Maintain the indicators of health, not only in a timely manner by using drugs. The recipes of traditional medicine suggest that st. john's wort for power is an indispensable therapeutic and prophylactic. This plant is known as an assistant in many areas of medicine, ranging from HOSPITAL-acquired infections, colds and illnesses, ending with issues of men's health. The st. john's wort is widely used for the treatment of several other diseases, because it has good anti-inflammatory properties, is actively used for the treatment of cystitis, or the different stages of gastritis. The plant is also used as a natural relaxing, in a positive manner is reflected on the indicators of the power.

The use of st. john's wort for the power
According to experts, the st. john's wort impact on the power is positive, because it has a number of properties that solve a lot of problems in the body. It is known that the disturbances in the activities of organ systems or reduced strength and endurance, which are necessary for the stability of the activity, in particular to maintain the good performance of the power. Because st. john's wort – a plant, the negative impact on the body do not occur in 90% of cases. An exception – the presence of the man of an allergic reaction to this plant.
It is essential that st. john's wort for the power of men, because, penetrating into the body, it makes the normalization of the functions of the urinary tract, which leads to a strengthening of the erection. For the impact in the health care or for the purposes of prevention used fresh or dried the herb st. john's wort, for the power it will be effective. The popularity of the tool related to the fact that it contains substances mild organ effects and contra-indications to the use of virtually no, therefore 99% of risk of occurrence of side effects. Also, st. john's wort for an erection is also beneficial because it neutralizes effectively the consequences of prostatitis. The libido increases just a few days after the beginning of the use of preparations of st. john's wort.
The composition and properties of st. john's wort
The positive impact of the st. john's wort on the power of men due to its composition, and a wide range of effects. The main properties of the plant:
- tonic;
- antidepressant;
- antibacterial.
In 90% of cases, the st. john's wort to improve the male sexual potency , is used as a tincture or decoction. The plant perfectly removes various inflammatory diseases and the processes that occur in the genito-urinary system and other organs. Struggling with the manifestations of the sexual weakness and impotence. Also revealed that st. john's wort affects the power of men, in a positive way, as a vasodilator of the action. While useful for solving a particular problem defined properties used in its composition of substances, among which the main are:
Quercetin – the main component, working against the diseases of the prostate. It is capable of the rapid removal of the inflammatory processes induced on the tissue, eliminate appeared swelling. Also a component leads to the normal process indicators of the microcirculation of blood and reduces the risk of malignant tumors.
Flavonoids – all of these substances also have an impact on the circulation of the blood, the normalization of all the biochemical processes. In addition, they have a vasodilator, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects, which increases the strength of the body and improves resistance to infections and viruses.
Procyanidin – component has pronounced vasodilator action, so the st. john's wort affects the power is positive. Also, the presence of this substance in the composition of the plant allows to achieve an acceleration of the healing process of tissues. Because the substance has the property to increase the sensitivity and the influence on the excitability of the nerves, better visible after a few days of using the herb.
The hypericin – this substance is a pigment which has a number of minerals for the body qualities, the depression, and has antimicrobial impact. Also, the properties provided by the component – antiviral and anti-microbial impact. All these qualities allow st. john's wort strengthen the natural forces of the body to fight against different, including farms types of infections.
Positively works st. john's wort impotence or other erection difficulties, as well as in the composition of the plant advanced includes:
- minerals and vitamins, among which PP, E, S.
- the tannins.
- the essential oils.
- quercetin (relieves swelling and inflammation, has expressed antioxidant effects).
- organic of nicotinic acid.
- the choline.
- the presence of carotenoids.
Also, st. john's wort contains zinc and is a major producer of the substance in diseases of the genito-urinary system, having a beneficial effect on the strength and magnesium, which supports a normal level the work of the heart and blood vessels. Advanced of the plant is a source important for the blood, blood vessels and muscles of the components, calcium, potassium, iron, and manganese.

The good, the bad and the contraindications of st. john's wort for men
The plant st. john's wort, and power among men are the subject of controversy and doubt. That is affected by the st. john's wort on the male power well, indicates the factor rich the chemical composition of the plant, which defines a wide range of actions. The grass, as in dried and fresh has the curative effect, improves the general condition of the body, strengthens its. The use is expressed in the fight against diseases of the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, respiratory and GASTRO-intestinal tract, improve the functioning of the organs of hematopoiesis because of this, when their admission is reached-resistant positive dynamic.
For those who are faced with an interesting problem, affects of the herb st. john's wort on male potency a negative, is it wrong to take it. Learn how does st. john's wort on the male power in the case, will help you to contact a professional, because each case is different. It is important to take into account several things, to avoid the evils of the use for therapeutic purposes for this plant:
- in some cases, may be the premature end of the sexual act.
- occurs a high excitability (long term consumption).
- occurs the hair growth.
- increases the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands, to the formation of acne.
Such events may occur in case of improper or prolonged for the reception of the grass, therefore, it is necessary to know in advance how to drink st. john's wort for power, in order to avoid protests.
It is important! The macérat of st. john's wort for the power can be prohibited if there are counter-indications to the use of the plant.
These include:
- an ulcer in the stomach.
- the duodenal ulcer.
- serious heart and vascular diseases.
- an individual intolerance of the plant or of one of its components.
This is why it is recommended before commencing the application of herbal products to consult a doctor.
The effect of st. john's wort on the power and the erection of men
If the man asked for a doctor, after examination, he will explain to you the impact of wort on the male power, given the individual characteristics of the organism. In general, the plant has a beneficial effect, acting as a natural aphrodisiac. It gently removes the sexual tension, increases libido, sensitivity, and stimulates the manifestation of erection.
It is estimated that the st. john's wort decreases the power – this can happen, but only in case of violation of admission rules. Problems can occur when the dose is significantly exceeded or poor reception too long.
Recipes of st. john's wort to improve erection
The st. john's wort for the power of men – of recipesthat will help you achieve positive changes.
The macérat of st. john's wort on the water. For cooking, there should be:
- Dried herb – 1 tbsp
- Water (boiling) – 250 ml
How to make the st. john's wort for the power: in a deep capacity to mix the ingredients, leave to cool. How to take st. john's wort for power: once the infusion reaches room temperature, it should be drunk as a tea or any other drink. The course is 2 weeks of rehearsals in a period of 2-3 days.
The tincture of st. john's wort for the power of the alcohol assumes that will be used:
- Shredded grass – 100 g
- Vodka (or to the dilution of the alcohol) – 0,5 l.
For cooking, it should be in-depth, the ability to mix the ingredients and give them a rest for 7-10 days. After that, the st. john's wort for the men of influence on the power applies to 35 drops in a period of 14 days. You can, after the passing of the exchange rate to give your body rest for 1 month, then repeat a impact.

The comments of doctors and men: st. john's wort to improve the power
St. john's wort, and power have always been an interesting topic for discussion in an environment of specialists and those who have encountered specific problems. There are different opinions, such as st. john's wort affects the power, a lot of sharing their own experience of the use of, or the expectation of the council of physicians, who invites, such as st. john's wort affects the power of men.
The plant st. john's wort for the power of the comments of the experts – the doctors advise to apply it gently. You must not use infusions, herbal teas or teas with this component, without pre-diagnosis, because the root cause of the problem may be more serious than think the patient.
St. john's wort, of the power of the comments of the men, 90% of those who have tasted of the therapeutic this natural ingredient, the point on the positive changes in your body. They are expressed in the strengthening or normalisation of sexual activity, batista endurance and strengthening the body.
Therefore, the st. john's wort and the power of comments on the report that indicate a positive development in most of the cases, are closely related – in case of problems, it is necessary to pass a diagnosis, then changes the reception of the plant.