The penis is the organ receptive. The reduce in size, you can in a period of some two months. Are you surprised by this information? For this, it suffices to use narrow in the diameter of the means of sexual satisfaction: whether it's a girl or a tablet at hand.
First of all, you need to decide on the average size of the penis, make the critical to take it to her. It is 13 to 16 cm in length and 3 in diameter for the representatives of the breed caucasian. If the amount of your warrior fits into this framework – it should be well thought before turning to the following procedures.
How to increase the dick in the house?

Then, how to increase the member of the house? The most effective are:
- jelcing;
- massage;
- they allow;
- traction loads;
- gels, medication, vacuum pump, are less effective, applicable in the whole with the main methods.
The most important thing that you need to know at the beginning of the training of the increase of the member: momentary the result that you get. And more, when you have finished to perform regular workouts, you can lose all the achievements in resisting the strengthening of the dignity.
Let's look at how to increase the dick in the house, and on the basis of the known methodology.
Jelcing. How does it work?
The principle of a capacity of inches using made is universal for all massage methods, this fine sphere. It is based on the stretching of the corpora cavernosa, which are the structure of the penis. The increase of their diameter increases the volume of blood, their fill during an erection. And this, in turn, means the multiplication of the size of the addition to her majesty, the penis.
Jelcing. Exercise 1
How to increase member at home with the help made? First of all, cavernous body, heat to improve elasticity. To do this, you must make them warm at the stove cooking salt or any croup. Pour the contents of the pot in a sock (of course, clean and dry, and not the one that was on one of the feet at this point), we apply directly to a member. You have to try to heat the whole surface of a member, in distributing the contents of the improvised heats evenly.
After that, we proceed to milk — it is and translates the word "jelcing". First of all, imagine something spicy, that can excite our hero. Zealous should not be: we only need 40 to 50 years as a percentage of the erection. This is necessary to finance a portion of filling specific structures of blood, from which they will be stretched during the implementation of the mechanical action on the member.
Then, process the penis is a lubricant to reduce the irritation of her soft skin.
Now, gripping her at the base folded in a ring tight to the fingers, these same "ring", the tnc moves the blood to the head, exerting slight along his member. The density of the compression of the fingers is determined individually, on the basis of sensations: the pain should not be, but the voltage needs to be high. The movement should be slow (up to 35 seconds), with a bit of pulling down. The head does not touch. Repeat the exercise.
The direction of the movement, you need to modify: down, left, right, up.
The duration of the procedure in the first time is preferable to limit the 40-50-yu approaches. In the future, it is recommended to increase their number to two hundred-three hundred. Become pros made the representatives of the stronger sex license and five hundred exercises in the day!
Exercise 2
This exercise stretches the cave of the organization through the increase of the pressure. To do this, take a member of the set of the surface of the palm of your hand, we ralisons compression, retain at least ten seconds. If the palm of the hand does not cover the entire surface of the "preux", is allowed the use of the second. Compressible without bigotry, so as not to hurt the blood vessels and the specificity of the structures. Delay a member of this destination.
With a good record of due process and the exercises in the massage, the result is able to surprise even the owner's extended penis. A minimum of 2 inches of gain for one month of classes can be expected. The combination with other methods increases the effectiveness of the activity.
How to increase a member extender
One of the most effective means of penis enlargement — the use of the machine with an incomprehensible name "extender".
Seems like the two rings are connected between them by sliding doors in metal or plastic to the terminals. Setting a member of a ring at the base, while others – the head of the "fighter", regularly to increase the distance between them by increasing the length of the rods, wear constantly, in the course of the month. Because of the ease and character strings extender to wear it does not cause discomfort. Derive call an erection, stopwatch. Tangible results: the three inches of increased length. Set, we bring more away.
Extender. The principle of action

How to increase a member to the house using a multiplier? Tensioned member between the rings actually stretch its structure, and causes an increase in the growth of the tissue, so that the body is trying to get rid of uncomfortable for him voltage, initiating the growth of the cells to compensate for the scarcity of tissue. Brilliant – easy.
The honors of the enlargement of the penis extender of all other methods is guaranteed and timeless result. In other words, the powerful dimensions "athlete" will remain forever.
There are several types of extensions:
- empty;
- the beltline;
- and other
The most comfortable are considered to be under vacuum and the back they allow, in a loop, the same benefit from the highest popularity due to lower cost, in spite of the pain. Each sovereign phallus choose, how to increase the penis according to your own deductions. Buy this space, you can in the stores, as well as in all the sex-shop in the country.
The same principle, but it's free
On the basis of this same principle works traction member loads that add to it. The effectiveness is not important because of the more rarely events with the extender.
The head of the penis it is necessary to attach a strip of plaster secured with a strap. At the end of yaw is related to load: small first, with time and the increasing number of procedures. The event is best done in a sitting position, not more than fifteen minutes for the first session. Then the duration of the exercise and the gravity of the cargo is gradually increased. And don't let the numbness of the head! Remove regularly the tape, allowing the boyfriend to relax.
Penis enlargement by drugs, gels and ointments
Is it really? How can you increase the dick with the ointment? In general, you can't. The principle of their action is extremely simplistic: the strengthening of influx of blood to the sex and to the authority. Does not work for more than two hours, with a few exceptions. The increase in the small member it does.
And with drugs, a little more effective than the gels, you need to be vigilant. They are based on the production of hormones. It is fraught with unpleasant consequences. In addition, these drugs can lead to hyper - sexuality. Itself is not very bad, but in the context of hormonal disorders can give a lot of trouble.