application of a penis more intense, which fills with blood, and, therefore, increases the thickness and length.
- Eurycoma dinality – malaysia ginseng, which also recovers disorders erectile function by increasing blood flow to the tissues of the penis. In addition, the plant increases the volume of semen in men and the level of libido.
The pills and dietary Supplements to enhance the penis
Increase the sexual organ at home, you can also with the help of medicines that can be synthetic and natural (dietary supplements). The mechanism of their action is most often to strengthen the blood circulation and the blood circulation in the tissues of the penis, which increases its natural way.
Chinese the pill is the most popular today is the medicine to increase the penis, the main component of which is the chinese ginseng. This substance increases the endurance of the body and the functions of protection, increases the tone of the tissues and of the skin, and also improves the blood circulation. Through the course of the application of the cumulative effect contributes to the increase of the authority.
Supplements – drug based on plant elements and vitamins, is better to apply in conjunction with other methods.
Good food supplements containing the following active substances:
- The wheat germ oil – this product contains selenium and zinc, materials of construction of the synthesis of testosterone.
- Vitamin E isan antioxidant important substance for men's reproductive health, the impact on the elasticity and the extensibility of the tissues of the penis and improves the potency and libido.
- Pumpkin seeds contain zinc, and are essential for the regulator of the function of reproduction.
Other penis enlargement methods
Change the volume and length of the penis is also possible with the help of nozzles, the special pump and multiplier.
This device looks like a pump, the operating principle is ensuring the strengthening of the power of the erection and the improvement of the quality of the sexual life of men in addition to the increase of the size of the organ. But the most important thing is that the pump helps a man achieve an erection even with erectile dysfunction vacuum that makes the blood reaching the cavernous body.
Apply the vacuum pump to need the following:
- member coated with cream, after which injected in the cylinder of the device;
- from a cylinder is pumped out the air, causing a pressure on the authority;
- the pressure improves the blood flow, which increases the length and thickness of the penis;
- integrated pressure gauge regulates the pressure on the body;
- use the pump to need before the sexual act.
A result that promises of the pump, in fact temporary, so it is used men with erectile dysfunction and of small dimensions, such as an auxiliary device.
They allow
Expander is a special design, which set the sex to the competent authority for the increase of its length and thickness, as well as for the elimination of the curvature. Its operating principle lies in the high tension of the tissues and prolonged exposure. Thanks to this, the cells in the corpora cavernosa start to divide and develop.
Extender is the only device that has a therapeutic outcome. Doctors approve its application for the alignment of the authority and of the increase of its size. It has been used under the control of a specialist, because the method involves a high risk of injury.
They allow you are several types – loop, vacuum and back. The most comfortable and efficient are back and the void of the special tool, in a loop, there are much lower. Use the special tool should every day several hours, as soon as the authority is accustomed to the stretching, a stretching press for the new opening.
Products for the big member
Nutrition plays an important role in the maintenance of good health and the proper functioning of the sexuality of men. To increase size of penis naturally you need to include in your diet for the following products:
- The watermelon , the components of bay enhance the blood circulation, including the circulation of blood in the tissues of the penis.
- Protein – protein is responsible in the level of testosterone, and the growth of the muscular tissue, this means that men need to regularly consume protein-rich foods, in particular meat, white cheese, eggs and milk.
- Nuts and seeds are a source of large amount of nutrients, vitamins, which increase the synthesis of testosterone.
- Seafood – especially oysters, are considered aphrodisiac, contain necessary to mankind in zinc, which increases testosterone levels and their sex capabilities.
- The greens – particularly spinach, the celery, the persil, which also increase testosterone and the promotion of health in general.
Good sexual stimulants are considered vegetable oils, herbal teas as well as dark chocolate, berries, fruit and vegetables, pumpkin seeds.
In fact the increase of the size of the penis at home without the intervention and help of doctors is not a myth, but a reality, and the earnings per a ordinary hard work. A man must pick-up services methods of those that have been described in the article, after which systematically follow all the recommendations, monitor their daily menu and the way of living, getting rid of bad habits. Do not count on the speed and impressive results, since the gain of a member of more than 3-4 cm to the available options, may not give the plastic surgery, but not of conservative means.