However, the testimonies of the men show that with the help of exercises and training penis is even possible. Folk remedies for the penis qualitatively different from those offered by the manufacturers of different medications, and special stretchers.
In the special composition of herbal infusions and decoctions comprise only natural components, that are not detrimental to organs of detoxification. In the ticket today regarded as the most reliable means to enhance the phallus, with the help of which you can change the diameter and the length of the penis, as well as strengthen erections.
Expert advice

Perhaps if the increase of the penis folk remedies? The specialists in the field of reproductive medicine and andrology course that the most effective way of correction of the size of reproductive authority is in plastic. But they do not exclude the possibility of using other means to thickening and elongation of the male member.
As it turned out, even with the help of decoctions and infusions herbal and some products may be a penis of about 2-3 to see it To understand why this happens, you must take into account of some features of the structure and functioning of the male genitalia.
The penis is composed of muscle tissue, cancellous bone structures (corpora cavernosa), and blood vessels. During the period of puberty in a boy's body begins to appear a large number of male hormones, stimulate the development of reproductive authority. In turn, a lack of testosterone in the blood negatively affects the growth of tissues, in consequence of which the parameters of the phallus undergo minor changes. But if in adulthood over a long period of time using growth promoters, with time, this will inevitably lead to the lengthening and thickening of the penis.
Traditional medicine offers several effective ways of correction of the volume and length of the penis. Manual therapy focused on the improvement of the microcirculation of the blood in the region of the groin, through which retrieves trophic tissues. The acceleration of the process of exchange and mechanical stretching of the penis involves the formation of new elements in the tissue in the corpora cavernosa. And this, in turn, with time, leads to the lengthening and thickening of the authority of childbearing age.
Ways of penis enlargement
In the opinion of experienced men, an increase of member of means of the population in the most simple and safest method of correction of penis sizes. The effectiveness of the therapy depends on the regularity of the use of other stimulants of the growth. More and more popular and effective methods of penis enlargement are the following:
- the herbal medicine;
- suspension of the goods;
- chiropractic (self-massage);
- empty depression;
- eating a healthy diet.
To get the desired effect, it is recommended to combine several methods of correction of the penis. It is advisable to listen to the advice of experienced men, and to follow the rules of care of physiotherapy.
It should be understood that the incorrect execution of the exercise is fraught with disorder of the circulation in the penis, and tissue damage.
As a result, this can lead to sexual disorders or a decrease in the sensitivity of the head of the phallus.
Centers exercises that increase the penis, but only in the ordinary case of manual therapy. When a course is to stretch the fabric of the tunic that surrounds the corpora cavernosa. With time, gaps are filled by new elements of structure, which increases and the length and diameter of the trunk of a member.
Before enlarging the penis through exercises, it is desirable to preheat the fabric in the area of the groin, to increase their elasticity. For this, you can use bags filled with warm salt hot compress. By improving the blood circulation, you can safely stretch the fabric, without the fear of damage. In the time of self massage, it is recommended to move on to the next series of exercises:
- the hand behind the head of the phallus, the pull to the right, after a brief stay in position for 1 minute;
- similarly, extend the sexual organ to the left;
- enter a member of the foundation;
- the slow movement direct force the blood towards the head of the penis;
- repeat the exercise at least 10-15 times, and then crush the penis to restore blood flow in it.
To improve the slip of the fingers on the trunk of a phallus, apply a small amount of massage oil or vaseline.
Doing exercises of penis enlargement, you must listen to your body. During the self-massage in the member should not result in discomfort and pain. To extend the phallus of 3-4 cm, make the massage is not less than 3 times per day for a period of six months.
Herbal medicine
Popular practitioner contains no less than 100 different receptors of the preparation of decoctions and infusions, with the help of which you can increase and the length and diameter of reproductive authority. As affirmed by the supporters of the traditional medicine, herbal infusions is a beneficial effect on erectile function and stimulate the production in the body of male hormones. To be sure to increase the member, using specific tools, as a raw material for the preparation of herbal teas, it is recommended to use the following grasses:
- ginseng root – prevents the synthesis of cortisol, which inhibits the production in the body of male hormones.
- tribulus – stimulates the production in the body specific hormones that contribute to the release into the blood of the testosterone;
- wormwood – tones the blood vessels, which increases the hyperemia of the penis during the erection;
- ginger root – decreases in the body cholesterol and prevents clogging of the dorsal artery special pads;
- the juice of aloe – normalizes metabolic processes in tissues, resulting from the acceleration of the process of formation of new structural units in the erectile tissue.
It is important! Before using the national average, please consult your doctor, because some plants can cause allergic reactions and nausea.
With the help of remedies, you can not only affect the parameters of reproductive authority, but to improve male fertility. In addition, using the traditional recipes of cooking bio-stimulators, it is possible to influence the power of an erection right before the sexual act. Herbal tea, increase sexual stamina and to stimulate the maximum filling of the corpora cavernosa of the blood.
Empty depression

By what means you can quickly increase the volume of the phallus? Vacuum treatment is the most reliable and the most effective means of increasing reproductive authority. Traditionally, for the thickening of the trunk of the penis use what is called the vacuum pump. The bulk of their work is the creation of low pressure around the sexual organ, in consequence of which in the fabric literally "driven" a large amount of blood. Thus the stretching of the corpora cavernosa in a member, through its diameter increases 1-2 see
Do this kind of the vacuum pump may be ways to fortune. Taking advantage of the advice of men, such as a vacuum pump, you can easily use glass jars. "Work," they are on the principle of the health of the cans, with the help of the combustion of the wick is expelled from the party razogretogo of the air. This in turn leads to a decrease of the air pressure inside of the tank. A popular method can be used not only for the treatment of colds, but in order to increase the volume of the penis.
To use the banks to enlarge the penis, you must do the following:
- wash the pot of 1 litre in soapy water;
- soak them in alcohol a small piece of cotton wool;
- the cotton throw on the bottom of the banks;
- enter in the hole of the banks penis;
- press firmly on the pot to the pubic region.
In a few seconds, the piece of cotton off, and dolled the air it cools and begins to shrink. The atmospheric pressure will be lower than the environment. In this regard, the tissues of the penis quickly begin to fill with blood, causing a stretching cavernous phone Using the traditional methods of penis enlargement, you can't forget his own safety. To avoid injury of the tissue, targeting only a small piece of batting. In the opposite case, does not exclude the occurrence of burns on the surface of the sexual organ.
Suspension of the cargo
The suspension of the charge – the most simple and effective popular of the method of elongation of the phallus. As a weight it is recommended to use bottles filled with water. Before lifting the load, you need to preheat the tissue of the sexual organ of those means, which have been described above. During the year it is necessary to strictly observe the following rules:
- ideally located on the edge of the bed, a little, legs apart;
- wrap the trunk of a member in the area of the elastic head;
- set-bint pin elastic;
- type in a bottle of ordinary water;
- one end of the rope attach it too close to the neck, and the second metal yoke;
- attach the clamp on the top of the band lastique and stand up slowly; and stretch the member has not more than 10-15 minutes per day.
According to the observations of the practice, the means of penis enlargement are less effective than traditional methods, which are recognized by modern medicine. However, by increasing the member of folk methods, you do not risk damaging their health, what can we say about the use of hormonal drugs and food supplements of dubious quality.
The tool of penis enlargement
If a man needs a tool for penis enlargement, it is not necessary to worry: the drugs will produce a lot of resources, capable of really changing the dimensions, in the absence of the transaction. You only want to pick up the medication with no contra-indications to adapt it to the peculiarities of your body.
Pills and drugs
To resolve the problem of weak erection of the manhood, of different pills, as well as other of all sorts of medicines which are contributing to the increase of the penis in all directions.
It is important! In addition to the destiny of these means to increase libido, eliminate the likelihood of the premature ejaculation, are guaranteed to provide sensitive long erection.
In the search for solutions to the challenges that you have to understand, what are the ways to increase a member, without causing side effects. Look carefully at the ointments produced as the natural, as well as a synthetic base.
Although the industry produces many creams for the correction of the dimensions of the penis, far from being for each vehicle safely and effectively. In analyzing the comments of the men, we've compiled a list consisting of the best ways in this category. Some provide a temporary effect, others have a long-lasting effect, but require regular use.
Using the cream is very simple: first read the instructions, decide it is up to you dosage, and then apply a quantity on the body of the penis and perform movements as in the massage, allow you to rub the cream for the skin. Hurry it is not necessary to follow the careful and flowing movements, but intense. Thanks to this, the member will not be injured, the active components of the cream qualitatively penetrated its tissues.
Almost all the gels are designed to increase the dimensions of the manhood, are a composition of ingredients. They contain different ingredients warming is a tonic effect. The concentration of their minimal, because a strong action is able to cause complications in the form of edema, rash, tingling and burning. Use of gels necessary, in strict accordance with the instructions.
To ensure the increase of the dimensions of child-bearing of the authority recommend the use of the subcutaneous injection. Distributed both of these options of penis enlargement:
- the use of hyaluronic acid;
- lipo-filling.
Consider the result of each option of this manipulation.
Hyaluronic acid
Such an injection, the procedure provides an introduction under the skin of the penis special loads, the base being of the hyaluronic acid. These materials are fully compatible with tissue.
One such method to increase the dimensions of the manhood is very convenient, since it does not require hospitalization and general anesthesia. Shorter recovery period, at the end of a few days, the man is able to lead regular sexual life, then to expect a permanent effect should not be.

If the man is afraid to enter under the skin of the penis synthetic materials, completely different methodology – lipo-filling. The increase of the body is achieved through the introduction under the skin of a member of his or her own fat body, extracted from the other part of your male body. Undoubted merit of such a procedure, – the constancy relative to the effect and the safety.
Folk remedies
A lot of effective tools to offer and alternative medicine for the growth of manhood:
- Thyme. The plant must be crushed, then mix well and let macerate. Use the ready-to-tool should be four months, drinking his fasting and before bedtime.
- Garlic. Pour the alcohol chopped finely cloves, mix thoroughly the composition, leave it for maceration of ten days. Then drink all day at 25 drops of the tincture of 3 months.
- The seeds of absinthe. You need to fill it with water, then boil for 10 minutes, drain. After cooling drink the liquid.
- The leaves of ginkgo, hawthorn and ginseng. Prepare a decoction of these components, rub daily into the penis.
- Butter, shredded asparagus and milk, mix to combine, in a liquid, add a bit of turnip and carrot seeds, place the ability on the fire, pending the acquisition of the thick consistency. Received an ointment to massage into the skin of a member.
It is the most popular recipes alternative therapy, which can increase the genital organs of men. But the possibilities of herbal treatments are endless, you can choose a effective broth prepared from medicinal plants.